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Everything posted by Lori

  1. How often is Stanley kicking from inside the 50, much less the 40? Inquiring minds want to know. Also interesting that all three of the punters you reference call domes home...
  2. 9 touchbacks, 20 kicks downed inside the 20. Not bad, considering the Bills punt from inside the opponents' 40-yard line more than any other team...
  3. They're probably cutting into his profit margin.
  4. In the NFC West. Mike Mularkey is undefeated against the NFC West. Draw your own conclusions therein....
  5. But... but.. but.. he keeps re-signing Jamie Martin. That one, I'll never understand... One more thing that probably goes in the "GM with authority" category: Martz would get no say whatsoever in special teams. Put 'em under the DC's purview instead, because MadMike has consistently proven the only thing he knows about STs is how to hire/fire a different coach every season.
  6. FYI: when he lined up for that kick, Norwood had never made a FG that long on a grass field in his entire NFL career. I repeat: NEVER. As to the drive-start question: Al Edwards fair-caught a Landeta punt at the 10.
  7. Not so sure about that. I think Mularkey still believes in the concept of a power running game. He just doesn't trust this team - particularly the o-line talent, or lack thereof - to be able to implement it.
  8. ...except that he's not the only one who wrote about it. And unlike Sullivan, Chuck Pollock actually covered the presser where Bullough first uttered that phrase. OTH: Mularkey’s malaprop a reminder of bad old days
  9. Thought we were talking offensive linemen? In which case, Bennie Anderson was a UDFA originally signed by the Rams in 2000. As to Tucker: I sat with #89 for the Green Bay preseason game, and watched RT try to get his back loosened up for most of same. I was surprised to see his name on the cut list, but I'm assuming things may have worked out differently if he'd been 100% at that time. I liked Ross, especially his nasty attitude on the field. Good to see him back in the league.
  10. Witherspoon is exactly who I thought of when I heard this news. And Gill deserved a shot long before this. I second your "good for UB".
  11. And you wonder why I don't answer your PMs...
  12. There's the REAL reason they're confiscating signs/paper bags/etc. - less stuff to start fires in the stands with...
  13. Not true. Miami lost to Dallas in VI, then won the next two. Speaking of Miami, %#&! them. Now and forever.
  14. Weather.com website says "snow showers". Hour-by-hour forecast (I assume that's who you meant by "GLOOM AND DOOM", Hammer... )
  15. On the other hand, players like Bruschi, Light, and even Brady have taken a 'hometown discount' to stay in Foxborough. As noted by the Jedi, a couple of posts above this one - Belichick may have a different list of "key leadership" players than the rest of us...
  16. Nice. Or, in the spirit of last season's "BILL-IEVE"... RE-BILL-DING
  17. Is this truly how far we've fallen? Stealing ideas from LIONS fans, fer crissakes? Far as I know, my favorite team's colors are still red, white, and blue... so that's what I'll be wearing this evening, when I attend my seventy-seventh consecutive home game. Doesn't mean I'm not frustrated, and it doesn't mean I haven't taken advantage of other opportunities to convey my displeasure to the Bills front office. But wearing the opposing team's colors into our own stadium is something I refuse to do. Feel free to disagree.
  18. Great news indeed, JoeF - thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this. Everyone please note - there's a new e-mail addy for the "real" JoeF at the site linked above.
  19. For some reason, Hank Bullough came to mind when I read the last part of that... How the (bleep) DID he get the HC job, anyhow? What, did he draw the short straw after Kay Stephenson got axed?
  20. Well, they didn't have some of the same venues to react in (call-in shows, message boards), but I can remember Ralph being booed at home games in the late '70s. And don't forget the story of kicker Booth Lusteg - he blew a game back in 1966, then was beaten up by a group of "fans" who recognized him as he was walking home from the Rockpile later that evening... Are fans more obnoxious? Maybe, maybe not. It's just easier to hear them now.
  21. Heh. Some of the same people currently abusing TD for hiring rookie head coaches would likely tar-and-feather a future GM for hiring a "retread" without at least one Super Bowl win on his resume. Anyone got Tom Flores' number? (Seriously, though, your scenario may well be the best solution...)
  22. If he's looking to avoid stress and grind in his later years, One Bills Drive might not be a good fit for him. Going to take some heavy lifting to pick up the pieces from this implosion...
  23. Considering the current age of said writer, you may be correct... but I believe he did play college football back in his day, for whatever that's worth.
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