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Everything posted by Lori

  1. How about his teammates? Mark Schlereth had a pretty good point about that on NFL Live yesterday -- how would you feel if you were a Bears o-lineman, busting your tail trying to protect your QB (who plays like crap), and afterwards he says he didn't think the game was worth preparing for? Marv and JB whacked Hobert within 24 hours of his confession. I don't think Grossman is off the team, but you HAVE to at least consider benching and/or heavily fining him.
  2. Might be out of luck on that one, unless somebody saved it on their HD. That was from '05, and the oldest audio listed in the Vault is dated March '06... Anyone?
  3. Oh yeah, our favorite rumor-monger, PFT.com, has the Art Shell firing. Believe at your own risk: http://www.profootballtalk.com/rumormill.htm
  4. That could be as soon as next Monday...
  5. 19th, even though the show did actually air on the 18th. EDIT: Good catch, agilen.
  6. I would have to think it's gotta be the same thing - just mis-titled links. If I can't luck my way into finding them (like I did by taking a guess on the MM one), I'll mention them if/when GR gets back to me.
  7. Your screen name changes, but your idiocy doesn't. Have a nice day...
  8. Enjoy! And hey, even dem Bonnies gave you -- and the rest of us -- a present last night. An actual W, and against a Division 1 team, no less. Who woulda thunk?
  9. Figured it out - the link is misnamed on their site. Instead of "saban.wma", it should be "mularkey.wma": http://eod.liquidviewer.com/wgr-od/wgr/20070103_mularkey.wma I'll let 'em know. Al. A. Bama. "Just bring the offensive coordinator." Classic. ADD: The link is now fixed on the GR site: http://www.wgr550.com/ondemand.php That was quick work. Thanks!
  10. You know what we used to do with the orphans at our off-campus place? If we knew who left 'em, we'd save them for the next time that person showed up. (Of course, that sometimes turned the fridge into a science experiment... ... but then again, we never kept much food in there anyway...)
  11. They have Red Sox Nation and more Smerlas than we do. That's enough to drive me away...
  12. Since the free agency signing period doesn't officially open until March 1, we've got almost two months to throw stuff against the wall to see if it sticks... Boss, you're thinking more along the lines of "let's have people do some research and really take the time to dig into a certain topic", not "we'll focus on said topic to the exclusion of everything else", correct? That seems to be one of the misunderstandings I'm seeing. I don't think anyone's planning on nuking threads simply because they're not what we decided to talk about in a certain week. General FYI as to pinning threads: for those of you who have joined TSW recently, FA lists/signings and the link to Clumpy's salarycap analysis over on BillsZone have been pinned in years past, so I assume that'll happen again once we hit that part of the offseason. Hafta watch the tendency to overload on pinning stuff, though - some people find it annoying to have to scroll down to get to the top of the unpinned topics, or so I've been told...
  13. One of the few must-reads left at the WWL, Pat Forde, dropping the hammer on Lil' Nicky: Saban only lied when his lips were moving
  14. This may be what you seek... or maybe not. Food for thought, in either case. http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/ol.php
  15. Agreed... but Willis, or at least Willis' agent (Mr. "Next Question" himself, the man we all love to hate), has tried to refocus the spotlight on his client's contract status. That in itself makes it a valid topic for debate, even if said debate is starting to degenerate into a DF/RJ-style crap-slinging contest. So, if you're trying to get people to stop posting on this topic, I wish you luck. and he told you this when you slept with him when? Absolutely uncalled for.
  16. And you forgot to add the [/sarcasm] tag to your post.
  17. Um, yes, it IS different. And if you need to have someone explain WHY it's different, then I pity you.
  18. Yup, LA -- just reading the thread titles over there is worth the price of admission... You'll probably enjoy Dan Le Ba$tard's rip job in the Herald, too: Saban leaves as a loser, weasel
  19. I'd say, it depends on who broke out the vulgarities first. If she said something along the lines of "sit the eff down, %^#!", then your response would have been appropriate... if she didn't, then why take it to that level when a derisive chuckle or a flat-out "no" would have sufficed? But then, that's just me...
  20. That's the same "southern speed" that had Tennessee favored, right?
  21. Question to radio guy #2: Gee... isn't that what you WANT your players to do? I built my FFL team around Jackson. Maybe that's what he meant.
  22. Rumor has it Connor is considering early entry, if he's projected to go as high as the second round. Dunno if that'll happen, though.
  23. Yup, and another January 1st win as well. The universe is slowly but surely righting itself...
  24. That would be three-consecutive-Pro-Bowls LaVar Arrington? Not too bad until he blew out his knee. (Told you I was biased, even though LA didn't wear #31... )
  25. Think it was Edwin Pope of the Miami Herald who said, "Vinny Testaverde has a bright future as an NFL quarterback. John Shaffer has a bright future as a financial analyst." But only one of them has a championship ring from the 1987 Fiesta Bowl, and it isn't Vinny. Told the story before: couldn't afford the trip out West, the dorms were closed, so I watched the game at a friend's apartment just off campus. And when Gifto cradled Vinny T's final pass of the night, the walls shook. I've been thinking about the anniversary off and on today. Maybe I'll go throw the tape in and hoist a brew in celebration...
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