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Everything posted by Lori

  1. For the second time today -- well done, Chief.
  2. Actually, I'm thinking about making one big thread out of all of them...
  3. I repeat: wicked cool. Good hearing your voice again, man.
  4. Everybody's input is welcome, mead. I like the idea. Like it a lot. Would TJR rather have seen the profits go to the charities listed on his site, though? Some people might be uncomfortable supporting Catholic Charities, but there shouldn't be any issues with the Boys & Girls Club of America. Either option -- the one you suggested, or the B&GC -- is cool with me. One more thought? Whatever you choose, since Tim was all about Buffalo, I'd lean toward donating to the local chapters instead of the national organizations. Less overhead = more of the donation actually going to the people you're trying to help. That would be: American Heart Association - WNY Region or Boys & Girls Clubs of Buffalo
  5. That was true for 2007; they didn't think they had time to get everything done, so they said they were holding off until this spring. From what I was told in April (not by the team, FWIW): When they did the math, the cost of relocating the pressbox (with all the electronic/wifi access work needed), plus losing that tier of the M&T Bank Club, was enough that they'd barely break even on the new premium seats. And yeah, I don't think they're keen on putting any of their own money into the stadium right now. Can't confirm any of it yet -- I haven't been in the stadium since the season ended -- but I trust this source. Of course, the beat guys were never told about the plan to begin with; word has it that they only found out about the proposed move when it showed up in a City/Region story in the BN.
  6. Those plans are on indefinite hold, or so I've been told. Could talk to M&T or one of the other corporate sponsors about adding his name to one of the end zone boxes, though.
  7. Spamming sonuva ... Kidding, Brad. Wicked cool. Thanks for the heads-up, and I'll look forward to listening.
  8. You know, that's not a bad idea. He's spent most of his life giving others a hand; time for a little payback. Thoughts headed your way, Grant. And if you see this, let us know how we can help.
  9. Yeah, I too was wondering where he got that. As for the rest, good answer.
  10. WGRZ just showed a soundbite from Chuck Schumer, talking about how appropriate it would be to honor him on a stretch of road "that just about every Buffalonian travels." Okay, just a little hyperbole there, but they're obviously going for a higher profile than what they'd get from some side street in South Buffalo. And I can't find any problem with that. I dunno, maybe I'd feel differently if I was a native. I assume they'll do it the same way they did for Jim Kelly Blvd., just put up a few extra signs on Southwestern between California and Abbott. (Your "legal" address is still Abbott Rd., correct?) They're introducing the legislation tomorrow.
  11. You know, that's not a bad point. An acquaintance of mine from Ottawa had surgery in April, and the only paperwork he saw afterward was a prescription for painkillers. But with the rationing system, I guess the question would be whether or not she's continuing treatment over here rather than being put on a waiting list at home.
  12. Wake and memorial service 24 hours apart in Washington, burial in between? That timetable wouldn't seem to leave room for a trip to Buffalo. And let's face it: he carried his hometown in his heart wherever he went, but the family has made their life in Washington for the greater part of 30 years.
  13. Check MSNBC if you have it -- they're running Meet The Press "classics" and Russert tributes all day.
  14. FYI: When the Bills sent him one of the new shirts, I believe he requested #72, because it was the number Luke wore for his high school team. Add: Here's the picture.
  15. Interestingly, although MadMike grew up in San Diego watching Coryell's and Sid Gillman's offenses, Wyche actually played for Coryell for a short time ...
  16. Actually, Clayton's from just outside Pittsburgh ... But I digress. When he assumed the coordinator's job, Schonert said certain elements of Fairchild's offense would remain in place. What Clayton (and the rest of the media present) witnessed would seem to disagree.
  17. Let's see: a cut-and-paste from the Brady site, versus a guy who, you know, actually OWNS the gun in question. Okay, I'm out of this thread before I lose any more brain cells.
  18. For those of you who haven't seen it: Buffalo News front page Hopefully, just this once, the News won't think unkindly of a cut-and-paste:
  19. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=67246
  20. Why are you "just kidding"? I've been told that at one time, this was actually the case in Rep. Tom Reynolds' Washington offices ...
  21. My Cocoa Puffs don't taste funny, I just disagree with you, is all. Obviously, so do CNN and Fox News, which have continued their special programming throughout the evening. With the de-emphasis on the nightly news anchors, one could reasonably argue Russert was the closest thing our generation had to Walter Cronkite. How will the world be any different? Without the forum Russert provided, the presidential campaign may well be different. Start there.
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