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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Not that I know of. I've been keeping up to date via the lo-fi TSW on my cellphone, but I don't think there's any way to post from it. And if you haven't noticed, udonk, there's also a PDA version of TBD. Link is in my sig.
  2. Now see, that's how I used to describe Simon to people who haven't met him. IMO he's every bit the nice-guy, "Joe Average Fan" face-to-face as he was on Empire/NSA, even after being in the business for 20+ years. I'm looking forward to being able to catch his current show on a more consistent basis so I can judge for myself; if the evil influence of Entercom has really changed him as much as some of you are saying, then that's our loss. I also think Brad is the same (cool) guy on-air as he is in person, or at least that's what I've found from the few face-to-face conversations I've had with him. No, I'm not just saying that because he posts here, either. Agreed... in some cases. Like, 3-7pm every afternoon.
  3. Shein is the guy that introduces the callers on "Sirius NFL ra-di-yoooo", correct? (Still getting up to speed with the new toy... but it didn't take long for that to start annoying me.)
  4. What makes that even funnier is the fact that eBay is the #1 source of counterfeit NFL jerseys...
  5. Supposedly already tried that. Per the linked ESPN story:
  6. Sully was on this AM, talking college hoops for the three minutes or so I was in the car. Beats the last Bills pregame I heard with him -- weather was nasty and Riter was late getting there, so JS was holding down the fort by himself. And discussing whether or not he was supposed to wear regular underwear under his longjohns. Thanks, Jerry, but there are some things I'd rather NOT know. Really.
  7. I could never believe they let the Colts get away with it in Wolford's deal, either...
  8. 97 Rock has Bills programming during the offseason? News to me.
  9. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2377300
  10. Meteorologist does not necessarily = "weatherman". WGRZ's Kevin O'Connell majored in Political Science. (For the record, both Mike Randall and Don Paul do have degrees in meteorology.) Also, not everyone with the degree goes into radio/TV. PSU gets beaucoup research $$$ from the military. My friend who majored in meteorology was AFROTC, and I think was going to stay in until retirement. (Been a while since I talked to him last.) P.S.: If you're in/near PA, you know damn well that "Weather World" is the ONLY decent weather broadcast to watch. Nice job Penn State, indeed....
  11. You apparently do have the wrong Neal, or another incorrect ESPN page. Stephen Neal has started the last 30 regular-season games, plus five playoff games (including Super Bowl XXXIX) at RG for the Patriots: Patriots.com bio
  12. Penn State. Penn State. Penn State. One out of every four meteorologists in the country is a PSU graduate. You've heard of AccuWeather, I assume? Started by a PSU grad student and still headquartered in State College. http://www.met.psu.edu/dept/undprog/
  13. You're lucky. Aired in 1996, made by FOX -- that should explain a lot right there. Eric Roberts (!!!) as the Master. Supposedly set in San Fran, shot in Vancouver... Wikipedia citation Fugly. The SFX was far superior to the original series, of course... but IMO, no script editor from the original series would've touched that dreck with a ten-foot pole. I kept my tape of it for the same reason I kept Second String, I guess (just in case anyone else ever wanted to watch it).
  14. Be interesting to see the contract details. I'm curious, though, as to what sources led a writer in Milwaukee to speculate about the Bills releasing either JPL or KH...
  15. And all about the same subject. Must have missed this part of the Terms of Service:
  16. At least you're (physically) OK. After hearing about Reed, I started to worry. Seriously. (Well, *almost* seriously... )
  17. I wish I could. Sound advice for the rest of y'all, though...
  18. There you go again, bringing facts into the discussion.....
  19. Or, Clayton and Wilson talked to the same person...
  20. If I had to guess... Super Bowl XXXI (Mike Holmgren's Packers over Parcells' Patriots), Super Bowl XVIII (Tom Flores' Raiduhs kicking the snot out of Gibbs' Redskins). JJ? Probably the two divisional playoff games with the Fish -- 38-3 to the Broncos, and the 62-7 beatdown by the Jags.
  21. Briere with Paul Hamilton on the WGR postgame: "Too many passengers tonight." Embarrassing. Not ready to play. Wow. Way to let 'er rip...
  22. I'm on the Pennsyltucky side of the state line, of course, but it's the same deal here -- metro Philly and Pittsburgh are the only "blue" parts of an otherwise redder-than-red state. But since the deer and elk up this way can't vote, the Dems have something like a 600K edge in voter registration. I've been on the BoD of the local United Fund for eight years now, so I see the applications from the various service providers we support. Some ugly numbers there... and with two factories right in town, we're actually better off than some of our neighbors. (Per capita, the poorest school district in the entire state isn't in an inner city -- it's Otto-Eldred, right next door to us.) But hey, those new multimillion-dollar stadiums in the 'Burgh sure are swell, aren't they? OnTheRocks: you know, I'd actually be in favor of revamping the EC from a winner-takes-all system to one that parcels out the votes by Congressional district (while leaving the two Senatorial votes to be determined statewide). At least then I wouldn't be tempted to throw things at the TV when the talking heads automatically declare PA for the Democratic candidate as soon as the polls close...
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