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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Hey, they say laughter is the best medicine, don't they? Awright, I sorry. The painkillers do sound like a good idea, though.
  2. Valid point, AKC. Bruce's "sleep apnea," Kelly ripping a sink off the wall at the Big Tree, and Thurman sleeping it off in the Rich Stadium trainer's room so he wouldn't miss practice the next day? Those stories didn't end up with anyone going to the emergency room.
  3. And while you noticed the tagline at the bottom, you didn't stop to look at the section title above the piece? You know, the one that says "Life," not "Sports"? After I clicked on the piece from the front page of TBD this morning, I decided it didn't belong there ... PRECISELY because I knew a thread like this would pop up.
  4. Really. This is from NeXt, a tab whose entire content is produced by area high school students. I'm not sure what kind of copy-editing help they get -- I'd guess not much, or someone would've caught the "suspended" (instead of revoked) mistake -- or if the News just corrects obvious errors and runs them as-is. For 15, the kid's got a good voice ... but he could use a good mentor, too. Then again, can't we all?
  5. Valid point. I would think (hope?) that security is bright enough to figure out the difference between the "average" fan and someone who's being a pain in the ass, but that might not always be the case. And if some curmudgeon is sitting in the back of the section, missing the entire game because he's furiously firing off text messages to the fan conduct hotline ...
  6. I suppose Jack's the only one who bothered reading the second link he posted? Anybody got a problem with that? I don't.
  7. I was preoccupied. A moment of weakness. Something like that. Yeah, that's it.
  8. Not sure if it's the Pats* or the NFL in general; they haven't exactly been known for great access in recent years. Maybe it was because he was "home" at Chautauqua, but I was surprised at how available Goodell made himself last Friday.
  9. Mayor benches NFL plan, wants Trojans in Coliseum
  10. Journalist? He's an officer in PFWA. Funny that Sando only tracked the data through 2001, which doesn't go back far enough to include some of Rotten Rodney's greatest hits. He also forgot to mention that Harrison has missed 28 games during that timespan, compared to nine for Wilson. And this ... ...is absolutely hysterical, when you remember who it was that blew out Green's knee in a Chargers-Rams 1999 preseason game, opening the door for some grocery-stocker named Warner to have a Cinderella season.
  11. Temporarily, until a 20th 21st-century stadium can be built. Hey, he wrote it, not me.
  12. http://www.signonsandiego.com/sports/canep...-1s1canepa.html Good column. He messed up on one point, though: USC just signed a 25-year lease that specifically prohibits an NFL team from moving to the Coliseum without their permission.
  13. Cheapest seats left at that link were for the $555 three-game package. Don't think they underestimated the crowd so much as overestimated their willingness to pay scalpers' prices up front. For what I would've paid for a decent seat at the RC, I just booked my flight to Phoenix instead.
  14. I like 'em both. Not sure Scott would dig the one with the cloud of smoke, but that one made me laugh harder. Of course, he'd NEVER let me have this one ...
  15. No details yet, at least nothing official on the NFL media site. Here's what he said in the Q-and-A at the spring meeting:
  16. My friend, we really need a "Bill's head exploding" emoticon for threads like this. I'll see if I can talk SDS into finding one ...
  17. If you read further in the linked column, Chuck calls Goodell a "pure politician." I think that's the answer you're looking for: Whether or not it's actually true, he can tell himself that the punishment levied against Belichick and the Pats* was severe enough to stop them from doing it again, and that's a compromise he can live with. Plus, $500K is a sizable chunk of change even for someone in Belichick's tax bracket. (As for me, I agree that he should have gotten some time off along with the fine, and destroying the original batch of tapes was a misstep -- one they corrected by playing the Walsh tapes in their entirety for the media.) Is Goodell's "do the right thing" image just that, a fabrication by a P.R. genius? Looking solely at Spygate might lead one to wonder ... but I'm not sure I'd agree. In this case, "doing the right thing" meant resolving the situation with the least amount of damage to the league he so loves, and the recent radio silence from Snarlin' Arlen Specter is a sign that his plan is working. Sure, we'll still have our fun with it, as will fans of every opponent on the Pats* schedule for the next ten years, but the uproar has died down. When I sat down to write the original piece Friday evening, I knew I didn't want to focus on the specific Bills topics (Toronto/Lynch) which had already been covered in depth by the media outlets present at the press conference. Reading through my pages of notes, the constant references to "rules" and "consequences" caught my eye. That doesn't mean I believed everything he said.
  18. Thanks to Olean Times Herald website editor Dan LeBlanc for coming through. This is the column I alluded to with the "stay tuned" remark in my original post; it originally ran Saturday morning ... POLLOCK: Goodell upbeat about Bills’ future in Buffalo
  19. Since he wasn't drafted, he's a free agent down here. No supplemental draft for him. As for the CFL, since the NFL chose not to renew the working agreement between the two leagues, I'm not sure what his -- or Saskatchewan's -- rights are in this situation.
  20. In other words, the rule applies only to the authentics? Good to know.
  21. I heard there was a bill in that city council to make the act a felony, but it was tabled.
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