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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Sorry to hear that, cincy. It's never easy to say goodbye ... but then, it's not supposed to be, I guess. Tom, Mike, nero, HBD.
  2. In both cases, I'd rather root for a meteor to hit the stadium/arena ...
  3. AT+T is nonexistent out here in the woods, as my dad found out last weekend: "My phone doesn't work!" "You don't have Verizon anymore, do you? Because that's the only way you'll get a signal here." Would a Crackberry work for you, PTR? I've considered switching, but haven't made the move. Some guys I know actually file from theirs, and leaving the laptop at home is a tempting thought ...
  4. Maybe we should ask if anyone DIDN'T get chosen for the "lottery." That list might be shorter.
  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. Chevy, that is freakin' hysterical. Thanks for the laugh.
  7. Not sure yet, although I should be free. I'm not golfing, though.
  8. Difference was, the cast of the Carol Burnett Show was deliberately trying to make each other lose it. Burnett herself wasn't immune ...
  9. As cody said, don't forget Darian Barnes in your equation.
  10. Your houses have circuit breakers? I'll have to look into that ...
  11. Eddie Robinson, yes indeed. "A coach on the field." Yup, he sure looked like a coach on that play ...
  12. Never trust what you read on the Internet. The trademark is for "Kewpie," but since it's not actually printed on the dolls (at least the ones I own), I suppose it wouldn't have taken long for people to start writing it as they heard it. We locals know the correct spelling because, well, it's local -- one of Port Allegany's few claims to fame. (Yes, the town name is misspelled on that link. As usual, I blame Smethport.) Now, do you want to talk about Greggg or dolls?
  13. Nah, Zinski appears to be just another smartaleck blogger. The television station, on the other hand... Auditor: Chad Johnson Owes $13,000 In Taxes Seriously? I'd be ashamed of writing that line, and I don't get paid for it. In other words, they knocked on his door BEFORE calling his agent. Mike Wallace wannabes ...
  14. Thanks for the correction. I have no idea what a "cupi" doll is, but my grandmother worked at the Cameo Doll Factory, making Kewpie Dolls. (Note the site on this picture. It's now part of the parking lot where I work.) [/threadjack] Yeah, Greggg. Adapt to the players. That's why you got rid of Ted Washington, right?
  15. Your first mistake was calling it a "news" story. It's a lifestyles-section bit called the "Tarheel Traveler," and was probably an 11:29 p.m. throwaway.
  16. Huh? Wanna try that last sentence in English?
  17. Hey! My ancestors fought (and some died) for the Union, I'll have you know.
  18. metal rod ... rumble of thunder ... crackle of lightning ... I don't think Booster was trying to help.
  19. Psst - look at the post directly above yours ...
  20. A quality post in Nick Mendola's WGR blog: Rest in peace, Jimmy Griffin And for future reference, I dig Nick's blog, as well as his postgame Bills stuff. If he ever decides radio's not for him (which I doubt would happen), he could certainly move to writing.
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