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Everything posted by Lori

  1. NFL CBA -- ARTICLE VIII Believe this is what you're looking for. And I think Fingon's correct -- once the season begins, losing game checks would take the place of, and greatly exceed, any possible fine.
  2. Second. Wait. By golly, you're right. My bad ...
  3. Not even close -- never a finalist, in fact. Same goes for Smith, his running mate in the Denver defensive backfield.
  4. Would it interest you to know that there are only nine safeties enshrined in the Hall of Fame (including Mel Renfro and Ronnie Lott, who both played several seasons at CB), and that Lott is the only one of those nine whose career ended after 1980? I happen to think Lynch has a decent chance ... but if he's "likely," then LeRoy Butler and Steve Atwater should be right there with him and Cliff Harris should already be in. P.S.: Irvin didn't get in until his second year of eligibility. Edit: Third. That's what I get for assuming I know something and not bothering to look it up ...
  5. Really? There are rules regarding the length of rookie contracts, but none that I'm aware of for veteran players.
  6. Time to dig up the running Riter thread, I suppose ... Tonight, before beginning an in-depth discussion of the Chinese government's "weather modification" efforts, he announced that Steve Christie will join play-by-play man Paul Peck on the UB football broadcasts. Wonder how that's going to mesh with Peck's Bills Radio Network sideline duties, or if someone else will be taking over that job instead?
  7. That's how I feel about Newark. Added $40 to a round-trip ticket to connect through Cleveland instead. Yeah, Cleveland. Hopkins ain't bad.
  8. Nothing to see here ... move along ...
  9. New head of marketing? Has Marc Honan taken a different job? Looks like the 11th-12th is my only open window (unless I make the drive tomorrow), and with seven team previews to write, I'm not even sure about that ... BTW -- unless they've changed numbers, 10 is still Gibran Hamdan.
  10. One would hope that it's a ground piece of steak with nothing else mixed in, not parts-is-parts "beef" ...
  11. Yup. We had that argument not so long ago, vis-a-vis the Bills d-line vs. the Giants. Roughly the same number of players picked at the same relative draft positions ... the Giants just did a better job with the players they selected.
  12. Of course, the fact that he already had a franchise quarterback and left tackle may have influenced his decisions ... Ah. I was hoping this was still here: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=55088
  13. Dunno about my post count, but I'm seriously considering upping my alcohol intake ...
  14. After one full season? C'mon, Bill. Does he have the potential to be at or near the top of that list? Absolutely. Do I think he has a legitimate beef? Damn straight. But even Bruce and Thurman, for all their negotiating through the media, knew they eventually had to show up in Fredonia to get a deal done. Did I throw in that sack reference to send a message to those who persist in calling Schobel overrated? You make the call ...
  15. Wanted to fix one thing. From what I've heard of Peters' personality ... while I'm sure he wants to get paid for his performance, I'm thinking Parker is the one playing hardball and telling him not to report. Just my opinion. Heck, at this point, I wouldn't mind an Angelo Wright-style outburst. Whether or not they agree with the holdout, I think everyone on this board knows Peters has a valid argument for a raise, which makes Parker's radio silence all the more puzzling.
  16. The franchise's second-all-time leading sacker skipped a week of OTAs. He was there for every mandatory minicamp, and reported to SJF on time. One of these things is not like the other ...
  17. Yeah, I checked it as well. Guessing it was there, but was quickly yanked when someone realized the error of their ways ...
  18. Looks like Rotoworld got the year wrong ...
  19. The bolded part is true -- No. 7, to be precise -- but that may have had something to do with the fact that they were also 28th in run D. Last I knew, Simon still played/coached a little bit of DB in his spare time, so I tend to trust his opinion on the subject ...
  20. If you're just looking for BillsBeat or the Wall, there are already versions of both available. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/pda/ http://www.stadiumwall.com/lofiversion/index.php/ I wouldn't complain about a "full" version of TBD that fits on my old-school Motorola e815, though. Hell hath no fury like a mod who can't log in on the lo-fi Wall ...
  21. Wasn't Ted Washington once the highest-paid defensive player in the league? And didn't he inherit that mantle from Bruce Smith ... who promptly demanded yet another renegotiation, with a return to the established "pecking order"?
  22. Don't think I ever met him, but he was one of the best cityside guys the TH has had in the time I've been a serious reader. Here's what Chuck Pollock had to say when he made the move in 2002 -- It just won’t be the same without John -- and here's Anderson's last TH column: Father, daughter go through ch-ch-changes . Bobble, they're still printing, albeit only five days a week ...
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