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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Probably should add a subhed here: Jags believed to be most likely to move ... according to one ESPN.com writer. Kuharsky should be familiar with JAX's situation since he covered the division-rival Titans for the Tennessean, but I'm not sure how much he's written on the league in general. That said, Florida is still college football country, and I don't see that ever changing. The Bills have played down there three times without coming close to a single sellout. Indeed, last year's "paid attendance" of 64,546 -- a total which includes no-shows -- was the first time they managed to break the 60,000 mark for a game against Buffalo. One of those commenters thinks the league should wait a generation? Yeah, I have no doubt that the Joneses, Krafts, and Snyders will be willing to accept reduced gate receipts for another ten years while the people of Jacksonville try to decide whether or not they want to support the team.
  2. Sure you can. NFL Network ran an offseason commercial a couple of years ago -- players from different teams, some that didn't make the playoffs, singing "Tomorrow" from "Annie." In fact, the tagline at the end read something like, "We're all undefeated now." That's what I was thinking of when I typed the post. And now that song is worming its way into my ear ... nooooooo ....
  3. Yup. Everybody's undefeated until Kickoff Weekend.
  4. A pedestrian bridge, Cincy: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08191/895721-66.stm
  5. Ya know, without a link, people will have no idea what you're talking about ...
  6. ...yawn... 400? Our furnaces run at a cool 2500 degrees.
  7. That's their normal rate. Once you select a room, it takes you to the ticket choices -- $140 for a 100-level end zone seat to a preseason game. Thanks anyway ...
  8. Tickets for the first two night practices become available Friday, July 11, at 9 a.m. This is per e-mail; no details on bb.com as of yet. Still waiting on parking info as well; we'll get all that posted when it becomes available. For now, here's a link to the camp homepage on bb.com.
  9. That, or "fat guys" like Ted Washington. Thanks again, Greggggggg.
  10. Remember a few years back, when Henry Jones was on the tickets for the opener ... and they released him at the final cutdown?
  11. While checking out the July Fourth pictures on Brad Riter's blog, scrolling down past a hysterical Jerry Sullivan column mugshot led me to this: The Ruben Brown Show comes to BRRN Good move. Ruben's a natural, and he and Brad work well together. I look forward to listening ...
  12. Balboa? I thought the Murph replaced Balboa.
  13. The stadium issue has been an ongoing battle between the team and the city for at least 10 years, and the lease has an escape clause that the Chargers can activate at the end of this season.
  14. Wrong. I had a pretty good idea what it was going to be like, which is why I didn't pay to see it in the theater. True on both counts, and I never said I was inordinately fond of Pal's treatment. I'm a words person, inclined to take the writer's side whenever stuff gets changed for a movie or TV show. Ever read Harlan Ellison's original script for "City on the Edge of Forever"? Case in point. They should have shot that ending instead of the one they used, but we couldn't have Capt. James T. Kirk coming off as anything less than a hero, could we? Same deal with Roger Zelazny's "Damnation Alley." Fine short story, mediocre novel, flat-out horrible movie. I got the chance to talk to him about it when he was the GoH at Balticon 21. (Good God. That was 21 years ago ??!?) He said it made a little money for him, but if he'd had it to do over again, he never would have sold the rights.
  15. Thank you. When I watched it, I kept waiting to see something I recognized from Wells' book. Didn't happen very often ...
  16. Damn straight, Phil. One of the joys of attending the recent PFRA get-together was the opportunity to listen to T.J. Troup spin some stories. (He coached for over 20 years, was on the NFL Films advisory board for the "America's Game" series, and served as the technical advisor for "Leatherheads" ... so the guy knows some football.) The first thing he said to me when he saw my Bills shirt? "Big Ses. What a great player, one of the best defensive tackles I ever saw." If Sestak was still alive, he may have gotten a Seniors Committee ticket to the HOF by now. But as the older voters continue to retire from the selection board, the chances dwindle for enshrining any other AFL-only players ...
  17. Thanks for sharing, guys. After staying up late the night before (Bisons/BPO), then hosting 20 people for a daylong cookout/pool party, we were too wiped out to go back downtown -- or anywhere, for that matter. But watching the recap from the Commercial Slip on the 11 p.m. news, I wished we had. Looked awesome. Don't know about the Skyway, though. Every time I go to Dunn Tire Park, I think about what the view would look like if the Elm Street ramps weren't right behind the fence ...
  18. 40 ??!? Ha ha, you're (three months) older than I am ... No, seriously, this thread made me smile for all the right reasons. For your birthday present, Chris, I wish you a long life of continued good health. And a few of these the next time our paths cross ...
  19. 1500 miles on the car since June 21. Passed several Starbucks, I'm sure. But since there isn't one near enough to help me develop an addiction to their products, why bother stopping?
  20. Many Hall of Fame voters remain convinced that the AFL was an inferior league, especially during its first couple of seasons. When Len Dawson (whose early NFL career was spent as a backup) joined the Texans in 1962 -- and proceeded to complete an unheard-of 60.1 percent of his passes and lead the league with 29 touchdowns versus 17 interceptions -- their argument gained steam. Also remember that the Bills won those AFL championships with a stout running game and the best defense in the league, that Kemp was pulled for Lamonica on a regular basis during those years, that he only threw 20 TD passes once in his career and NEVER threw more TDs than INTs in any of his 11 professional seasons. Then add the fact that despite accumulating more attempts, completions, or yardage than other AFL quarterbacks -- most of whom played during only part of the league's 10-year run -- Kemp never led the league in those categories in any single season. Vinny Testaverde is in the Top 10 in each of those career stats; David Krieg isn't far behind. Neither is Canton-bound. Was Jack Kemp a winner? Absolutely. A Hall of Famer? No. Passer rating -- single-season high during AFL era / career total (* = Hall of Fame): Len Dawson* 101.7, 82.6 George Blanda* 91.3, 60.6 John Hadl 83.0, 67.4 Joe Namath* 74.3, 65.5 Jack Kemp 67.1, 57.3 Passing TDs in AFL (single-season high in parentheses) Dawson*, 1962-69: 182 (30) Blanda*, 1960-69: 176 (36) Hadl, 1962-69: 143 (27) Kemp, 1960-67, 1969: 114 (20) Namath*, 1965-69: 97 (26) NOTE: Blanda became a backup when he went to Oakland following the 1966 season.
  21. I'd agree with Buffalo's top three, with Conlan a strong fourth. Overrated? Tell that to the running backs who didn't want any part of that battering-ram helmet by the fourth quarter. From Steve Tasker's book: "There was one time against the Jets that he pancaked Roger Vick so hard we thought he was dead. Kent Hull said after the game, 'I was looking for a priest to give the guy his last rites.' "
  22. Can't miss what you never had. Nearest one is in Jamestown, an hour and a half away.
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