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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I'd go more for Green Acres, myself. BADOL, we could follow through on what we threatened to do a couple of times last season -- skip the game and extend the tailgate instead...
  2. 2003-04 season. Yes, it was league-mandated. http://www.sportslogos.net/article.php?n=10
  3. Jerman never ceases to amaze me. I was amazed when the Bills signed him last year, and even more amazed when he made the 53-man roster despite being the worst OT in training camp. He must have some really, really good blackmail material to have outlasted TD...
  4. When did Steve Smith blow out an ACL? Only time he's ever been on IR was the broken leg in 2004.
  5. That's an assumption you CAN'T make about Walker, can you?
  6. But.. but.. but... I've HEARD OF HIM !!!!!
  7. According to the guys on Sirius, Givens is looking for $5 million/year. Still want him?
  8. I was just fine with not drafting Walker the first time. Still am.
  9. Pennington's got rotator cuff issues. As Stl noted above, Brees' injury was a torn labrum. Brian Griese had that same surgery during the 2000-01 offseason, and was ready to start week 1 in 2001. (In fact, he threw a career-high 23 TD passes that season.)
  10. In case you missed it, from this morning's BuffNews article: Guess Ralph's not the senile old fool they were making him out to be, after all. And I intend to let each of those talking heads know that, so thanks for the target list in this thread.
  11. Had to be during the week of a Miami game...
  12. You need to talk to Governor Pataki about that, since (as already pointed out) the renaming to Ralph Wilson Stadium was NOT RCW's idea.
  13. From Tags: low-revenue teams can't draw from the fund until they've spent up to the midpoint between the salary cap and the "cash over cap" numbers. Of course, we don't have yet have any idea where that "cash over cap" thingy stands. Hopefully it'll be a reasonable percentage, set low enough so that Dannyboy $nyder and his ilk can't hand out all those megabucks "signing bonuses" designed solely to circumvent the cap rules...
  14. The way I understood it, if they spend under the "official" cap number, they don't get any help from the revenue-sharing deal. Like Jones et al. have said - why should they pay more so the Bill Bidwills of the world can afford to be cheap?
  15. A few notes gleaned from NFL Network coverage: - No team will have to spend more than 65% of its total revenue on player salaries. - Revenue-sharing: $850-900 million total over the life of the new CBA. Teams above median revenue will pay proportionately more, but low-revenue teams will have to hit a certain figure between the salary cap and the "cash over cap" limit before they become eligible to draw from the fund. -From a phone conversation with Troy Vincent: he thought RCW might have voted against it because "it wasn't enough". -As noted elsewhere, FA period *tentatively* begins Friday at 12:01 AM, but there's a chance it could be pushed back a further 24-48 hours. UPDATE on this, per ESPN: FA will probably now begin at 12:01 AM Saturday.
  16. AAAUUUGGGGHHHH!!! MY EYES !!!!!!! (Although I'd still have to lean towards the Canucks' late-70s Halloween costumes in any worst-dressed vote... must be something about yellow jerseys, they all seem to suck.) Nice win for your Swordsmen, BTW.
  17. Hey, dunno if any of you have Sirius (think you said you can't get it up your way, AD?), but the Buffalo/GR feed is on 122... right now (2nd intermission), Brad's doing the highlights and ripping on the refs.
  18. Hey - I'm not the one who can't set a friggin' deadline and stick to it. This whole mess is turning into a Python skit....
  19. F^$&! this -- I'm not going to keep editing the post title. (Besides, I'm running out of room...)
  20. True, that. The next time I see Kenny Mayne will be too soon... I do have to admit, though -- the day they cranked up ESPN2 for the first time (the "Fugitive" knockoff) may have been the funniest bit I've ever seen from the Worldwide Leader. Wish I had a tape of that.
  21. From our friends at KFFL: Beats the heck out of Detroit or Kansas City. I am soooo there, if it actually happens...
  22. Yup -- according to the seventeen separate threads on that Redskins board (guess we're not the only one with that problem ), he actually gave back $4 million for the right to walk away. I actually own a #11 Penn State jersey because of him. Git 'er done, Marv!
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