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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Intriguing question. Be tougher now, with four-team divisions... So far the winner is Jack Concannon, Bears/Lions/Packers back in the 60s/70s. Ah, here's an even better one -- Ralph Gugliemi, who played for the Giants, Redskins, Eagles, and Cardinals when they were all in the old six-team NFL Eastern division. That one's gonna be tough to beat.
  2. All the "playmakers" in the world don't mean diddly if the QB is hitting the ground 2.5 seconds after the ball is snapped, an all-too-frequent occurrence in Buffalo these last few seasons. Bills had a #1 pick at RB, two #1s and two #2s at WR last year. But once Mike Williams limped off to the bench, Mike Gandy was the only first-day pick left on the OL... and I still have bad memories of just how well that worked. I can live with Ngata or Davis at #8, but only if at least two of the remaining Saturday picks are used on the OL. As always, just my opinion...
  3. Late pickup with limited playing time, but I thought he was at least as good as the other backups on the roster. Dunno if I ever see him as a starter, but he should challenge for PT in the rotation at tackle.
  4. Remarkable, then, that he only missed three games - and one of those even though he claimed he was healthy enough to play - during his three seasons in Buffalo.
  5. It's even worse than you think -- Edwards (KC) and Bannan (Baltimore) are gone. Our current lineup at DT: Larry Tripplett, Tim Anderson, Lauvale Sape, Jason Jefferson, LaWaylon Brown, Faafetai Tupa'i.
  6. Fall 1985. Morning after a Friday night football game, so I was running on about three hours' worth of sleep. Dozed off a couple of times waiting for the rest of the test-takers to finish a section. Like Jack, I didn't waste time/$$$ on test prep. 1380, and it didn't mean a damn thing once I actually got to college. I hear they let 'em use calculators now?!? And you're right, crap-thrower, we don't.
  7. You don't remember him endorsing Hillary Clinton in 2000?
  8. I'd "settle" for getting the next Steve McKinney with that pick, considering SM has started 124 games in the league. Come to think of it, I'd take McKinney over either of our starting guards right now.
  9. The fanbase isn't sure what to think about Nall, since we've hardly seen him play. The fact that he's in the mix for the starting job here tells us the Bills front office must like him a lot, though. We'll see... Also, thanks for the link to your board. I'm sure I'll be checking in as the season approaches.
  10. When I read that, I thought it was another 4/1 joke...
  11. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if this one is legit. Flutie was a Finfan growing up. <cue "growing up" jokes here> In fact, I believe his #22 at Boston College was chosen to honor his favorite player, Mercury Morris... And have you looked at Miami's depth chart lately? Tell me DF couldn't beat out Cleo Lemon or Brock Berlin for a job.
  12. JMO, but I'd have to think going AWOL after he was deactivated for the Carolina game didn't make a good impression. Perhaps Marv and Co. didn't want to deal with his disruptive influence (which has eventually shown up at most of his NFL stops). That said, if used wisely he can still be an impact player, and the Bills' DL is worse without him. Marv was apparently willing to take that risk; we'll see whether or not that was a good decision. I have my doubts.
  13. Yeah, but it's expected today. Did I miss the memo that April Fool's was now a five-day weekend? Then again, one could reasonably argue that every day is April Fool's around here...
  14. Somewhere, Sidd Finch and Olof Pilar are smiling today... A gift to you: http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/aprilfool/ (Be warned, though -- it's running slow today, for some unknown reason.) #1 is pure genius:
  15. More like whack-a-mole. Buggers are popping up too fast to keep up with...
  16. ESPN, referencing the Houston Chronic story from last night. Gotcha. Now I know which of the 897 other Moulds threads to merge this into. Thanks.
  17. Most Cowboys fans are like that.
  18. Heard in the Seattle front office: "Nyah nyah Minnesota, we sure got back at you... ...wait a minute. We're paying Nate Burleson WHAT !?!?!??!!?!?!?!"
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