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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Hockey at 100mph. Wow, is this series going to be fun to watch...
  2. Passing yards, not in the top 20. Behind such luminaries as Steve Deberg and Kerry Collins. Passing TDs, barely in the top FIFTY. Aikman was a very good QB... but let's not kid ourselves here. He's going into the HOF because he had Emmitt in the backfield, a line full of Pro Bowl players in front of him, and Irvin to throw to. John Elway would have won a lot more than two Super Bowls if he'd had talent like that surrounding him. Aikman might never have gotten to a Super Bowl with the pre-Terrell Davis teams Elway carried there. (Can anyone even name Denver's starting RBs in Elway's first three SBs?) Hell, for all the Brady-haters on here, try telling me his supporting cast ranks within a country mile of Aikman's... and yet, he also has three rings. Aikman = Hall of Famer? Yeah. Among the best ever? Debatable. Aikman = Bob Griese. JMO.
  3. What, to help fill in a tunnel? Sounds good to me. Just so they use fast-setting cement...
  4. I've tried to steer clear of the anti-Losman crusade, but this reminded me of one of the GR hosts a couple of years ago -- the day Jim Ritcher was announced as the next Wall of Fame inductee, he had to admit he didn't really have an opinion on the selection because he'd never seen Ritcher play. I keep that in mind whenever I listen to him talk about any Bills history-related topic now... just as I'll file this one for future reference.
  5. How could they cut Nutten after one season, yet keep Allotey around until his rookie contract ran out? 20/20 hindsight with regards to Nutten, sure, but Captain Inactive was nothing more than a punchline for his entire stay in Buffalo...
  6. Are eight-time Pro Bowl linemen really that easy to forget? Nothing personal, but as far as I'm concerned, your credibility just took a hit.
  7. Did you not get the letter explaining the TEMPORARY 10-seat limit, set to ensure all season-ticket holders had an opportunity to purchase tix? IIRC, it expires tomorrow morning.
  8. I think by 'scalpers' he meant the ones who buy seasons to resell them, not the guys standing out on BigTreeRd on Sunday morning. Not so sure he doesn't have a valid point -- drop a few thousand tickets presold to brokers, bus-tour companies, etc., and those late games probably DON'T sell out unless the team has a realistic shot at the playoffs.
  9. Goes back to the National Post story, with the only 'confirmation' coming from expats. Not that it would surprise me if it turns out to be true...
  10. Considering that Campbell was the one who clocked Umberger, I'm not sure what you mean?
  11. 1a and 1b was bad enough, but not as bad as leaving the entire QB line BLANK like MM did for the first Jets game. First time I've ever actually laughed at a team press release. (IIRC, both Sully and the GR guys went absolutely ballistic when they saw that.. which made it even more hysterical...)
  12. Hear, hear. Jubelirer looked like he was in shock, didn't he? Good times...
  13. OLN = Outdoor Life Network Google is your friend. (Apparently about the only one you have around here right now.)
  14. Unless Mike Mularkey is filling out the depth chart...
  15. Technically, the 0-for-15 isn't quite correct, but it's not THAT far off (if you only count their time here -- an important qualifier). I'll agree with another part of your statement, though: I think we were spoiled by earlier success finding late-round/FA linemen (11th-rounder House Ballard comes to mind), although a complete Day 2 draft list from the playoff/Super Bowl run would also contain its share of mutts...
  16. Yes and no, Dibs. You're correct about Nutten owning a Rams SB ring, and Dusty Z. played in a Super Bowl as well (XXXV, NY Giants). (Should've hung onto Nutten, eh?) But even I draw a blank on names like DeLorenzo and Luneberg, and from what I've seen from NFLEurope this spring, Dylan MacF. isn't exactly dominating the league. And don't even get me started about Captain Inactive, Victor Allotey...
  17. Seriously? That's where part of my family 'settled' in the late 1700s/early 1800s -- we could be distant cousins. I don't know which one of us should be more frightened by that prospect.
  18. Interestingly, I don't think Adams played college ball. (Then again, I believe he was busy shipping out to Korea with the USMC right after high school...) Following his own stint in the Marines, Butler played two years of juco and one year at Illinois, then coached for three years at Evansville... his only experience before joining the Chicago Blitz staff. He was still in his mid-thirties when the Blitz named him their Director of Pro Scouting. Looking at the scouting staff in the 2000 media guide, quite a few of them - Forsyth, Gibbons, Majeski - started here as interns while still in their mid-20s. Hey, everybody has to start somewhere.
  19. NOW you tell us. (Kidding. Just kidding. )
  20. Answer: he doesn't. Anderson wasn't cut; he played out his contract and left as an unrestricted free agent.
  21. ...and how Vanek ended up in the pressbox for a couple of games: Play hard, or don't bother suiting up. I actually have to give the Sportscenter crew some credit here -- they opened their highlight package of Game 5 by giving Chris Drury props for trying to block a shot after he lost his stick on the five-on-three, then bashed the hell out of Alfredsson and Redden for letting Pominville skate right by them on the game-winner. Those clips told you all you needed to know about the series. Buffalo was willing to do whatever it took to win; Ottawa wasn't. Enjoy your offseason, Sens.
  22. Kudos to BUFFALOBART for the pix; I just put 'em online for him. That whole day was an absolute blast -- helping the happy couple celebrate at the Pinto, then watching the Bills stomp the hapless Cardinals. Weather was crappy, but nobody really cared... [/threadjack]
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