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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Suckin' wind pretty heavy at this point, I'd imagine. Bannan's in at DT.
  2. 2 is better than 7, which is probably what they would've gotten otherwise.
  3. Ebay search: Spikes Pro Bowl jerseys $129, $12 s+h. It looks "clean", but I'll reserve judgement until I see it in person.
  4. Make that four. Five now, and counting.... I'm with you, ENBL. I know there's some debate about white vs. red helmets, and a lot of love for the charging buffalo. But if the "rusting Russian dreadnought blue" jerseys went away permanently, would anyone really miss them?
  5. So realistically, your choice is between Washington's D (vs. Jones) and Tampa's (vs. Willis). Tough call, but if you go by last year's stats, the Skins were #2 in the league in opponents' rushing yards and gave up 100+ yards in only four games. Jones played against them in week 16 last year, and went 22-57/0 TD in a 13-10 Dallas win. Dallas is at home, though. Like I said, tough call...
  6. If that Wilson article is more than a week old, the News will have archived it. If not, you can probably track it down at http://www.sabresreport.com/ ... The outsider's view: Satan has talent, but I always thought he had a healthy dose of floater in him. And if I'd been one of his teammates on the ice when he did the "make the call, Darcy" celebration after that one goal, I probably would've run him myself. Give me a classy guy like LaFontaine any day of the week. While I'm here, I also think Ruff couldn't have picked two better guys than Briere and Drury to captain the team. Should he have picked one guy? Perhaps - but man, that's a tough choice. Go Sabres (as long as you're not playing my Habs... )
  7. Already saw it. Was going to wait until mine gets here before telling anyone else about it, though. Anyone need a road Spikes jersey?
  8. I'll definitely second that. First thought upon reading it was, as noted above, "WTF?!?" Second thought was, "That just cost me 10 cents. I want a refund." Only then did I get around to, "Hey- waitaminute. Jerseys? Cool, if that's what it is."
  9. Oooh, I'm liking the sounds of that. Thanks for the input, GG. FFS, we're thinking along the same lines (I think). Obviously, losing either Milloy or Vincent for any length of time would downgrade the Bills D - but IMO, merely from "unreal" status to still "very good". After all this love for the Bills D, I figure they now owe us a shutout....
  10. That's what I guessed, once I got past the "WTF?!?" stage.
  11. Indeed I do. I remember Nate Clements on 4th-and-14, and Fletch's dumbass penalty immediately following; Terrence McGee being abused by Wayne Chrebet all day, and the dumpoffs to Sowell on the Jests' game-winning drive. Could a healthy Milloy/Vincent combo have changed the outcome of either game? Possibly, which is why I started posting get-well cards to Lawyer around that time. I would note, however, that the Bills D gave up exactly one TD in each of those games, and totals of 13 and 16 points. That, to me, is far from "screwed" - unless our offense approaches the ineptitude shown by the Bills O circa September 2004. But hey, that's just my opinion....
  12. Houston doesn't have anyone who can come close to Rice or Brooks. And if you'd read my Texans overview - which apparently not many did, since it garnered less than 50 hits before sinking like a rock - you would have seen this: Houston's defense, "inferior" to Tampa's? I stand by that statement.
  13. That gives the rest of us slackers some hope.... Well done, friend.
  14. So much for "constructive replies". And don't let your wife see you type that.....
  15. Oooh, I missed this earlier. Good line - wish I'd thought of it...
  16. Couple of my coworkers claimed they couldn't find the place - my reply was, how the %$^ could you MISS it? Only thing I can figure is, they must have already had their beer goggles on by the time they got to OP.... Agreed - nice read. Thanks for sharing, good sir Giant-fan.
  17. Good memory on the flip-flop size, but don't forget the T-shirt...
  18. There was one, but you would've had to go all the way to page 6 to find it..... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=30285
  19. OK, probably not our #1, since I hope we'll be drafting at the bottom of the round and he'll be long gone by then, and I DO like Aaron Schobel and Chris Kelsay.... ...but I've been all over Eagles DE Mathias Kiwanuka ever since the first time I saw him blow up Penn State's OL. He reminds me of Kearse.
  20. Ouch. Howard Simon is calling the UB games for WGR this season; when I talked to him Sunday, I didn't know whether to congratulate him or express my condolences. And to think, I gave up the opportunity (six free tickets) to be at that game...
  21. Capers tried that. Didn't work so well, as Losman hit 9 of his first 11 throws and had a 113.9 rating at halftime. Then again, the Bucs D is a little better than Houston's, and Losman will have to prove himself in more than just one game before opposing DCs stop putting eight in the box... Corollary: can Griese beat the Bills D, considering the left side of his line hadn't started a single NFL game before last weekend?
  22. 17th round, just ahead of my backup kicker. Buffalo is my only D, so I needed somebody I can cut loose to pick up a replacement D for the Bills' bye week. Besides, if I ever actually get to the point where I need Faulk, then I'm already Faulked anyway...
  23. Ditto for New England if they lose Rodney Harrison (backups: James Sanders/Guss Scott), Baltimore if they lose Ed Reed (Chad Williams/BJ Ward), or Dallas if they lose Roy Williams (Willie Pile). In fact, I'd imagine any team in the league could anticipate a dropoff between their starters and backups. Your point? Milloy and Vincent played 4 games together at safety last season - that means there were 12 games they DIDN'T play together, and the defense was still pretty darn good. (Please note the 7-turnover game vs. Miami the week before Vincent returned from his knee injury, or the complete throttling of the NFC West champion Seahawks the week before that, or the 6-sack, 4-turnover, 35-yards-rushing performance vs. the Rams the week before that.....)
  24. www.abc.com Now where's that :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: smiley when I need it?
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