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Everything posted by Lori

  1. At one of the Booster Club meetings last spring, Channel 4 sportscaster Paul Peck told us all the offseason uncertainty - losing Drew and PhatPat, trading Henry, planning to start JP - actually had him anticipating the beginning of the season, 'excited' to see what would happen. (Yup, that's the word he used. Got it in my notes.) I've thought about e-mailing him to ask if he now has a different definition for 'exciting'....
  2. My personal opinion? TD didn't ignore the OL, he just did a mediocre job of rebuilding what was already a mediocre pass-blocking line when he got here. The starters at the end of the JB/Wade Phillips era: Marcus Spriggs - Jamie Nails - Jerry Ostroski - Ruben Brown - John Fina. Fina was a Polian holdover nearing the end of his career. In eight drafts as GM, Brown, Corey Louchiey, and Robert Hicks were Butler's only first-day OL picks. (Guess one out of three ain't bad. ) Without looking it up, Joe Panos is the only veteran FA I can remember JB bringing in... and I spent two or three unenjoyable seasons trying to defend him on TSW before the Bills finally dumped him. Donahoe drafted a first-day OT in each of his first two drafts. He signed veteran FAs (Teague, Marcus Price, Villarrial, Bennie *cough* Anderson.) I'll give TD credit for trying, but I can't argue with the results (or lack thereof). ------------------------------------ GoBiB: after the way last season ended? 8-8 would be decent progress. But between the front office/coaching shakeup and the roster movement yet to come, I don't have a friggin' clue what this team is going to look like in September. Your guess is as good as mine...
  3. Agreed. He's somebody else's reclamation project, not ours. (Hell, our M.O. the last few seasons has been to turn QBs into reclamation projects, not the other way around...)
  4. No doubt they view him much as we remember RJ. I happen to think he had potential once upon a time, before the beatings commenced... now, who knows?
  5. By damn near getting him -- and everybody else Stevie Superior tried at QB during his disastrous run at Redskin Park -- damn near killed in the "Fun-'N'-Gun" offense. Remember when Buddy Ryan renamed the run-and-shoot the "Chuck and Duck"? Newsflash, Ballcoach: this is the NFL, not the SEC. Teams blitz until you stop 'em. Spurrier never seemed to have gotten that memo. JMO.
  6. ESPN: Pasquarelli Surprising, I know. They were originally hoping to trade him for a second- or third-rounder. Now they're just trying to get anything for him, instead of having to release him. Wonder how the kid would've turned out if Steve "We don't need no steenkin' passblockers" Spurrier hadn't messed him up?
  7. How did this thread ever escape the clutches of PPP?
  8. Back to the Florida vermin... errrr, version.... Fistfights, a few arrests Same thing they did in Toledo a few months back, deliberately marching through a mostly-black neighborhood trying to stir up $&%!. Yeah, I know, First Amendment rights and all. But just once, I wish their police escort would tell 'em "You're on your own, boys," and walk away....
  9. One of my all-time favorite movies. It's from the scene where the Nazis are demonstrating on a bridge, and Jake and Elwood are caught in the traffic jam. The line is Jake's, right before Elwood floors the gas pedal and forces the Nazis to bail out over the side of the bridge... script
  10. Yeah, but he sold lots of jerseys....
  11. Worse than Illinois Nazis? Dunno 'bout that. (I was going to use the original line, but figured that would just cause more confusion...)
  12. Cool. Then we can have yet another QB without a halfway decent line to block for him...
  13. Exactly. For some reason, I'm getting a mental image of Bubba Smith ripping the front seat out of the car in the first Police Academy movie...
  14. Old news, actually. He spent a good part of last season on IR with a neck injury. This is from the end of January... Injuries likely to force Nguyen to retire
  15. You can tell it's the offseason:USA Today Sports Weekly Of course, they had to lead with Thurman's Super Bowl XXVI mishap. You knew that was coming, right? In a sidebar story... Design is important in headwear deliberation ... the president of something called The Society for Sports Uniforms Research (www.ssur.org) has decided the current Bills helmet is one of the five worst designs of all time: There are also polls for the best/worst all-time and current helmets. The Bengals helmet made the finals in the "best current helmet" poll, while ours is a finalist in both "worst" categories. Thoughts? (Other than, have the voters in that poll actually seen the Cincinnati monstrosity? Gotta wonder...)
  16. Forgot the again, didn't I? I liked Moulds. Liked him a lot, enough to spend beaucoup $$$ on the Pro Bowl jersey mentioned above. But time passes. Life goes on. I just hope that Marv, Modrak, and the rest of the gang have a viable Plan B at WR, because there isn't anyone currently on the roster (other than Moulds) I want to see starting opposite Evans in September 2006. The Brick quote? Blame NB for that one; cracked me up when I heard it, so I decided to hang onto it for a while... Bakay's cool. (And I'd say that even if he didn't read TBD. )
  17. $%&!. Knew I should've gotten that jersey signed last year...
  18. Modrak was here, but wasn't Assistant GM yet. As for the "NYAH NYAH, I TOLD YOU SO!!!" threads? If you don't like 'em, skip 'em. That's what I do.
  19. I don't think you've ever met my good friend Bob. He's the (very) tall gentleman in the center of this picture.
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