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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I freely admit my bias there. You know why I love Conlan; the senior year was great, and the Fiesta Bowl performance was the stuff of legend. As for his pro career? Ah, if only those 'chicken legs' had been a bit sturdier...
  2. Carr? Saved the best for last, I see. Yikes. Wonder what he could've been if he hadn't spent the last four seasons being pounded into submission. Bill, the pre-injury Cowart was a frickin' stud, but his running mates (Rogers/Northern/Holecek/Newman) were merely adequate compared to the Super Bowl-era group. Bennett is a lock to join Talley on the Wall of Fame, and Conlan is a big reason I became a Bills fan in the first place. (I'll probably be wearing a #58 jersey when you see me next month, and no, I didn't pick that number because of Villarrial... )
  3. Interesting choices, Rich. While I wouldn't have disagreed with any of your DL selections, I've always felt the foundation of the 3-4's success can be found in your old stomping grounds. Except for Lights Out, the 'backers you listed are solid, but not game-changers. (JMO.) Then again, maybe I was spoiled by the Biscuit/Conlan/Talley combo...
  4. Ah, what do YOU know about football anyway? Kidding, of course. The other ends on that list may well be better pure passrushers, but I agree - Seymour's the total package. And a few other people think so as well... http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...eymour-sw_x.htm
  5. Good line. Apparently accuracy > speed. And Schneck was yet another one of those Pittsburgh castoffs, too... FYI: Lindell is 71-88 on FGs with the Bills (80.68%), tops in club history. (Christie's 78.26% is #2.)
  6. Something to add here: with his 70 rushing yards vs. New England, Willis knocked Greg Bell out of the Bills Top 10 career rushing list. For that, he deserves our thanks.
  7. It's still running? I assumed it was over. Last time I checked that link it kicked me to the Bills homepage, with all four "fan" sites listed. Deleted cookies to make sure; same result. And I'm still trying to figure out how the classicbuffalo.com page made it there instead of our friends at BillsZone. That's just wrong...
  8. Mike, you might be able to get somewhere from this page: http://www.buffalobills.com/utility/EmailtheBills.jsp
  9. No. The detectives are strictly present-day in the episodes I've seen. Not a bad show, though.
  10. Check some of his other items. The "selling below face value because nobody seems to want to see this game" line is apparently one of his standard sales pitches. (And, of course, he's lying through his teeth WRT the Rockpile prices...) Upon further review, instead of sending him nasty e-mails, why not blow the whistle on him to eBay? In this auction, he lists a minimum bid of $169 and a "Buy It Now" price of $239 for four Rockpile tickets, and makes the same below-face-value claim. Those tickets retail for $41 each at single-game pricing. Do the math. I believe that's called fraud.
  11. He consistently bashes the new uniforms. That makes him OK in my book...
  12. Was that English? Damn, I gotta start watching more ESPN.
  13. He doesn't have Marv's number. Might it have been a good idea to GET Marv's number before announcing him as a guest? Does he have Scott Berchtold's number, I wonder? After all, the Bills DO have a PR department...
  14. Likewise. I was home that day, so had the TV going... but spent most of the time hitting refresh on the board, and breathing a sigh of relief every time one of the NYC crew checked in OK...
  15. Amen to that. Kemp '88 was the only presidential campaign I ever felt strongly enough about to volunteer for...
  16. After his first nine starts, Manning had 12 TDs/18 INTs, a 54.8% completion percentage, and a passer rating of 62.4, had thrown at least two INTs in seven of those nine games, and the Colts were 1-8. The only difference? Unlike Mike Mularkey, Jim Mora didn't think going 5-11 instead of 3-13 was a good enough reason to switch to Kelly Holcomb. JMO.
  17. TK got in a couple of decent shots at Joey T. the other night. (JT's "QBs switching to WR have to be small, quick kick-returner types" debate, for one.) In my book, that's reason enough to keep him around for a while...
  18. Tough to tell from the TV feed, but on 3rd-and-11, there wouldn't have been time for anyone to get near the first-down marker before JP was feelin' the heat. Probably would've been better off running up the white flag on that series: hand the ball off and try to get Moorman some more room. (But then, NE ends up with a short field anyway. Pick your poison.) One of those deals where, as soon as you see the ref marching the penalty off inside the 10 and the crowd noise approaching jet-plane level, you just KNOW it's not going to end well...
  19. Far as I'm concerned, you could use that play as an example to define "jailbreak". No prob. Line of scrimmage just inside the 7; first-down marker just outside the 6. By the time McGahee takes the handoff at the 11, CV/Peters/Everett/Shelton are walling off the left side of the NE line... but Wilfork is laying on top of Fowler between the 8 and 9. (Backup DE Mike Wright got good push vs. Reyes, as well.) That left Don Davis a clear path to come through untouched and make the tackle.
  20. That happened to me a couple of years ago. I didn't say anything that fall, since I'd already bought a copy, but made sure to tuck a note in with the following season's first ticket invoice. Someone passed said note along to Marc Honan (then Director of Marketing), and I ended up with a check reimbursing me for the guide I purchased AND a nice 'make-good' gift. So if you don't get your swag in the near future, I'd suggest a call to Guest Services. (Or even stopping by one of their booths inside the stadium when you come up for the opener.) And I hear ya, BART. At least cut us a break on the Kids Day game. Yeah, it's a nice idea and all, but not so nice to know my full-price ticket helps subsidize all the cheap seats they sell that night....
  21. DVRs are cool. Just for yucks, I went back and replayed that series: 1st down: Incomplete to Evans. Losman grabs his left knee and gets up limping. Simms suggests Seymour's pressure forced JP to hold the ball too long. 2nd down: You guys were right; Seymour is obviously offsides. McGahee for -1. 3rd down: ball snapped at 8:39. Gandy barely lays a hand on Banta-Cain; he and Losman cross the goal line in a dead heat. On the other side, Colvin is circling around Peters. First contact (Banta-Cain) at 8:37. Losman evades him, but by this time, Villarrial is futilely trying to catch Warren, who has beaten him to the outside. Losman on the ground at 8:35. Two seconds before he has to duck the first guy. Not sure he could've come straight forward, either, because that's right where Fowler was losing his block on Wilfork. (Kudos to Reyes on this play; his man, Seymour, was the only rusher NOT to make it into the end zone by the time Losman was down.) Two friggin' seconds.
  22. Shhhhh.... that's supposed to be a secret...
  23. Much cheaper to manufacture, I'm sure. Glad I already bought the hard copy; using it right now, in fact.
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