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Everything posted by Lori

  1. AAAAAAUUUGGGHHH!!!! (Actually, I can think of quite a few worse options than Garcia. Considering he's busted a leg on each of his last two visits to RWS, though, I'm not so sure he'd WANT to try for #3...)
  2. The Worldwide Leader finally picked it up. A little slow, IMO... ESPN.com
  3. Who would've thought that back in 1924, they would've foreseen the necessity of selling TV time between the Super Bowl and the NCAA basketball tourney? (Neither of which existed at the time, of course... just like commercial television. Not that that's stopping Gumbel.)
  4. I have *got* to pick that book up. The Gathering Storm impressed -- and scared -- the (bleep) out of me.
  5. As previously discussed... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=41920 ...this is speculation from a sportswriter in NYC. Nothing more. Assuming they do slap the franchise tag on NC (as is likely), the Bills are certainly better off with him than without him. King and Greer have both shown potential, but I'd just as soon not see either of them starting at CB just yet.
  6. That you, Zig? As you mentioned, though, Bentley does have a good relationship with Haslett... and Andy McCollum, the Rams' starting center, turns 36 this season. The way I see it, their interest in signing Bentley depends on two things: STL's salary cap, and what the new coaching staff thinks about 2005 third-round pick Richie Incognito. Kid could be a stud if he ever gets his head straight....
  7. Well, the Browns did have a better record last season... BGIM, I'm not debating the idea that Buffalo probably isn't LCB's #1 choice; Levy et al. would have a lot of selling to do to get him here. That said, it would be really cool if a deal does get done somehow. I also agree with the thought that the Saints would be nuts to let him walk without trying to get SOMETHING for him... but from what I've read/seen, that might be exactly what happens. Just sayin'.
  8. Sure about that? A local sportswriter isn't: Baton Rouge Advocate: Bentley expects to test free agency
  9. The End Times are surely upon us... ... because I actually agree with d_wag about something. Think the actual number is $6.98 million, but that's still one big boatload of $$$ .
  10. re: PFW - I've thought about subscribing, but I already have access to their Bills beat reporter. The print version is a little on the expensive side, but still worth the read for true football junkies. Their bookmark is right under the team media folder on my "FB links" toolbar button...
  11. I'll get back to you on that -- first, I have to reset my screen resolution so the entire word will fit on my monitor...
  12. Fair argument; in fact, Gillan himself would probably agree with you. Even if you don't consider DP "metal", though, there's no denying their influence on the genre. JMO... But as someone who literally wore out two different copies of "Live After Death" (one LP, one cassette), I'd have a tough time arguing against Dickinson.
  13. Hopefully it happens a few more times between now and the end of April, as we sign/draft some upgrades...
  14. Can you think of any other reason to buy -- AND WEAR -- an Erik Flowers jersey?
  15. Now see, I'd expect a fellow Pennsyltuckian to "get it"... I'm not trying to diminish this. (Ah, heck, maybe I am.) I'm just glad Cheney's friend is going to be all right. But he's not the first guy I've ever known to get peppered with birdshot at 30 yards, either. Guess living HERE, I'm just more used to hearing about stuff like this, is all...
  16. 1 minute to go. Shots 22-1 Canada in the PERIOD. Still 2-0. Gerber is unbelievable today.
  17. Just out of curiosity, how many of you personally know someone who's been involved in some sort of hunting accident? I work with at least three (and those are just the ones I know about). I normally dislike stereotyping people, but in regards to this situation, I'm going to guess the media types making the biggest deal about this incident: 1) grew up in an urban setting, and 2) are pro-gun control. (To pre-empt the obvious joke: yeah, Cheney should have had better control of HIS gun...) So what's my point? While this was a newsworthy event -- after all, it's not every day that the Vice President shoots someone -- anyone who's ever hunted knows that accidents do happen.
  18. From Newsday: Chad passes on offer Welcome to free agency, Chad. How's that shoulder feel? Something else of interest later in that story: Three-fifths of their starting offensive line, their #1 RB, #1 WR, and Pro Bowl CB. Life is not good in the Meadowswamp... If Mawae leaves, advantage:Buffalo's defensive line.
  19. I know there's still 20:00 left... but that would have to be one of the biggest upsets of all time. Switzerland has all of three current NHL players on their roster, and two are their goalies...
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