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Everything posted by Lori

  1. WGR has it in their Audio Vault: audio link: Erie County Executive Joel Giambra On The Bills Future They also have audio of Ralph Wilson's press conference, and Tom Golisano's and Bill Polian's thoughts on the Bills/WNY (from Wednesday): http://www.wgr550.com/ondemand.php
  2. Agree totally, with one addition: each of those stadia (stadii?) would be in a top-20 market. "And the money kept rolling in from every side...."
  3. I think that's the idea Giambra's shooting for. Whether you thought their trumped-up "hearings" were grandstanding or not, baseball didn't get serious about steroids until Congress started muttering about MLB's antitrust exemption. If NY's representatives in Washington start making noise, and find a way to put some pressure on 280 Park Avenue? Stranger things have happened. And how can we sic Tim Russert on Tagliabooo? That, I'd pay to watch.
  4. Then you'd fit right in. Seeya at the opener, if you're not off somewhere blowing stuff up?
  5. Right idea, but maybe not the correct targets. City and county have enough problems of their own... and as Giambra pointed out, any city/county funding could actually be counterproductive, since it gets added to the Bills' total revenue (and helps drive the salcap up even further). This list is from WGR; props to them (Bulldog, in particular) for putting it up:
  6. Simple: because anyone can edit it by clicking on the "edit this page" button. (Not that I'm suggesting anyone do so.... ) That's one of the problems with Wiki - they eventually had to 'lock' various entries (mostly politicians, including WNY's own Louise Slaughter) because people were messin' with them.
  7. US television show called Saturday Night Live. Way back when it started, the original cast billed themselves as the 'Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Players'; but in reality, they were fuggin' brilliant. We can only wish our Bills were as good as those early shows... The movie The Blues Brothers was based on an SNL sketch. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Night_Live
  8. Beat me to it, you bad ol' BADOL you...
  9. Bwahahahaa... When I was scanning the play-by-play of the KC game earlier this evening, I came across Kelly Holcomb's (poor) interpretation of the 'QB Sneak Pass'. I can still vividly remember that moment in time; when I saw KH start toward the line, I said to the people around me, "nooo - they didn't - they wouldn't - ah kee-rist, they called THAT PLAY ?!?!?" (By that time, of course, Holcomb had been flattened and the KC offense was jogging out onto the field...)
  10. OK, Harv, in that scenario I can buy Brick lasting till #3. Maybe even #4, if someone gets really goofy about a player they just have to have. Do you agree, though, that the end result (Brick holding up a Saints jersey on draft day) will be the same either way?
  11. Waitaminute. You mean there's not some obscure league rule against Willis being in the game on third down? Hmph. Who knew?
  12. Lucky in what way? Should've been a larger margin of victory than it was - Lindell missed two FGs, KC only crossed midfield twice in the second half, and their FG came on their only trip inside the Buffalo 20. They might have had more total yardage than Buffalo that day, but most of them were gained between their own 10- and 40-yard lines... And to your initial question: those of us who have vacation time to schedule and travel plans to make DO happen to care. I fully intend to run my home-game streak to at least 80 this season.
  13. Yeah, but if trading last season's starting LT isn't enough evidence of their intent, then what is? I was on my way to Olean when this news hit Sirius NFL, and my immediate thought was, "There goes any chance of Ferguson getting past the #2 pick..."
  14. If you're going to Hell for doing that, Hollywood, I'm right there with ya...
  15. ...but I'd hate to bet against it...
  16. 2002 is correct, although there were two late games. (4:15 at Minnesota and 4:05 at Denver, in back-to-back weeks.)
  17. Oh, yes it was... maybe not score-wise, but that's only because Belichick called off the hounds in the second half. Wanna see something really ugly? Check out Drew's numbers in this clip from last season's Halloween Eve preview:
  18. Yeah, well, in the light of morning, I could've been less snarky as well. Toss me one of those culpas while you're at it, and Go Bills. Striving to bring peace and love to TSW (or creating chaos, depending on my mood at the time), Lori
  19. What the $&!* made you think I'm talking about the teams involved? I'm talking about the FANS. You know, the ones who plan road trips to watch their favorite teams months in advance? And no, they don't have "people who take care of that." Thanks for your input anyway.
  20. I'm thinking of the people who don't stay overnight after a typical Sunday 1:00 game, whether it's due to a long drive home or an evening flight. If the game moves to Sunday night two weeks before kickoff, some of them might be S.O.L. finding a hotel room or rebooking a flight. Overall, though, I agree the idea is long overdue...
  21. Valid point. But I'd hate to be the one trying to change travel plans on 12 - or 6, in week 17 - days' notice, especially during the holiday season...
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