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Everything posted by Lori

  1. That explains a lot. http://www.nfl.com/draft/history/teams/CHI Looking from 1995-2003: some talent on defense, but a whole lot of high-round flops on offense....
  2. *bump* Vastly preferable to reading more doomsday posts.
  3. Ask Mike McCaskey that question, regarding Dave McGinnis. As I recall, the media was already in the room for the press conference announcing McGinnis' hiring when it was announced that he had 'left the building'...
  4. Don't interrupt him, he's busy Googling the name "bob chandler"
  5. ...and then, the GM will hire that coach's replacement.
  6. I dunno, I actually kind of liked Joe Vitt. Not sure he can coach his way out of a wet paper bag, but at least the PCs would be entertaining....
  7. Not mine. Marty Mornhinweg, Butch Davis, Richie Petitbon, Joe Bugel, the Kevin Gilbride/Mike Riley exacta in SD... everyone the Cowboys had after Switzer/before Parcells... Not thrilled about Jauron, but I'd take him over anyone on that list.
  8. Then why was Bullough 2-7 with that talent?
  9. Considering that Jauron's first act as interim Lions HC was to announce he was starting Garcia? Now there's a possibility - Garcia. Except for the fact that he seems to break a leg every time he sets foot on the Astroplay at Ralph Wilson Stadium...
  10. It doesn't. As you pointed out in another thread, Gaughan wrote the OC could be Olson. But that never stopped anyone before, did it?
  11. Just curious - why does everyone seem to be putting this solely on Marv, when Jauron came damnclose to getting the job last time? IIRC, TD was the GM then... There's this, too: Ralph's private jet. Just like Bledsoe.
  12. So according to the "reports" in that link, it won't be "official" until sometime tomorrow. Cool. That means I can take the rest of the evening off...
  13. Based on his previous OC choices, that would be a pretty big if.
  14. Sorry, but last I checked John Wawrow - while a good writer - works for the Associated Press, not the Buffalo Bills. Wawrow's source may well be correct, but nothing's "official" until the Bills themselves say so.
  15. Something to consider... They've moved ten times in the years since he started his college coaching career at Pitt. Maybe he's wondering if he - and the family - are ready for move #11? Just a thought...
  16. The only thing that means is that they've got a search program posting links to off-site articles. Just like the TBD front page. The most recent "official" news from OBD is the Caldwell interview.
  17. http://bears.hosttown.com/index.php?showtopic=104420 Looks like a good place to start...
  18. Weren't the "horrible human being" and the "Son of Satan" threads both up around 60 pages? Then again, it's a long time between now and Tuesday...
  19. I still love hearing Larry Csonka talk about his first trip to Buffalo as a Dolphin... In the locker room before the game, one of the veterans on the team told him, "Make sure you put your helmet on before you go out there." Csonka supposedly replied that since he played locally (Syracuse), he figured he'd be OK -- and besides, he had friends at the game, and he wanted to be sure they saw him. At that point, the older player snarled, "Put your %^$&!ing helmet on, ROOKIE." Csonka complied... and when the Dolphins came out onto the field, he didn't make it more than three or four steps before being pelted in the side of the head by a full beer can.
  20. The Bucs also denied other teams permission to interview DL coach Marinelli for DC jobs... if he'd gone somewhere else in the interim, he might already have been a HC by now instead of just getting the Detroit job. Just because one franchise jerks its assistant coaches around doesn't mean everyone else has to...
  21. Kind of like the papal interregnum, with the doors locked and everything? I'll have to ask my source about that...
  22. Just out of curiosity - d'ya think that anybody from the Bills' scouting department might just be checking these games out? You know, since Modrak and Guy are still around and all. Or would that make too much sense?
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