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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Jonas Jennings injured? Say it ain't so.
  2. I'm sure this was covered on the board yesterday... but I wasn't around to read it, and I just happen to be burning a DVD of the game as I type... Interesting that the gamebook entry doesn't actually SAY he went OOB (as it does with most typical entries); that's just where the penalty was enforced from: Nantz/Simms claim the ball was marked at the 38, but he was even further away from the sideline at that point. CBS showed the best angle during the Bills' ensuing offensive series; as Clements is being flagged for his block, Whitner's foot is squarely in the middle of the hashmark. He gets a little closer the next time his right foot lands (on the 44), but still never comes within six inches of the sideline. Also telling is the fact that when he announces the penalty, Terry McAuley never mentions why play was stopped. A better referee would have, unless he already knew the call was blown. Pereira's going to have to bite the bullet on this one and blame the old "inadvertent whistle"... IF Eisen bothers to ask him about it, that is. (I sense an e-mail or two to Richie's inbox brewing. )
  3. What a lovely shade of yellow. Sabres fans have my sympathy...
  4. Good question. I'd say they probably will, if they're going after Reggie Bush for his Adidas cleats...
  5. Speaking of rationalization, I'm eagerly anticipating Mike Pereira's explanation for why Whitner's INT return was whistled down. (Yes, it wouldn't have mattered anyway because of the penalty. Duly noted...) Maroney starts by midseason.
  6. Good stuff, KTFABD, especially the last point. I wouldn't have a problem seeing the kids start at safety from here on out.
  7. On this board? Could happen, you know...
  8. Can't disagree there. (As if I needed any more reasons to dislike Belichick...)
  9. Where's that :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: smiley when I need it?
  10. My point exactly. The Pats have other guys who can return kicks.
  11. They claimed Smith off waivers; he didn't have a choice. And while I wouldn't put it past the sonuvaBelichick to pull a stunt like this, there is another possibility. Troy Brown, Reche Caldwell, and rookie Chad Jackson were the only WRs on the roster who were around for training camp/preseason, and Jackson has been limited in practice all week with a bad hamstring. To make matters worse, Doug Gabriel was added to the injury report with a hamstring tweak of his own. The Pats run more 3-wide/4-wide sets than just about any team in the league; does it make sense they'd want another WR available who's actually practiced in their offense for more than one week? Just sayin'.
  12. He supposedly bailed out of a moving car earlier today; I'm wondering if he was unarmed... And if he was, as much as the troopers may have WANTED to shoot him, they're professionals. Here's hoping Erie County can hold onto him this time.
  13. Did you check the Bills Backers board? Follow this link for the Virginia Beach listing.
  14. Actually, on our side of the state line. Good hunting, PSP.
  15. Surrendered at 8 PM. Helicopter overhead, SWAT teams on either side, PSP moving in, sounds like he didn't have much choice. All three Buffalo stations running live coverage. Out-frigging-standing.
  16. Heard of Eisenhower High School? That's where Russell is. On 62 between Warren and Jamestown (and about 60 miles from metro Erie).
  17. Amen to that (and to CL's amended version, in my personal opinion.) I can live with locking the house/car and saying "yessir." whenever the nice trooper at the roadblock asks me to pop the trunk. That's a heckuvalot different than being out in the woods looking for him... while wondering if he's watching THEM. Guy I went to school with is stationed at the Mt. Jewett barracks, so I'd have to imagine he's out there tonight. Stay safe, Stuke. It's ironic -- coming home from Columbus Monday, my friend was uneasy about a return trip on I-86 (and the roadblocks on 219)... so we decided to come across 80 and up Rt. 62 into Warren. (Which, of course, is within spittin' distance of where they're focusing their search tonight.) Found out about the Ludlow connection when we got home, which made me REALLY happy we didn't pick the Clarion-Kane route instead...
  18. How nice of you to express your opinion. Too bad that in doing so, you're asking other people NOT to express theirs. Memo to EVERYONE: if you don't care to read threads about <insert topic here>, I'd suggest not clicking on them. That's always worked for me. Thank you.
  19. Damn straight. Cowher would've run up, waved the flag in the ref's face, then stuffed it into his shirt pocket, like he did the 12-men-on-the-field Polaroid that time... Perhaps he thought the ref could hear the soft 'thump' of the flag hitting the grass behind him? If so, he thought wrong.
  20. I thought that too, KTFABD. We sure found out about Fast Willie, didn't we?
  21. Russell is about as close to Erie as Olean is to Buffalo, and calling it a "town" might be generous. More like a wide spot in the road, less than a thousand people, with a regional high school. (Good thing we don't play Eisenhower any more... although we are scheduled to play at Sheffield tomorrow, about 15 miles from where this is going down...) I've played that course. Those woods are thick. Good luck to PSP and friends... GET that (bleep).
  22. More to the story: Detroit Free Press: Nude at the drive-through Well, hell, that explains everything! He obviously didn't want to get "special sauce" all over his clothes....
  23. Over/under on Culpepper turnovers: 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and check out those league-leading fumble stats....
  24. Correct. National feed, so it's not on the Ticket. Game time 8:30.
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