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Everything posted by Lori

  1. No Patriots player appeared in the February 2001 Pro Bowl. As of that September, Seymour (a rookie) and Vinatieri had yet to play in one. UDFA Andruzzi still hasn't. And you didn't really compare #13 overall pick and two-time Pro Bowler Spikes to Mark Pike in a later post, did you? Tell me I didn't read that. I realize the last names SOUND similar, but still...
  2. Wiseass. Gotta say, though, I've also been pleasantly surprised by Royal's work in the passing drills. This cannot be the same guy who dropped almost as many passes as he caught last season, can it? Does Strong Memorial Hospital do hand transplants?
  3. I'm guessing single-feed? so you'll hafta set your alarm clock (or stay up Saturday night ). I'm also seeing a 3pm Monday (14th) rebroadcast, if that helps you any: http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/preseason_2006
  4. WKBW (7) in Buffalo and WHAM (13) in Rochester will both have the game live, with Gus Johnson and Steve Tasker doing the broadcast.
  5. Nope, Foreman was traded for Charlie Rogers. As for LB depth: not too many mentions of Mario Haggan in this thread. Thought y'all might be interested to know that MH was lining up with the first team in Friday's practice. (TKO was running with the twos; I'm assuming they're taking their time easing him back in.)
  6. The commentary was priceless, indeed. The grass v. turf discussion was definitely the high point, but the "so, is this, like, tryouts or something?" line ranks right up there as well... Didn't take many notes until 11-on-11 work. Random thoughts: -Whoever dubbed Holcomb "Captain Checkdown" - overheard in the media tent Tuesday night, repeated by Howard Simon on Wednesday morning's show - should copyright that nickname. In my fact-free opinion, he's reading short-to-long on just about every play. That said, I hope J.P. is taking mental notes when Holcomb drops back to set up a screen. Very smooth. As for Losman: a couple of overthrows on deep balls (WRs practicing double moves). Wondering if the damp turf might've slowed the routes a bit? Even so, it's his job to realize that and compensate for it... More passing drills (lot of underneath stuff - slants, crossing routes): Again, KH dumping off to the RB far too often for my taste. JP threading the needle - several nice completions vs. decent coverage. -As previously mentioned by other posters, Robert Royal might just be more of a downfield weapon than we thought when the Bills signed him. Caught everything thrown his way (at least while I was watching), including a pretty seam route from Holcomb that split the DBs and would've gone for a long gain in game action. Of course, this depends on whether or not he (and the other TEs) will have to spend most of their time passblocking, something we've seen far too much of the last few seasons. I think the line can be better this season, but I won't be convinced until I see it on the field. -Love our depth at RB. I won't predict Joe Burns' departure from the roster (since I did that last preseason and got it wrong), but he has an uphill fight. A-Train looks good, and while Gates still has a tendency to bounce the play to the edge, he did have some decent inside carries last night. Gotta run, since I'm heading back that way for the afternoon session. Type at y'all later...
  7. Nice pix, Rock. Seeya tomorrow night?
  8. Even during the K-Gun's heyday, having Jamie Mueller and Carwell Gardner around came in handy at times. I like the move, and not just because "Hey - I've heard of him!" If Ricard can get healthy, I think Shelton's in trouble.
  9. Someone who covered the AFL-era Bills once told me Gilchrist was the greatest player he ever saw (and yes, that includes Jim Brown), but also maybe the strangest person he'd ever met. Hasek has to be right up there on the head-case scale, though. Heck, even Terrell Owens hasn't tried to strangle a reporter (yet). And as Dan already mentioned - who knew he'd take that "Red Wing forever!" quote so seriously?
  10. I'm guessing you meant Cookie Gilchrist, not Duby...
  11. Hence the "chest" injury that kept him sidelined the latter part of last season. Looks like Mularkey got that one right.
  12. Ah, the wit and wisdom of the Mularkey playbook. Fun when it worked, not so much when it didn't. Thanks to Mike32282, AJ, ElMarko and the rest of our camp 'correspondents'...
  13. PTR, except for the hours (live/local 6am-10pm on weekdays except for Rome), I think you just nailed a description of WNSA. Have I mentioned lately how much I miss NSA/Empire? P.S.: Good luck to my friends at Adelphia whose jobs disappeared as of 5 pm today...
  14. Before the current incident began, the most recent travel warning issued for Lebanon was dated May 2 2006, superseding the one dated November 7 2005. (And judging from a quick Google search, this warning has been around in some form since at least 1997 -- and probably a long time before that.) From last November's update:
  15. [habs fan] Pleasepleaseplease let this happen... [/habs fan]
  16. That's what happened to us with the B'gals road game last year. Had fun the year before (thanks again to udonk and his pops!), were planning a repeat visit, and then the schedule came out. Thphphpt.
  17. Likewise... except I'll most likely be working the 8th, so if anyone needs that night, lemme know.
  18. I'm setting the attendance over/under on that game at 40,000. And betting the under.
  19. Funny, because I know quite a few AFL-era Bills linemen who are still VERY much alive.
  20. Time flies. Doesn't seem that long ago, when you were asking for opinions on the schools she was thinking about applying to... Congrats to your brilliant daughter, and to her proud parents. Have a great weekend!
  21. Even with Jeremy Schapp filling in for Bob Ley, Outside The Lines is consistently one of the best shows on ESPN... which is why, of course, it's shunted into the post-midnight/Sunday-morning slot. Regarding the Levy segment: Good lineup of interviews/guests. The one thing I may have done differently? Get someone who's worked on-air with Marv recently -- perhaps Tasker or Simon -- to give some insight on whether his broadcasting work might have helped him prepare for a front-office job. They may have consciously decided to steer clear of that, though, and Chris Parker acquitted himself well. (The Matthau/Lemmon line was good for a chuckle. Maybe I'll have to dig up some 'Grumpy Old Men' quotes for next season....) Aside: Vikes? For an ankle sprain? Day-amn. Your doc taking on new patients?
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