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Everything posted by Lori

  1. The CFL would like to eventually plant a franchise in the Maritimes. "Touchdown Atlantic" is their version of the NFL's forays into London and Mexico City.
  2. Grew up liking the Esks back when they had a guy named Moon playing QB. Now, a friend's son is one of their starting safeties, so they're still "my" team. Argos are a mess. Yes, they did win a Grey Cup after David Cynamon and Howard Sokolowski rescued them from bankruptcy, but they've continued to lose a ton of money. Cynamon and Sokolowski just bailed out, selling the franchise to B.C. Lions owner David Braley last month, and the team is working on its fourth head coach since Pinball Clemons moved to the front office after the 2007 season. http://www.trurodaily.com/Sports/Football/...nd-Sokolowski/1
  3. Argos are remaking their roster, so he could actually have a really good chance to start.
  4. http://argonauts.ca/article/argos-ink-qb-gibran-hamdan Must have enjoyed the Bills' trips north ...
  5. They did. Russ Brandon and Buddy Nix flew to Minnesota to interview him. And Wooten should have remembered that, seeing as how he was quoted in a story about the visit. I respect Wooten's opinion, but as he pointed out himself, he's not exactly an unbiased observer re: Frazier.
  6. One of the Panthers beat guys says, "Skins bought a lottery ticket."
  7. Interesting, because at last report, Kemoeatu wasn't ready to pass a physical.
  8. Heh. Well, this just got more amusing ... http://twitter.com/DonteWhitner/statuses/10271854683
  9. Yup. The Rams game in 1998, before Flutiemania began in earnest, and it went downhill after that.
  10. Should be 50 percent off the total order. You put in the code when you're ready to check out, just before the payment screen.
  11. Think that was kind of his point ...
  12. 2-for-17. And they WON that game. (shakes head sadly)
  13. Per Mary Kay Cabot, Cleveland Plain-Dealer beat writer. Link to follow. Add: http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/...ease_derek.html Annnnnd ... Go.
  14. Thanks for the heads-up. If/when I see it, I'll link it up. I personally don't expect him back, so I'll be interested to read what he had to say ... Add: Bills DE Schobel still undecided on retirement
  15. Better at what, calling in plays from the sideline?
  16. Mountain Dew, meet monitor. Whitehurst? Really?
  17. Yes. That said, I'm still glad I live close to the state line.
  18. http://twitter.com/caplannfl/statuses/10225330385
  19. Javon Walker? He was done BEFORE he went to Oakland. He's had more major knee surgeries (two) than TDs (one) in the last three seasons.
  20. Sarcasm noted, but I think they actually tried that at tackle last year. Didn't work so well ...
  21. James Harris. Add: Also, Willie Totten -- Jerry Rice's college QB -- during the 1987 strike games. There have been a few others in camp, but not sure about the regular season.
  22. Conclusion-drawing in absence of information? Standard operating procedure for this place.
  23. As for the content, I guess that was written before Kelly Naqi's live SportsCenter reports from the scene of the alleged incident?
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