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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Brandon/Jauron/et al. might have asked Kugler's opinion on those players, but no, assistant coaches normally aren't the ones making roster decisions.
  2. True patriot love in all thy sons command. Not that I agree with the protest; I'm not one to get hung up on "mankind" and such. Now, having read the story, I have a question for our Canuckistani brethren: is the bilingual version actually the official one? I learned it that way because of Roger Doucet singing it at Habs games, but I've also heard the English-only lyrics used.
  3. Actually, last I knew, the Startlegram had a larger circulation than The Buffalo News. This wasn't in some 20K fishwrap... Add: ....although his next column may be.
  4. I may be tempting fate by starting this thread here instead of PPP, but here goes. Fort Worth Star-Telegram columnist Gil LeBreton had an, ummm, interesting take on the sea of red and white on display at the recently-concluded Olympic Games: In these Olympics, Canadians only paid attention to Canada and: Naturally, after the outraged e-mails and comments started pouring in, he apologized. Or tried to. Maybe: Offending Canada wasn’t intentional Gee, ya think? Of course, Deadspin and The Sporting News have picked up on this, and LeBreton's Twitter feed disappeared less than half an hour after National Post columnist (and Vancouver native) Bruce Arthur retweeted his link to the original column. My conclusions: Unless you're talking about a repressive regime trying to take over the world and kill millions of people along the way, Hitler/Nazi comparisons are usually a bad idea. And was there nobody on the copy-desk that night to ask LeBreton, "Are you really sure you want this in print?"
  5. Yes, they've tried. Think you might find a couple of "declined comment" mentions in Wawrow's stories.
  6. <-------------- This PSU homer understands why Maybin declared last year, but still wishes he would have stayed in school for another season ...
  7. Gaustad, and he's out at lest a week with an "upper-body injury." Watch the replay -- you can see he messed up his hand/wrist early in the fight. That makes it less amusing for me, and I'm not even a Sabres fan.
  8. Thought LTs were the subject of both Tim's blog post and this discussion.
  9. Eighth in that table: http://www.profootballfocus.com/articles.p...arc=&id=122
  10. Shameless plug: our favorite Canuckistani sportswriter is talking trade-deadline stuff on WGR with Nick Mendola right now ... http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/.../player/?id=WGR
  11. Not bad. I like their Fireside Nut Brown Ale. In fact, I think I might hear one calling to me right now ...
  12. Kelsey Grammer? Oh ... you meant grammar. Never mind ...
  13. 1. Are we sure Nelson is ready to start? 2. Olsen's better anyway. 3. Bears are idiots if they even consider dumping a first-round pick -- and their leading receiver last year -- so Martz can bring in one of his old Rams buddies.
  14. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/...s-unemployment/ Eh? According to this, he works (worked?) for the mayor of NY, not a newspaper.
  15. Nah. Some mostly good-natured smacktalk aside, there wasn't much jingoistic fervor on either side of the latest "border war." Instead, we've moved on to debating the Olympic Spirit, with a couple of people wishing we could go back to the good old days when only the Soviet Bloc sent full-time athletes to the Games. Good to see you back, and I hope the weekend gave you enough time to rest and recuperate ...
  16. It was, when the game started. That's how Edwards managed to throw those two first-quarter TD passes. Started raining in the second quarter, and it was sleeting by the end of the game. That's the day my canopy tent died. The description from the gamebook: Game Weather: Rain and wind Temp: 52° F (11.1° C), Humidity: 32%, Wind: SSE 23 mph Outdoor Weather: Forecast: high temp 55, but falling through day. Wind gusts to 36 at game time, poss. to 50 mph during game. That site's description of the 49ers game from 2008, the one that a coworker called the most miserable gameday-weather experience he's ever had: 38°F and Mostly Cloudy And the official gamebook: Game Weather: Mostly cloudy Temp: 38° F (3.3° C), Humidity: 69%, Wind: ESE 15 mph Outdoor Weather: Forecast: periods of rain and snow, winds steady at 15-20 mph, Wind Chill: 29 The Cleveland blizzard: Game Weather: Cold Temp: 30° F (-1.1° C), Humidity: 93%, Wind: NorthWest 32 mph Outdoor Weather: snowing /blowing, Wind Chill: 16 In other words, the linked site only included the first line of the weather description. Since the snow and 30+mph wind in that Cleveland game wasn't mentioned under "game weather," they missed it.
  17. Shaun White makes more per year than any player on the men's hockey team. Where's your !@#$ing moral compass register on that one?
  18. So athletes should be prohibited from competing in more than one Olympiad? And again, does that also apply to individual sports?
  19. But professionals in individual sports are okay?
  20. Them, Ohno, Bode Miller, the skaters who go "on tour" when they're not competing, all of 'em.
  21. Ryan Miller among the U.S. athletes walking into the Closing Ceremony. Smile on his face, camera in his hand. Glad he's getting to experience this moment.
  22. How the hell anyone can watch that game and still conclude that they don't want the best players in the world representing their countries, I'll never know. Congrats to Canuckistan, a deserving champion, and to a USA team that a lot of people -- including the NHLPA, which booked the players' flights home for today -- didn't expect to be playing this weekend.
  23. That one's not right. Chambers began the season in SD, and signed with KC after the Chargers cut him at the beginning of November.
  24. per vtext. Have been informed they will not be offered contracts for next season. Add: No Owens, Denney or Reed for 2010
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