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Everything posted by Lori

  1. And, of course, the Giants and Jets will be more than happy to pass those costs along. $100/ticket for most lower-bowl seats this year, more than that in the mezzanine. And enjoy those PSLs, Meadowswamp faithful...
  2. If it's a twentysomething editor from California, I'd agree. If you're talking about their correspondent, not so much: he's a member of the Wall of Fame committee who's been covering the team since 1973. Again, since he was on vacation this week, I'm curious as to where this info came from. My thoughts? Losman didn't work out on Tuesday, so the report (filed Wednesday) could have been technically correct at the time. And he could still be attending meetings but choosing not to work out, which would also make the quote correct. One more thought from later in the thread: if "buffalobills.com" confirms something, Chris Brown (in his role as lead journalist) is backing it up whether his name is in the piece or not. Who knows, maybe Chris hasn't run into him yet, but Mark Ludwiczak did. Good grief, I hate the offseason...
  3. Their normal correspondent was on vacation this week, so I'm not exactly sure who they were hearing it from.
  4. Yeah, I was just looking at those boxes, and they could probably use a refurb. Of course, it's easier to just tack stuff at the top of the board, but more people might see/use it if it's out front. I'd need a separate page if I want to keep the program listings, though. I'll probably wait until the PDs set their lineups for the upcoming season to make any major changes...
  5. Ugh. Some of that stuff will soon be two years out of date, and I don't think I backed up the changes I made last year... Thinking about adding a section for podcasts and such -- the guys at the D+C do one, Chuck Pollock's on WLVL with Doug Young once a week (and I'm hoping they'll also put some of Brad's interviews on WECK up once they get their new site online), and of course, bb.com multimedia and GR's Audio Vault. Good idea?
  6. ...no Will Leitch. He writes for CollegeFootballNews.com, part of the scout.com network, which is already a strike against him on my scoresheet. His column is here: Fiu's Cavalcade of Whimsy. It appears to have a weekly component called, "If this column sucks, it's not my fault because..." Judge for yourselves whether or not this disclaimer is necessary. If you want to add to the cavalcade of nasty e-mail he already gets from irate college football fans -- and with such fanboard thread titles as "I hate Pete Fiutak," "Pete Fiutak is an idiot," and "I really can't stand Pete Fiutak" popping up in the first couple pages of a Google search, I'm guessing he gets plenty -- feel free: pete@collegefootballnews.com
  7. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=63957 If you want to read the original text of the press conference regarding the proposed changes, scroll down to my first post in that thread. Burns too much bandwidth to post it twice...
  8. Maybe he thinks Eric King is still here?
  9. Friday? That's tomorrow. You must be getting old, if you plan on being sober on the day after. Happy Clumpy Day.
  10. Correct. You take the wind (by choosing an end), the other team gets the kick/receive choice (and you know which one they're taking). Here's the rule: 1. The toss of coin will take place within three minutes of kickoff in center of field. The tos will be called by the visiting captain before the coin is flipped. The winner may choose one of two privileges and the loser gets the other: (a) Receive or kick (b) Goal his team will defend 2. Immediately prior to the start of the second half, the captains of both teams must inform the officials of their respective choices. The loser of the original coin toss gets first choice.
  11. Actually, Patrick incited it -- Jonathan started out once, but was stopped by a linesman. That's when Patrick started waving, urging him forward. The score was the only reason Roy was in the game. He's the backup. An interesting column by Gare Joyce. (Don't let the ESPN tag fool you -- despite what a few of the commenters on the story think, he knows a few things about hockey): http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=joyce/080326 Full disclosure: I own a Patrick Roy Canadiens jersey. In fact, he replaced Lafleur as my favorite player on my favorite team, and I never did forgive Mario Tremblay for the circumstances that led to his trade. Best goalie of all time... but also a consummate jackass.
  12. They can. This is talking about something different, deferring their right to choose until the second half, which is fairly common in college games.
  13. There was discussion at the time that the play shouldn't have been reviewed because there was no provision for it in the rules. This fixes that problem. Here's some of the original text from the conference call. Apologies in advance for the length -- they had a lot of ground to cover: Spygate: Radio for the defense: The force-out rule: Field goal timeouts: Coin toss/reviewing field goals: Free agency dead period: Playoff reseeding:
  14. 2008 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE CALENDAR February 28 -- Deadline for submission of qualifying offers by clubs to their restricted free agents whose contracts have expired and to whom they desire to retain a right of first refusal/compensation. February 28 -- Deadline for clubs to submit offer of minimum salary to retain exclusive negotiating rights to their players with fewer than three seasons of free agency credit whose contracts have expired. February 29 -- Veteran free agency signing period begins. February 29 -- Trading period begins. March 30-April 3 -- NFL Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, Florida. April 18 -- Signing period ends for restricted free agents. April 25 -- Deadline for old club to exercise right of first refusal to restricted free agents. April 26-27 -- NFL Draft, New York City. May 19-21 -- NFL Spring Meeting, Buckhead, Georgia. June 1 -- Deadline for old clubs to send tender to unsigned unrestricted free agents to receive exclusive negotiating rights for rest of season if player is not signed by another club by July 22*. June 1 -- Deadline for old clubs to send tender to unsigned restricted free agents or to extend qualifying offer to retain exclusive negotiating rights. June 15 -- Deadline for old clubs to withdraw original qualifying offer to unsigned restricted free agents and still retain exclusive negotiating rights by substituting tender of 110 percent of previous year’s salary. June 29-July 2 -- NFL Rookie Symposium, Carlsbad, California. Late July -- Training camps open. July 22 * -- Signing period ends at 4:00 PM ET for unrestricted free agents who received June 1 tender. July 25 -- Bills training camp opens. August 3 -- Pro Football Hall of Fame Game, Canton, Ohio (Indianapolis vs. Washington). August 7-11 -- First preseason weekend. August 26 -- Roster cutdown to maximum of 75 players. August 30 -- Roster cutdown to maximum of 53 players. September 4-8 -- Kickoff 2008 Weekend. * Or the first scheduled day of the first NFL training camp, whichever is later.
  15. Thank you for your consideration. Now get us the goods on the WR crop. There's been chatter about him in the blogosphere, probably a little less so now that the James signing has been finalized...
  16. You show uncommon wisdom for a newbie. Welcome aboard. Now fetch me a beer.
  17. Some uncalled-for remarks have been removed. Sorry about that. As long as it's Bills-related and you don't do too much advertising, I'm not going to treat this as spam. (Can't vouch for the rest of the moderating staff, though.) Deal?
  18. Something's obviously up with the quote/reply function. I'll drop a note to SDS...
  19. Definitely well before the draft. I think Jay put up the tailgate ticket thread on the 8th last year?
  20. The good old days, back when TSW was a small town and most of us knew each other personally. (Not that we didn't still have our share of knock-down, drag-outs.) As the site has grown, the dynamics have changed, as they have across the Web. Instead of the guy passing you on the sidewalk greeting you with a friendly "hi," you're just as likely to get a glare and a "you looking at ME?!?" Unfortunate, but I'm not sure how to put that genie back in its bottle. Think he spells it D. Giorgis, BTW.
  21. ST not as important, or is is because they don't want to get caught short at LB again? I seem to remember a game last season in which the team ran the nickel for most of the second half, solely because they didn't have enough healthy LBs left. Stamer wanted to play a larger role in the base defense; the team apparently disagreed with his ability to do so. An article linked on the front page a while back, undoubtedly lost when the HD crashed, said he was ready to move on.
  22. That's when the spring meetings end, although I'm not sure I've seen an actual date on the schedule release. The NFL Network listings don't give anything away, but they only go up to the 6th as of now. ADD: Ah, sourced from PFT. That explains why I didn't see it. Their information seems to be erroneous, because the current schedule for the 3rd lists the following at 4:30:
  23. Yay. I'd sooner watch the game instead of the convention, since there isn't exactly any suspense about who they'll nominate. If past practice holds true, the full schedule should be out by mid-April. Hope so, since I'm in the same boat, Glenn.
  24. Should I take this to mean that you have changed Pete, because wrt Drew Bledsoe, you were relentless and even hateful. Do you seriously not remember this? There were a couple worse mind you (well, at least 1), but you were an active player in the Bledsoe lynch mob, and yes, it got personal. Yesterday, I was not bubbly about JP attending a voluntary camp, and this is what you post? So, have you have experienced a dramatic change? If so, that is of course OK, maybe even good but even at that, why the shock and outrage? I disagree with Bill's opinion of Losman... but he's got a point, you know. Does your reaction change when your guy's ox is being gored? Of course it does. And that applies to all sides of this discussion, as it has ever since Kemp/Lamonica.
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