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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Ends up "Happy Holidays from Channel 4" - yeah, I know the one you're talking about. If they still air it, shouldn't be a problem to catch it on tape. What format - video, or just the audio?
  2. Meanie. Happy BD PW86, and we'll see you and RR next month!
  3. As already noted: Joe Burns never played in NFL Europe. The guy who did - Ken Simonton (who won the Offensive MVP over there, IIRC) - is currently out of the league. And if y'all would be happy with Joe Burns as your starter if anything happened to Willis, I want some of what you're smoking. Personally, I'm still shocked he survived the final cutdown in training camp.
  4. I liked Ford's Jack Ryan, but then, I'm madly biased concerning most of what he's done. (The action-adventure roles, anyway - actually haven't seen many of his 'lighter' movies. Y'all might've guessed, I'm not the 'chick-flick' type.) As far as Affleck's run in "Sum of All Fears" goes, or anything else about that film, I wouldn't know. Once I read what they'd done with the script, I saw no point to wasting money on the movie. I'll be curious to see whether they attempt any more Ryan movies. Cardinal of the Kremlin is dated, and there's no way in hell the end of Debt of Honor gets filmed now....
  5. Why do you guys still bother? I gave up on Wys a long time ago....
  6. Not only a non-standard jersey (note the lack of any manufacturer's logo on the sleeve), but it's not even a decent imitation of the 1990-2002 model - the sleeve stripes are closer to a '90s Giants shirt. The auto may well be PSA certified, but nobody who knows Bills shirts would sign off on that jersey. My guess is, McGahee signed some number 2s -- remember, that's the number he wore during training camp 2003 -- and somebody stitched together a jersey to match it. The matte/frame job might be nice, but the first thing I'd do with it is rip it apart and put a better-looking jersey inside. Just my opinion.... but hey, somebody bought it, so apparently they're happy with the end result. Also: take a look at the seller's other auctions. In particular, this one for a Thurman Thomas jersey. Same deal - Thurman apparently signed some tackle-twill #4s, then someone put together a jersey with them. (They shouldn't have given him sans-serif numbers to sign, though. That looks really bad.) Note to future Bills-jersey constructors: Buffalo might have used sans-serif numerals on the jerseys they wore with the silver helmets, but certainly not in any season after 1962.
  7. And that was after they punted with 6 minutes and change left, down 14, with only 1 timeout remaining. Shhhh... SuperGenius at work.....
  8. udonkey, the Montgomery Inn is highly recommended to me by family in the area. (Bengals season-ticket holders, in fact.) In your opinion - how insanely busy would it be on a Saturday before a home game, and would it still be worth the trouble?
  9. Which they'll manage to screw up again. John Avery, anyone? Jamar Fletcher? Yatil Green? Do you realize that other than this year's #1 (Vernon Carey), Tim Bowens is the only other first-round Miami pick still on their roster? That's just amazing. Or pathetic. Or something. Thanks for playing, Fish-for-brains......
  10. Gotta love the Lambs - 4-0 in that horrid division, 1-6 outside it.
  11. No he isn't. He's a SuperGenius. My best friend is a Rams fan. He's actually to the point of hoping they lose the rest of their games this year, just so they can get rid of MadMike.....
  12. Ohhhhhhhhh yes he did - some kid by the name of Kevin Stemke is punting for them tonight. Rams give Landeta the boot, bring in Stemke I ended up sitting up in the club seats last week, so I can't confirm or deny that. But here's the original thread from the Rams board... believe it or don't, probably no proof one way or the other: http://forums.stltoday.com/viewtopic.php?t=212752 While I'm on a link-hunt, you might enjoy this one as well.... In sizing up Rams, buck must stop at Martz's desk - Bernie Miklasz, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
  13. I'll seriously consider making the trip out to Canton when Favre goes into the HoF, even if nobody from Buffalo gets in that year... and he's the only non-Bill I can think of who I'd say that about.
  14. Yup, Mike Martz (SuperGenius) decided the primary scapegoat for the Buffalo loss should be...... Sean Landeta. Must be there wasn't a mirror handy. I've been wanting to quote this Dave Staba column all week; here's my chance: I read (on a Rams board) that April was blowing kisses in the general direction of Martz after Clements' TD return. I only hope that was true.....
  15. Oh MAN, they were dreadful, weren't they? If Jamal Anderson's hoping to make a second career out of broadcasting, I hope he saved a lot of money from his football days. The guys who do the local high school games are better than he was.....
  16. WTF is this doing on page 2? Nice post, AD.
  17. Said it before, I'll say it again - don't you dare send him to Olean. We can muster up more than enough negativity of our own without his help, thank you very much. When someone connected with the Final Four team comes up to you after the home opener and says "Worst coach EVER", well.... From the time we met in the Reilly Center the day of the cancelled Dayton game, we knew it was going to be an uphill climb back to respectability. That's not making this season any easier to watch, though. And Syracuse Wednesday night, in their house? Hide the women and children. You'd know the answer to this, Greg - does NCAA basketball have a "mercy rule"? On a related note: I had to do a little detective work to find it on their website, but Bob DiCesare had a good commentary in today's Buffalo News. Just a reminder that there can be light at the end of the tunnel: Witherspoon's wisdom helps Solomon cope
  18. My sentiments exactly. This Bob Costas quote is about the current state of sports talk radio, but it could also easily apply here... or on most "fan" messageboards, for that matter:
  19. Yay Wildcats! I've been following them ever since a couple of local kids went to school up there. (I've still got a stack of newspapers around here somewhere from Jim Stayer's senior season...)
  20. I don't know about the logistics of doing a Webcast (as in one of your previous suggestions), but I'd imagine the TBD chat room is there for the taking. Didn't we used to do that with Lary Bump and Mike Doser, back when we were hooked up with Shout! magazine? (I definitely remember the separate "Ask the Shout! Staff" board Scott set up back then, and I *think* they made some appearances in the chatroom as well.) Maybe even talk someone like Jeff Morrison, or some of the guys from GR, into dropping by occasionally. Go for it, Promo.
  21. And on an INT return, just about anything can happen. (Sapp on Clifton comes to mind, as do various QBs getting ear-holed.) Agree, though, Tucker does have that rep. Sure ticked Gibson off to spark that melee during camp... Re: Nate/Holt, I thought that was a BS comeback by Torry. What, you weren't trying to blow up his knee, you were only trying to break his leg? And you were surprised he decided to retaliate in kind?
  22. Aw, don't be pickin' on AD like that. Even if he did almost start a riot on the bus on the Canton trip....
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