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Everything posted by Lori

  1. UPDATE: Breaking News from WGRZ.com (as reported on KFFL)....... This sounds strangely familiar. Anyone else hear anything about this?
  2. *raises glass to honor one of the all-time greats* ESPN tribute ESPN did a feature on him about a month ago. I was surprised - and saddened - not just by his physical debilitation, but by this:
  3. Oh - is that how it's supposed to work ?!? Who knew? Happy Birthday, Tom!
  4. I don't visit the bb.com boards... but more likely, they don't want people putting ANY ebay auctions on their site. As for the Losman piece - not a horrible job, I suppose. But we already know the throwbacks are based on the '65 jerseys, not the '61-'63 model shown there.
  5. Recent season ticket sales at Rich / RWS: 1988: 40,117* 1989: 47,865* 1990: 46,037* 1991: 54,604* 1992: 57,132* 1993: 53,004* 1994: 44,009 1995: 40.806 1996: 41,504 1997: 35,608 1998: 31,141 1999: 37,597 2000: 36,501 2001: 36,354 2002: 37,867 2003: 43,416 * = led NFL in attendance I don't have the number for 2004 yet, but expect it to be similar to 2003. Thanks mostly to having to host the Cardinals last year, though, overall attendance actually dipped approximately 10k from the year before. The "Rockpile" section was a great idea, since those seats are always the last to sell. If they're already at 43k, I expect the final number to be at LEAST 47-48,000 for the first time since the Super Bowl run ended.
  6. Well.... we know they already have them, so they can start selling them Saturday. Dunno about the '48 hours' part, but if they sent a confirmation, you'd think it SHOULD be arriving sometime next week ...
  7. My unqualified guess is, the game in San Diego HAS to be a 'throwback' game - Bills wearing the standing buffalo, Chargers in their powder blues, in a 40th-anniversary rematch of the 1965 AFL Championship. Now, if we could just recreate Balboa Stadium...
  8. What he said. Nah, I'll be a bit more long-winded than that - easy to do, since I'm just ripping off an earlier quote of mine from the last time this was discussed: Wall of Fame poll
  9. Nice work, TBD detective staff..... Also, please note - the 'third jersey' WILL be available for customization.
  10. "NO DISASSEMBLE !! NO DISASSEMBLE !!!" Couldn't help but giggle when I heard that soundbite..... I won't pick on GWB for 'nu-cu-lar', though - that's exactly how my old high school chemistry teacher pronounced it. (Not saying it's correct, just saying I'm used to it by now...)
  11. Heck yeah. I mean, those other ones didn't have Van in them! As to the Longest Yard redux - here's a different view from the BostonSportsGuy...
  12. I'll be there; in fact, since I haven't heard back on my upgrade request, I may just wander into Select-a-Seat that morning. I wonder about the parking situation, though. Seems like I read somewhere the ECC lots will be the only ones open? Doesn't say anything one way or the other on bb.com.
  13. Actually, Chris, I'd argue that the definition of the word "gulag" should PRECISELY be defined by the Soviet version - considering that's where the word (acronym, actually) came from in the first place. What little smidgen of Russian I once knew has long since retreated into a deep, dark corner of my brain... but this link looks correct: Gulag, according to wikipedia To your second aside: Solzhenitsyn is certainly a fascinating man to study. One wonders what path he would have followed if Stalin hadn't gone overboard... ...and an aside of my own: isn't it marvelous that we can agree to disagree, without Beria's thugs knocking on either of our doors in the middle of the night?
  14. I hate that entire swath of humanity. Nothing good will ever come out of it. 346302[/snapback] Look at it this way - it's just about as intelligent as Patriots/Red Sox fans chanting "Yankees suck!!" at a Bills-Pats game. It's just what they DO. :shrugs:
  15. Been a while for me; I read it in high school. (Along with One Day in the Life...., Salisbury's The 900 Days, Mein Kampf.....) Heh. Wonder if my high school library even HAS any of those books any more.
  16. Thanks (I think), but I've spent some quality(?) time here in the past. Still recovering from the last visit, in fact.....
  17. Whichever fool came up with the "gulag of our time" line in that report needs to read this book. All of it, if they can stomach it.
  18. You're assuming the playbook is the same as last year's, even though Mularkey and Clements have a speedy new QB to scheme around. That may be a dangerous assumption. Besides - we ragged on Travis for missing OTAs last year, and I'm an equal-opportunity basher...
  19. The Todd Marinovich story has been well-documented: Marinovich saga fails to go by script; USA Today 2001
  20. And congratulations to them for doing so. Obviously, then, TD didn't want to keep Price, Jennings, or Williams around for the $$$ it would have taken to resign them. (Let's throw in Antoine Winfield here, too.) But of those four, Pat W. was the only one who sounded even remotely interested in staying in Buffalo; the other three were all actively looking to get out of town well before their contracts expired. Why is this important? "Unlike ex-Bills CB Antoine Winfield, who couldn’t wait to leave Buffalo, we hear that CB Nate Clements loves Buffalo and will definitely listen to the Bills when it comes time to extend his contract." source:Pro Football Weekly TD talked about re-doing Clements' contract back in March. Reported by KFFL, sourced from buffalobills.com. During the same period of time that Price, Winfield, Williams, and Jennings left town in search of better $$$$, here's some of what Donahoe did with the Bills' checkbook: -London Fletcher: 5-year, $15.925m contract, $4m signing bonus -Lawyer Milloy: 4-year, $15m contract, $5m signing bonus -Eric Moulds (2001): 6-year, $40m contract, $12.5m signing bonus -Aaron Schobel: 5-year, $23m extension, $6.75m signing bonus -Takeo Spikes: 6-year, $32m contract, $9m signing bonus -Troy Vincent: 6-year, $20m contract, $3.6m signing bonus No 'lowballs' there, when compared position-by-position to players around the league. Donahoe will spend Ralph's money when he feels like it; obviously, he didn't feel like it in the cases of PPrice/Jennings/Williams. We'll have to wait and see how his latest decisions impact the team... but on the other hand, I'd rather not see TD fall into the John Butler trap of handing out 8-figure contracts to practically everyone on the team, either.
  21. No GM in their right mind would've given Peerless the contract he wanted. The Falcons did... and that's one reason why the Falcons now have a different GM. Likewise, the 49ers will soon discover they overpaid for Jennings. And last time I checked, Schobel signed a five-year extension, so he must not have had a problem with Donahoe's offer.
  22. Really? I'd think McGahee wouldn't want to wait until training camp to get used to a new starting QB and LT (whoever that turns out to be). But then, I've been wrong before.....
  23. Reminds me of a wisecrack Josh Mora made on a Sports Report, after Empire had dropped the FSN affiliation and was showing stuff like roller derby and Lafayette football - he ended a Friday night show by saying something along the lines of, "tune in this weekend for all the best in minor league sports" ... Couldn't help but be reminded of that by ESPN's recent programming. But even without the NHL (and don't even get me started on that mess), there's still too much NBA playoff / MLB news to to dump shows like "Baseball Tonight" and "NBA Shootaround" into 20-minute, post-midnight slots. Just my opinion...
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