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Everything posted by Lori

  1. In the case of the players Buffalo released, I don't think it would have made a difference. Levy et al. didn't have to make those moves to get under the cap... which leads to the conclusion that those players are gone because One Bills Drive wanted them gone.
  2. EDIT: I moved the updated "cut list" from this post to the top of page 1...
  3. Add Isaac Bruce to the cut list... STL Today ....err, maybe not. Per Pencilneck, courtesy of KFFL:
  4. Really? Considering the Steelers signed him for the 2001 season, when TD was already in Buffalo?IIRC, all the Pittsburgh expatriates who migrated north were from Donahoe's era with the club...
  5. LaFontaine: Great player, and a class act. I know there was some debate whether or not his time in B-lo merited retiring his number; if I were a Sabres fan, I'd be damn proud to have #16 in the rafters... Totally gratuitous observation - he's always been easy on the eyes, too. Rowr. (Sorry, Mrs. LaFontaine...) The game (or what I saw of it before I dozed off): were the Sabres on a PP for about the first ten minutes, or did it just look that way?
  6. Depends on the details. Were Milloy et al. told "you've been released", or "you're GOING to be released"? And have the actual transactions been sent to the league office? This is from a different story on the ESPN site: I don't think they mean 'waivers' in the traditional sense here (i.e., players without the accrued service time to bypass the waiver system). I'm continuing to guess that the league is just holding onto all the paperwork they've received, for the time being... but that IS a guess, nothing more. Be interesting to see a team go ahead and try to sign one of those "cut" players, though. At the least, it would probably end up in court.
  7. Not quite yet -- read somewhere last night that those cuts don't become official until the cap deadline (originally 4PM, then 10PM last night; now midnight Sunday night). I'll see if I can find that article again. Meanwhile, from the ESPN.com wire:
  8. Now that would be seriously cool... In totally unrelated news, the Stillers cut Tommy Maddox and Willie Williams today. ESPN.com: Steelers pare veterans QB Maddox, CB Williams (According to my Stiller-fan coworkers, that's at least one season too late for "Touchdown Tommy"...)
  9. The entire interview (about six minutes long) is posted in the WGR Audio Vault.
  10. Jamie Martin? JAMIE MARTIN ?!?!? Older-than-AVP, former Los Angeles Ram, eight-starts-in-thirteen-seasons Jamie Martin? Just say no to drugs...
  11. According to this story in today's Kansas City Star, he hasn't been cut.
  12. I think they tried that in 1987, didn't they? (And set an all-time attendance low for Rich Stadium in the process...)
  13. Obviously, a few things have changed since this morning...
  14. Soundbite from Ed Kilgore on WGR tonight: "...There is something to the fact that they're still talking; there's always a possibility something could happen. I don't ever think negatively until it actually is done. If they really wanted to release him and not have him count $11 million against the cap (or whatever the final figure they arrive at), he would've been gone by now. So the fact that they're still talking means, first of all, Marv Levy and Dick Jauron want to keep Moulds. And secondly, Moulds... the other thing from Moulds' perspective, if this CBA thing drags out and all these free agents flood the market right now, he's going to be in a little bit of a pickle... It is a little bit of an uncertain situation for Moulds, too, until this CBA situation gets straightened out." "This team needs a strong, solid veteran WR like Eric Moulds... the guy's still a player, and I think he has some good football left in him." other quick hits: -Small-market teams like Buffalo are in BIG trouble if 2007 is an uncapped season, but he thinks things will get worked out. -No big surprises with the other players the Bills released. The entire clip: Ed Kilgore on the Brad Riter Show
  15. And both have damn good LBs. Coincidence?
  16. Hell, some of us missed him when he was here.
  17. First, Reed is already a FA. (Or will be, whenever the FA deadline actually hits.) I doubt Marv and company are planning anything quite as drastic as what you suggested -- for one, cutting TKO would most likely cause a full-scale fan riot. But the way I see it, the moves they've made so far do seem to suggest a serious foray into the free-agent market. Just my opinion...
  18. I believe the "rookie pool" depends on the draft slots of the players selected, so that won't be available until after the draft...
  19. SDS/mods: this sounded like a good idea at the time. If you want to change it, don't let me stop you...
  20. Live-action Fantasy Football, circa 2006. I see a whole new market opening up, printing updated team rosters...
  21. Latest update: cap deadline 9 PM Wednesday, March 8; FA signing starts 12:01 AM Thursday, March 9. At least, that's the plan until the next extension... By the time everything shakes out, some teams could be flat-out unrecognizable when compared to their 2005 rosters. Could the new OneBillsDrive braintrust have released Adams et al. with the idea of going on a major shopping spree? To quote a previous GM: "Stay tuned." ------------------------------------------ A few links to help y'all keep track of the carnage: KFFL "Hot Off The Wire" AP NFL Wire (from ESPN.com) And just for yucks, I'll keep updating ndirish's list here: ESPN.com cap cuts list, updated through 3/6
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