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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Philly finally manages to net one, and Drury gets it right back. Nail-in-coffin time. Oooh. Ahhh. Flyers on the golf course.... putting the lie once and for all to Hitchcock's "we can skate with the Sabres" statement.
  2. First one's courtesy of Every Day Should Be Saturday, a Deadspin.com-type blog for college football fans: Speaking of Deadspin, here's a link to their NFL coverage. Always good for a few guffaws. And if you missed Nick Bakay's draft-day blog over on NFL.com, there are (of course) many Bills references to be had. Here ya go:
  3. Valid point. By the by -- as a Wolfpack guy, what's your take on McCargo?
  4. Some of the talking heads were pointing out that unless Mario Williams turns out to be a Hall of Fame DE, he'll always be linked with the Sam Bowies and Darkos in the "you coulda had this guy instead" file. I'm assuming we'll treat McCargo/Mangold much the same. Obviously, I'm hoping for the best vis-a-vis both McCargo and Mel Fowler... but my traditional "wait till September, then we'll see what we've got" mantra couldn't be more appropriate this year. After the Bennie Anderson fiasco, no more this-guy-should-be-an-upgrade predictions from this neck of the woods.
  5. Thank God for Sirius. beerme has a point about Cowherd, though -- consistently the worst programming on ESPNRadio.
  6. Hopefully he found a better parking place this year. I was beginning to wonder if we should send out a search party for y'all...
  7. I was surprised to see him listed as a DB, even though that's originally where he was slotted when he walked on. Played a little safety his junior year, but couldn't move up the depth chart. Switched to WR for his senior year and worked his way into a larger role after Derrick Williams was injured. EK was the unquestioned leader of the kick-coverage squads, and made several big-time catches last season (including a beautiful TD grab in the Orange Bowl). Plus, I liked him because he wore Adam Taliaferro's #43. I hope he makes it. August 2005: good preseason feature from the Daily Collegian The Sentinel (Carlisle, PA): Kilmer delivers on special teams pre-draft feature from Pgh. Post-Gazette Harrisburg Patriot-News: Former PSU backup has shot at NFL (bugmenot.com: zipcode 90210/d.o.b. 1901)
  8. Yes. At least these small players aren't afraid of snow... that we know of, anyway...
  9. When you consider the contributions (or lack thereof) by some of those first-day picks, yes.
  10. And if the Bills had a shot at DaBrick, I imagine they would've taken him as well. They didn't.
  11. The line has blurred, but I wouldn't go quite that far. Most papers still try to draw a distinct line between beat reporters and columnists. Take the BuffNews Bills coverage -- you'll hardly ever see Gaughan or Wilson insert personal opinion into their beat coverage, or Sully write a just-the-facts gamer. Chuck Pollock does both (and IMO a damn good job of keeping the gamer and column separate), but the Times Herald doesn't exactly have the same staffing as the News, either... My local (small-town) dailies? OTH: Bills/Sabres/Bonnies beats and tons of preps coverage; local racing and outdoor features. AP feeds for most other sports. Their annual football pullout beats the crap out of anything from the News. My only quibble: they pick up most of their Penn State stuff from one of the Pittsburgh papers. In my opinion, that's like reading the NYC papers for Red Sox news... Bradford Era: preps (as long as it's BAHS ), youth sports, local bowling scores, sometime Bonnies coverage, and AP for everything else. The 'Error' might have more local news in the front section, but I bet you can guess which one of the two I subscribe to.
  12. Why is that "Big Buckin' Chicken" ad running through my head right now? I sense the potential for another twenty-pager...
  13. Actually, I figured I fit right in. Should've heard the reaction to the Whitner pick inside the Jim Kelly Club -- a few seconds of stunned disbelief, then chaos. They actually booed Marv's press conference when they showed it on TV. Funny stuff. I checked in here (via webphone) just long enough to read and share some of the more hysterical thread titles.... even funnier.
  14. Argh. Still good seeing you and your dad, though. About five years ago, some of my cousins decided to move our family reunion to the first weekend of August... the same weekend as the HOF induction and/or Bills scrimmage. Needless to say, I haven't been to one since.....
  15. During the draft? He was sitting right next to me... and correctly predicting the Bills would select McCargo as soon as they traded into #26.
  16. Smart move by Houston. They haven't had a pass rush since Jeff Posey left. (And no, I'm not entirely kidding about Posey -- I believe his 8 sacks in 2002 are still a Texans team record.)
  17. Really? Might have to try that tomorrow.
  18. You are aware that BNIA and the Niagara Falls Airport are two different places, aren't you?
  19. 'Nuff said. (And I agree with you about the Bills' current unis, Seth -- the more I look at last season's "throwbacks", the less I like the 2002 model...)
  20. Could be -- I didn't consider that option. Guess I'm not devious enough.
  21. Not sure exactly how that works, since the Bengals seem to randomly switch back and forth between (ugly) black and (uglier) orange "home" jerseys...
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