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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I don't know what kind of drugs they have in Ljubljana, but I want some.
  2. The mere sight of the Clippers wearing "retro" Braves uniforms is enough to make me want to hurl the nearest heavy object at the television.
  3. Clump, thanks for crunching all the numbers, and for sharing. Different question: do you have a number for the Bills TOTAL payroll last season? In other words, the 'cash-over-cap' number including all signing/roster bonuses?
  4. Nah, just lurking in the right place at the right time...
  5. ...but you don't have a team. At least not this year...
  6. Thanks for the memories, Good Sir Archivist...
  7. True on both counts. My seasons aren't that far from $50/game already; I grumble when they raise 'em (especially if they do so after a crappy year like 2005), but I still ante up. And as the details of the revenue-sharing deal continue to leak out, there are at least four teams that should be regretting their 'yes' votes. For example: Jacksonville is covering the upper deck at Alltel so they can actually sell out a game every now and then. How do you think that will affect their compliance with the 'total ticket revenue within 80% of the league average' qualifier, when the Redskins are selling out a 91,000-seat stadium at premium prices every week? Thanks to cheap tix, a small (and shrinking) market, and an elderly owner, the Bills appear to be closest to the chopping block... but they won't be the only ones. And if the Big Boys' Club ever finds a way around Green Bay's unique ownership structure? Don't think for a second they wouldn't pull the plug.
  8. Don't think Dudeman was an All-American, and I know he hasn't made the Pro Bowl. LaVar's done both. But yeah, he sucks because you say so. Thanks for the input. And Roar Lions Roar.
  9. Still have the estate-tax situation to deal with. Much like the Robbies (Dolphins), Ralph's daughters might have to sell the team to pay them...
  10. Regarding #s 1-3: I'm not sure the Bills could do that if they wanted to. Merchandise licensing/marketing rights are held by NFL Business Ventures (formerly NFL Properties), not the individual teams. From the NFL website:
  11. DeBenedetti is loony to begin with. His reaction doesn't surprise me one bit...
  12. National Football League 280 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Which names in particular?
  13. I've never lived in the state of New York, much less the city of Buffalo, in my entire life. Plus, I've got my own taxes to pay down here in PA. (Including some that helped build new football stadiums in Philly and Pittsburgh, incidentally.) I should care about what Buffalo city employees make?
  14. They just had the big annual meeting; not sure when the next one is scheduled. You know what is coming up shortly, though, don't you? Last Saturday of the month, starts with D, ends with r-a-f-t. Radio City Music Hall. Lots of media there. Even has a catchy tagline: "The Dream Starts Here". Yeah, there are possibilities there.
  15. All right, 'fess up -- you guys who didn't choose the 'mass assassination' response are lying.
  16. Won't matter anyhow, since I'm guessing a good percentage of us will be in jail after we storm the NFL offices in NYC...
  17. Dead on. But that's only part of it; if Giambra was correct about those nasty little 'qualifiers', there's major trouble there, as well. For example: the Bills can sell out every home game for the next fifty years, but if the ticket prices stay the lowest in the league, they still won't meet the "ticket revenue within 80% of league average" qualifier mentioned in one of the Rochester D+C articles this morning. The CBA isn't what needs to be changed. Read this quote from Tagliabue's press conference on March 8th: The revenue-sharing is among the owners, not between the league and the NFLPA... and that's the agreement we have to find a way to change. More on revenue-sharing, from later in that PC: For those who may not understand the "cash over cap" concept: it refers to the league-wide average of each team's total player payroll, including signing bonuses. So when teams such as the Redskins or Cowboys throw huge signing bonuses at players and end up with a payroll $20 or $25 million over the 'official' cap, that average goes up... meaning the Bills would have to spend more "cash over cap" money themselves before becoming eligible to collect from the revenue-sharing fund. The Bills will likely hit the 65% maximum Tagliabue cited before reaching the salcap-"cash-over-cap" midpoint. Still means the Bills will be spending at least 65% of their total revenue on player salaries, while the big-market teams will be spending less than 50%. Now tack on the rest of the payroll, from Marv Levy and Dick Jauron all the way to the receptionist at the front desk of the administration building. Don't forget marketing/advertising costs, either -- unlike the big-market teams with huge fanbases (and season-ticket waiting lists), the Bills have to put some real effort into selling out the stadium on a regular basis. Anyone still think this is all about "Ralph being cheap"?
  18. I disagree. Oh, not about Schopp; I'm with you there... but he's not the only guy on that station, either. Listening yesterday late afternoon/evening, and Parker sounded like he was more than ready to join Ralph's crusade. He was giving heavy play to the list of local Congresscritters' addresses posted on their website, and I doubt he was doing it just to drum up page views...
  19. Ummm, because you called a freaking press conference, Brett ?!?!?
  20. They were too busy making 'senile' jokes at RCW's expense. Beginning to look like that 'No' vote was the correct one after all, isn't it?
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