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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Welcome aboard! According to the '03 and '04 media guides, Edwards (who came into the league at 298) now weighs 320 lbs. to Pat's 315..... but anyone who believes Williams played at anywhere near 315 the last few seasons probably wouldn't have a successful career as a carnival weight-guesser.... Edwards HAS bulked up since coming back from the shoulder injury, but I'm guessing Williams is still heavier in real life (as opposed to team-issued publications). Speaking of RE, he made some nice plays last year; I'll be very interested to see how he and Anderson look come training camp.
  2. Amen, brother AKC. As you can well imagine, not much in the way of schadenfreude down in this neck of the woods today....
  3. I don't hate the Sox..... but thanks to some of their 'fans', I may be starting to. Promo, I think your original point is being disproven.
  4. What? You're bagging on Pompei for writing 'unintelligent drivel'?!? How dare you - he's an "expert" !!! For proof, just check out the gem in this week's issue: Patriot Wars: Retooling the Dynasty Worst Yoda impersonation I've ever read, this is. Stick to football, Dan should. Thinking about cancelling my TSN susbcription after 16 years, I am.....
  5. It's been covered...... Dan Pompei is an idiot ...but feel free to pile on.
  6. How do you think he got his screen name? USMC: no kidding, your brother's in Navar? Here's hoping they hit the 'big time' - I think they've got the chops to do it...
  7. 'S okay, we'll just find someone else to waylay. HB, Brandon....
  8. Yes and no, depending on whether or not they thought they had a viable alternative. Considering that Travis was the 2003 team MVP (as voted by the players themselves) and the coaches weren't sure about Willis' grasp of the playbook at the beginning of last season, six games to make that switch isn't unreasonable. They may not have been quite as patient with Drew if Losman hadn't gotten hurt. They weren't patient at all with Bobby Shaw... or Izell Reese... or Coy Wire starting at safety. All three were either benched or gone as soon as Coach Mularkey found a better option. That said... even though I like having Holcomb available, I can't see them doing anything BUT being patient with Losman.
  9. Corporate Radio at its finest. Interviews: thanks to previous incidents involving GR, a major attitude adjustment will have to take place at One Bills Drive before Simon - or any other WGR host - can get the same level of on-air access to Bills players and staff he enjoyed at Empire/WNSA. For anyone who wishes to keep bringing up Ruben Brown's and Coy Wire's shows on WGR to disprove this, I'd be mightily surprised to find out either player did said show free of charge. Anyone remember a Bills loss a few years back, when a frustrated Brown refused all postgame interview requests with the exception of Channel 2, because "they pay me"? Nope, what I'm talking about is getting someone like Donahoe live on the air - ever since the day the Losman/Vincent thing went down last August, that seems to be next to impossible for WGR to accomplish. I wonder.... Production: I realize McManus wanted out of the biz (and can't say I blame him), but isn't Steve Cichon working for the Entercommies? Hmmmm.
  10. As OBX noted, Gandy DID start for the Bears. 11 games between LG/LT in 2002, 14 games at LT in 2003 (missed the other two to injury), the first 5 at RG in 2004 before the hamstring injury that caused the Bears to release him. Since the Bills are projecting him at LT, let's take a closer look at that 2003 Bears season. RB Anthony Thomas, despite missing three games, finished with 1024 yards on 244 carries for a 4.2 ypc average. Not bad, considering that was the same year the Bears decided on Kordell Stewart as their starting QB....
  11. 356213[/snapback] Sounds like a typical Colts fan. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go change the TV on the channel.
  12. Just come home down 219 South - it's the second exit past the 190/90W merge, a couple of miles past 16/400. Get off at either 179W (Milestrip) north of RWS or 20A (Big Tree Rd.) south of it, head west, turn onto Abbott Rd. (left turn from Milestrip, right from 20A), use the One Bills Drive entrance just south of the stadium. From there, you can pick your route back to Olean; some people prefer taking 20A to East Aurora, then picking up Rt. 16 south. I like 219 all the way to Rt. 17 (now I-86) in Salamanca, although you can grab either the Humphrey Hill or Killbuck shortcuts on the way through. And as for the Border Patrol - seems like showing them a military ID should take care of any problems. If not, maybe you could offer to trade jobs with them...
  13. My fact-free opinion, backed up by the few face-to-face conversations I've had with him: we saw the "real" Howard last summer, when he was doing S&B/Simoncast on his own dime. For whatever reason, what I'm hearing now isn't it. Neil, we miss you.... The dearth of sports to cover right now isn't helping, either; no real Bills news, no hockey playoffs, no local interest in the NBA leaves.... what, exactly? Oh yeah, "Dancing With The Stars". And "ESPN Movie Night". Again, just my opinion -- make of that what you will. And while I'm in this thread, I'll take a shot at answering LabattBlue's question: It's not just Dickerson, but there's a grudge there allright. And as long as certain on-air hosts continue to rant about One Bills Drive, it's not likely to end any time soon. (Somebody might want to pass that information along to Mr. Schopp - right now he's part of the problem, not the solution....)
  14. Yeah, based on my last trip to your fair province, I figured telling you to 'dress warm' wouldn't make much sense. Seriously, though, I'd worry more about the windspeed than the temperature. Especially if you're in the upper deck...
  15. Correct you are, Rubeo. The first year I bought my own seasons, I tried to get individual game tix when that sale opened in July and was told the game I wanted was sold out -- so I waited a couple of weeks, called back, and got seasons in row 2 of the 200 level......
  16. Group sales started this morning, and the season-ticket holder individual game sales continue.
  17. Roll the dice - you could see anything from 20c and sunny to lake-effect, although recent November games haven't been as bad as one might think. I did some research for another Chiefs fan (who ended up not getting tickets - scared it was going to be ccccold, boo-hoo), and had to go back 10 years before I found an actual "snow" game in (late) November. Best advice? Be prepared, bring layers, rain/wind gear, etc. - while most of the games in the last 10 years have been no colder than the 5-10 degree (celsius) range, you can probably count on a slight breeze off Lake Erie. (Sarcasm there. That 'breeze' can get up to 50kph right quick. If you saw the Miami or Arizona games last season, you get the idea.) And be sure to stop by Lot 1!
  18. I hear Dan Marino's still available...
  19. A week or two ago, someone linked a thread on a Falcons message board about this: Price's Eye Problem Can't Be Corrected Their source was the FoxSports.com Falcons team page. Currently found under "Fantasy News": A little digging turned up this story from last September -- OnlineAthens.com requires registration, so I'll just copy the pertinent part here:
  20. Vanilla Ice? Okay, I know one show I WON'T be watching next week.... Whassamatta, Rock, hung over from the cake and ice cream? Here's your link: nbc.com
  21. Welcome aboard, D Rock! I'll be passing through your lovely village later today, on my way to RWS. (In time, you will learn that my use of the icon is meant to signal sarcasm. As with the "major announcement" that turned out to be the Celebration of Champions details, the online community had the news before the 'traditional' media...)
  22. Welcome aboard, D Rock! (In time, you will learn that my use of the icon is meant to signal sarcasm. As with the "major announcement" that turned out to be the Celebration of Champions details, the online community had the news before the 'traditional' media...)
  23. Bills mini-camp was the weekend after the draft, and I believe the only veterans who didn't show up were Travis Henry and Shane Matthews.
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