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Everything posted by Lori

  1. So sorry for your (and his family's) loss, Dean.
  2. Denver Post: Andra Davis lands in Buffalo Both this blog and the ESPN Insider blurb make the point that Davis' experience in the 3-4 was invaluable in teaching the scheme to the rest of the Broncos 'backers last offseason. And you'll love this from Football Outsiders (via ESPN): "Davis actually led all inside/middle linebackers by making his average run tackle after the ballcarrier gained just 2.0 yards. "
  3. No, it's for real. Here's a NY Post link (and a slightly better-written story): http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/nj_woma...PWiCg3yjEWaxx9N And the original: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-...oman-years.html
  4. Have to ask him that, and I guess the Bills just signed somebody, so he may be busy for the next little bit... But if I had followed through on posting it, it would have been solely to see the response. That's what the column was about, after all -- not the original debating points, which Jeff could have essentially chosen at random, but our response to them. Stirring the pot? Yeah, pretty much. (I probably wouldn't have pulled out the Reagan quote to pick apart, though, since he's the primary reason I registered as a Republican the day I turned 18 ...) Add: Good grief. Who invited crayonz?
  5. Confirmed by Denver Post Broncos beat writer Lindsay Jones: http://twitter.com/PostBroncos
  6. http://www.kdvr.com/about/station/newsteam...,0,231653.story http://twitter.com/josinaanderson Yeah, she's broken some big stories in Denver. I have no reason to disbelieve this report.
  7. Oy. Seriously? Jeff's merely using the Jordan and Reagan cases as examples. And yes, he and I both know people willing to argue those precise points. In fact, if you Google the words Reagan, Communism, and single-handedly, the search returns upward of 250,000 replies.
  8. True dat. And then the beat writers have to track down all these wild geese. (See: Vick-to-Bills last summer.) Adam Schefter went through that a while back -- he said some trade/signing could happen, everyone ran with it as if he had said the deal was all but done, and he spent the rest of the day trying to clear up the confusion.
  9. Some are. Others, I think, are genuinely curious and/or concerned. Believe it or don't (after reading this board), but there are still plenty of Bills fans who think he doesn't suck.
  10. This is unpossible. And there's no way in hell I'm clicking on ANY of those links.
  11. JW is referring to Jeff's column -- which he linked directly before your first post in this thread -- as am I. Have you read it yet?
  12. That's what I told him. She'd have to have a Corvette engine in that scooter to get it to move ...
  13. I have no problem with speculation. In fact, I do it myself all the time. But when people read something that says "the Bills would be wise to get what they can for Whitner," then turn around and tweet him that "hey, so-and-so says you're getting traded," that's a misread.
  14. Ah, quitcherbitchin, or I'll start dropping by here more often ... (Although it is amusing that we managed to turn two short references from a 1,158-word piece into a multiple-page thread. That's where the column began, after all, pointing out the remarkable amount of time places like TSW spend on mostly meaningless back-and-forth.)
  15. Heh. She lives 30-45 minutes away from where a buddy of mine works at a newspaper. He said he's going to try to interview her today. Hope she doesn't mistake him for a hamburger ...
  16. Happy birthday, my friend.
  17. Re: Whitner, I know exactly where it came from: pundits theorizing that such a move might make sense, and some fans mistaking their speculation for inside knowledge of an impending deal.
  18. Heh. You would like Laimbeer, wouldn't you? (To be honest, I thought that team was fun to watch, and it didn't hurt that Chuck Daly was a local legend ...)
  19. That's my guy, the sole reason I grew up as a Sixers fan. But to keep the "singlehandedly" theme alive (even though Jeff didn't use that in reference to MJ), it still took Moses to get him to the promised land ...
  20. Agreed that SportsCenter dunkathons and Air Jordan commercials played their part, but the NBA's resurgence had already begun (and without much help from the Ewing lottery-fixing). I hate having to use a Wiki link, but... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bask...Nielsen_ratings It took until Jordan's third Finals appearance for the average Nielsen ratings to outpace that 1987 Lakers-Celtics matchup. Based on those numbers, I think I can safely argue that if anything, Bird and Magic were the ones who "saved" the league from irrelevance ... but I can also agree that Jordan led it even further into its most successful era.
  21. A truly great player, on a very short list for the best ever, yes. But what would have happened if the Bulls had continued to float along at .500, battling just to slide into the No. 8 seed every year?
  22. You are biased. (Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's called being a "fan," the same reason I'll defend Andre Reed against Cris Carter and Tim Brown in HOF debates.) But for the rest of the country outside Chicago, the young Jordan was a sideshow, following in the flightpath of Julius Erving and Dominique Wilkins -- guys who had the moves, but only one ring between them to show for it. Jordan was fun to watch (when you could actually find a Chicago game on the air), yes, but I don't think he truly began to transcend the sport until the Bulls got deeper into the playoffs.
  23. Hah. As Dean likes to say, "Great minds think alike, and so do ours." Done.
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