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Everything posted by Lori

  1. The pixyland link is a running joke around here... As previously noted, you can find the broadcast at either 97 Rock (96.9) or the Edge (103.3) on your FM dial. For some reason, 103.3 seems to come in better for me inside the stadium. Seat location: my seasons are in 109; I started out in row 4, them moved up twice (6, now 15). It's cool to be that close at first, but you do end up watching some of the game on the scoreboard. Depends, though - if it's chilly, some of your Titans are more likely to grab some (heated) bench space rather than standing along the sideline. If you wear your Titans gear, you can expect some booing and "Titans suck" type of comments, probably some profanity. (Then again, where you're sitting, you'll overhear that stuff directed at the players no matter what you wear...) I've worn Bills stuff into opposing stadiums, so I can guarantee that this happens pretty much everywhere -- in Cincy a couple of years ago, we had a 10-year-old kid right in front of us spend the entire first half telling us how much the Bills sucked. (Then, since the 'Gals were losing badly, the family bailed out at halftime.) The Bills have instituted a Guest Services Gameday Hotline, in case somebody in your section really gets stupid. I've given this number to several opposing fans this year, but far as I know, nobody's had to use it. You might want to carry it with you just in case, though: 716-312-8933 If you're in the area of Lot 1 Pole 5 before the game, stop in and say hi.
  2. It was near 50 at gametime last weekend. Ask Joey Harrington (5-17, 20 yards, 2 INT) how the weather was.
  3. Not all the gates stay open that long, though - think there's only two or three left at halftime, and one in the 3Q. I'll go find the press release...
  4. Updated team rankings: Bills 31st in total yardage, 28th in yards per play, 31st in sacks/pass attempt. Can't say I'm all that surprised that nobody from the offense made it, although I'll be curious to see where Evans ended up on the WR list...
  5. Welcome back, SK. I was wondering if you'd drop by.... Too bad your Titans are going to lose this weekend, though...
  6. Yeah? Same one he's been wearing since Coy's rookie season.
  7. Right on. I've got something like an 80-consecutive-home-game streak going, but if my great-grandmother (and with her, the family Christmas Eve get-together) hadn't passed on several years back, there would be abso-friggin'-lutely NO question where I'd be spending next Sunday evening. Maybe I'd have tried to do both, but if it came down to choosing one, tiny Austin, PA would've beaten Ralph Wilson Stadium by a country mile. For those of you joining us next Sunday, seeya there. And for those of you spending the day with family, treasure what you still have. (And I'll give you a pass for missing the game. Just this once. ) Oh, and if I haven't yet congratulated you upon your happy occasion, Jes, I'll hoist a mug in your honor right now:
  8. You're truly an ****, Jes. (Fixed the link...)
  9. Fortunately, even though the cookbook isn't currently onsite, you can still find a version from last May archived on the Wayback Machine... web.archive.org: TBD cookbook 1st add: for those of you who tried and liked the "chicken wing dip" I had at the tailgate yesterday, this recipe is pretty close to the one I have: "Chicken Cheese Dip"
  10. When I first read this post (on my phone, after the game in Lot 1), I knew I had to track it down and bump it when I got home. Hey Mike.....
  11. Believe the original was done by JJamez while he was a poster here, before he went off to help start up BillsZone. The animated version (which is unfortunately too big to set as an avatar) is once again the personal pic in my profile. Been waiting all friggin' year to put that back up...
  12. Smoot? Noooooooo, thank you. I'd rather stick with K. Thomas and Youboty than bring in the commodore of the Lake Minnetonka Yacht Club, who talks a better game than he plays. Guessing/hoping Marv would agree.
  13. Awesome. Stop by 1/5 for some beer and Sahlen's! But c'mon -- I knew this game wasn't going to be a sellout the day the schedule came out. For all of y'all making the pilgrimage home for the holidays, there are probably that many 'regulars' who have decades of Christmas Eve family traditions they can't go against. If they'd only scheduled the game for the 23rd instead... Or scheduled a visiting team that drafted lower than 3rd last April, for that matter. Betcha Bills-Pats or Bills-Packers would have still sold out this weekend, but going into the season, there's nobody alive who would've predicted both the Bills and Titans would be sitting at .500 and still mathematically alive for the playoffs...
  14. Nope, still not the funniest thing. Fact is, although the league doesn't recognize negative passer ratings, when I plugged his stats into the passer-rating formula in my spreadsheet, Harrington's raw number for yesterday was WORSE than 0.00. -17.52, to be exact.
  15. OK, now *that* was funny. Congrats to the entire Gary M. family!
  16. And what are you doing Christmas freakin' Eve? See you in Lot 1.
  17. 0.3 12+ isn't going to get it done. No surprise here...
  18. UPDATE: there are two DIFFERENT listings for this game on the DTV website - Sunday Ticket schedule linked above still shows 713 (@ 4:00, which we know is wrong), but the DTV master schedule shows it on 712 at 1. I honestly don't know what channel to tell you, but I'd tend to believe the e-mail cale received and expect to find it on 712. Changed the original post to reflect this...
  19. This week's game is also blacked out, and tickets still remain for next week's rivalry game with the Chiefs. Then again, *I* wouldn't pay to watch the Raiders, either.
  20. (applauds GW) For another blast from the past:
  21. He already nuked himself with the radio interview. No amount of just-kidding spin is going to erase that soundbite.
  22. ...dramatic enough that you couldn't afford seasons? Nothing personal, but I think you just proved his point...
  23. Because Marcus is on the Fins' roster? As to the original sign: if you could put the picture of Jauron in place of the word "Dick", it might just make it inside... and some people would still get the joke...
  24. Not true - at that time, whenever a game was blacked out, the network wasn't allowed to show ANY game in that time slot. Not sure when that changed? I was surprised when I got home from the JAX game and found an actual game broadcast saved on the DVR, instead of 'alternate programming' (read: infomercials)...
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