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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Post counts: meh. If we'd been keeping track since 1998, several of us would be over 100,000 by now...
  2. We're in April 2007. Everything since then -- and I do mean everything, from posts to PMs to signatures -- has apparently drifted off into outer space. Hey, I'll bet you $5 the Bills take that Lynch kid from Cal in the draft. And you wanna hear something really nutty? I think they're going to make a deal to get the LB from Penn State, too!
  3. I am sooo glad you got to that before he changed it.
  4. Since we're back under 8,000 registered members, I'm guessing all those registrations were lost with the rest of the data. No more Billdo thread. See, I knew there'd be a silver lining somewhere...
  5. Apologies for that bit of unpleasantness. Please continue...
  6. There's a whole bunch of fast connecting to/waiting for/transferring messages at the bottom of the screen, after all the graphics (avatars, smileys, etc.) appear to have loaded. I was guessing that was the cause, and I'm not sure what it's looking for?
  7. I sit corrected, then. And this must be contagious -- sports.yahoo.com is giving me a plain-text Villanova/Georgetown score and nothing else right now...
  8. Guys, that's Scott's call, not mine -- I'm on the wrong end of the telescope as far as knowing what issues he's still dealing with. I'm going to give it a couple of days before making any uploads, but I'm sure he appreciates knowing that the avatars do work. (Still wouldn't advise everyone to try theirs right this minute, though. Just sayin'.)
  9. I haven't tried mine. There's still some curious stuff going on with board queries and such, and I'd rather not add any extra server load just yet...
  10. For reasons why, see: Trey Teague.
  11. Is good. Funny thing was, I could still access that one for a while after the main page died yesterday. Other stuff on the board seems to be (mostly) normal except for the SabreSpace links, which isn't telling you anything you didn't already know. The history links on TBD go to a blank page, but I'm assuming (hoping?) that info has been stored so many times, you've got a copy archived somewhere. Same for the privacy policy at the bottom. One other minor detail I noticed on my travels -- the Trading Post link on the top of TBD is busted. Reads http://www.twobillsdrive.com/forums/index.php?showforum=4 instead of http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showforum=4 . Guessing it's been that way for a long, long time, and nobody ever caught it. Anything I can do from here?
  12. Good point, although I'm just... here, while Scott's doing the heavy lifting. I thought about recreating some of the pinned threads -- offseason schedule, list of players signed, etc. -- but we'd probably be better off leaving that section relatively uncluttered for now. I'm really, really hoping OTR saved a copy of that schedule, because I didn't.
  13. Considering that he posted earlier in this thread, you can safely assume he's just being blamed for another hardware crash.
  14. Unfortunately, I live too far upstream to get the full effect... Serious answer, Dean: Must be happening as different components of the page reload. SDS, just checked my phone -- the lofi version of TSW seems to be fine, but the /pda version of TBD is fubar. Of course, I'm not sure how many of us actually use that, so it can probably go a little further down on the triage list.
  15. Sure that isn't just the drugs? Wait. It just happened to me too. And all the pretty colors...
  16. I think that was yesterday. Thanks for pulling the all-nighter to get the place fired up again, Chief.
  17. Don't push your luck. Crap. No :nya nya: smiley.
  18. After hearing the tape, I have two thoughts: -"Normal relationship"?!?!? Who is he trying to kid? -If he's this big an a**hole, no wonder his daughter doesn't want to talk to him...
  19. You do know the post directly above yours was a spoof, not a cut-and-paste, correct?
  20. "The star receiver told us, "I can see why the Chargers were so successful. This offense is great. It's great to finally have an offensive mind in Miami." Ouch, if you're Mike Mularkey.
  21. Would an exorcism work on a couch, d'ya think? Wonder why she didn't just tell the furniture store to take the frickin' thing back, and go buy a different couch with a politically-correct label? Oh, that's right, the whole "compensation" thingy...
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