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Everything posted by Lori

  1. PC. That could be it - I've heard some people are having problems listening to the WGR feed on Macs. Couldn't get any Internet audio to work when I was running Mozilla 1.7 - WGR, Sirius, nothing. No problems since downloading the latest Firefox.
  2. Supposedly, WGR is planning to sync their broadcast with the CBC feed.
  3. Mike Lange. He's still there, on FoxSportsPittsburgh.
  4. You can't? Must be I'm hearing things, then. Like "Dust in the Wind" on channel 15 (Classic Rewind) right now.
  5. Listening to it on Firefox right now. There's a message at the top about needing an additional plugin to "display all the media on this page", but it'll play. Checking IE now, and it looks like the only difference is the "Last Five Songs" box. Make sure you've got the latest version of Firefox, and give it another try...
  6. That may well have been true, Simon. For sure, he and Miro coudn't have co-existed for another season. But I wouldn't consider this version of the Swordsmen "veteran-oriented", either -- Grier and Drury are the oldest forwards on the roster, and I can remember Drury pitching that LLWS game. Holy cow - looking at the roster, I didn't realize McKee is only 28. And even if they can't re-sign him, this team could be good for a LONG time. [habs fan] Crap. [/habs fan]
  7. Flutie / RJ? noooooooooooooooo... *runs screaming from this thread*
  8. Kind of what I was thinking as well, RTDB - check back in five years or thereabouts, and we'll have a better idea about all of the above. (Although I'm guessing Steve Tasker will be the only player to go on the Wall mainly for ST play, which would count out Moorman.) Barring upsets, the next three WoF inductees should be Bruce, Steve, and Biscuit. I'd say Hansen (and perhaps Conlan) have a chance. Don't be overly surprised if Bill Polian ends up there someday, too. James Lofton, perhaps? Only here for four years, but they were pretty good years... Post-Super Bowl era? Tough to argue against Ruben's Pro Bowls -- only Bruuce has more. Moulds has a decent shot; Pat Williams doesn't. And has noone mentioned Mount Washington yet? I'd certainly put him up there over Williams. Others: Flutie? Bledsoe 'deserves' the honor just as much - both just barely meet the three-year-minimum service requirement, DB won more games as a starter here, and his stats were far superior. (Needless to say, I don't expect either one to make it up there any time soon. ) Much as I loved Chris Spielman, he only played two seasons here. Bryce Paup might have a chance, but again, he was only here for three years. Fast fact: of the current players on the Wall (excluding Bob Kalsu, obviously a special case), Bob James had the shortest career here - six years. This time last year, I ran a poll asking for opinions about who the next inductee should be. (And yes, several people correctly predicted Andre would be this year's choice.) Some good discussion there: May 2005 Wall of Fame poll
  9. That's why I read Deadspin. Some of the regulars there are as good as any stand-up comedian I've ever seen...
  10. Surprise, surprise -- this article made it to Deadspin.com: It's Hard Out Here For Willis McGahee
  11. He'd better hurry, because Willie Roaf and Will Shields aren't getting any younger.
  12. And that's exactly where he'd be without the collective butt-smooching applied to the entire '72 Dolphins team...
  13. Slight correction there - as time passes, I think it'll become increasingly HARDER for WRs to make the HOF based on stats alone. Carter and Brown both have over 1000 catches; once they get in -- and remember, they'll be eligible before Smith -- his numbers will pale in comparison. Remember this, too: with decent seasons in 2006, Keenan McCardell (825 catches), Isaac Bruce (813), and Rod Smith (797) can all pass JSmith. Would any of you consider all three of them viable HOF candidates? You said it, BGIM: Hall of the Very Good.
  14. And Andre helped his team win four more AFC Championship games than Smith, and is still considered a 'borderline' candidate by most non-Bills fans... as is Monk, with his better numbers and three Super Bowl rings. Already tough for WRs to get in - Charlie Joiner, Lynn Swann, John Stallworth, and James Lofton are the only four to make it in since 1996, and all had to wait at least ten years after they retired. And it'll be even tougher for everyone in the Jerry Rice/Marvin Harrison era, as West Coast-style offenses stack up the fantasy-football-friendly passing stats. Ten years from now, will the HOF voters still remember any significant contribution to the game by Smith? I'm guessing not. Just my opinion...
  15. And Tim Brown and Cris Carter -- after all, all four of them have more catches, yards, and TDs than Smith, and three of the four have more Pro Bowl selections as well. Smith won't even be eligible until the Class of 2011. And by then, it's a safe bet he won't still be seventh on the career receptions list...
  16. I don't. 37 years old, and still a friggin' babysitter. Where did I go wrong?
  17. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...0&hl=cole++ford We talked about it a little back when he was first arrested. Guy's got problems.
  18. Thanks, Darin, for reminding everyone this is a HOCKEY thread...
  19. Enough already. Eryn, you know better. Orange, whether he insulted you or not, that was over the top. I'm closing this thread while I decide whether to clean it up or just nuke the whole friggin' thing. Congratulations. Now keep it civil, or you're getting sent to your room.
  20. Thought I'd bring this thread out of storage, just for giggles. Anyone still wanna complain about letting Miro walk?
  21. All right, that'll be enough of that crazy talk. Seriously -- since Bogdan was already listed as a VP and has been part of the scouting staff for years, I'm not sure whether it was an actual 'promotion' or just a title change.
  22. In other words, you're being a blatant Lakers homer. Could've just mentioned that in the beginning and saved yourself a lot of typing. Addendum: That wasn't meant as a shot, JfH - I respect your right to your opinion, and I react much the same way when someone disses the Bills. But can you at least consider the idea that your allegiance to your team might just be affecting your objectivity?
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