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Everything posted by Lori

  1. True enough. I know I couldn't do that job -- hell, I normally run the other way whenever someone starts talking about airtime. (I will bash the crap out of the Three Stooges act in the NFLNet booth tonight, though. They're getting paid too much to sound that bad.) And why you guys gotta be like that about Brinson? C'mon now -- he's a decent guy. Plus, the way I hear it, the ratings actually went up when he was out there before, so they asked him to come back ...
  2. Nope. According to the player participation chart, he played in 14 games last season. I believe the cutoff is nine.
  3. Funny thing is? That kid actually got a job: http://deadspin.com/5039901/brian-collins-...lly-gets-a-boom http://www.kxxv.com/Global/story.asp?S=880...av=menu509_11_1 The bio had some nasty errors when it first went online. Guess that's why he picked broadcasting over print ...
  4. Jimmy B would be a MASSIVE upgrade over this. Alas, he's now the lead news anchor and executive producer at a station in Yuma, Az., so he's unavailable.
  5. No, Mr. Stepner is not having a good night, is he? To be fair, the graphics were screwed up, and his hemming and hawing during the highlights made me think the prompter was down and he was trying to call them off the monitor. How far the mighty WKBW has fallen. Nice job, Granite Broadcasting!
  6. Forearm, as previously reported, which also kills any speculation about the triceps.
  7. Nice hustle play by Ellison. I like him better when he's not starting, but I'm glad he's still around.
  8. Jeff Saturday limping off for the Colts? Their preseason just went from bad to worse. Ooh, McKelvin still needs some work at corner. Toasty. Something I forgot to mention on McGee's return: he must really like Indy, because he now has a matched set of 68-yard fumble-return TDs. One tonight, one in the 2006 regular-season game. I was hoping Lorenzen would try to give chase just for the hilarity factor, but he apparently knew better ...
  9. That was Darrell Reid, correct? Yeah. I've seen him mess a few guys up on returns. He's probably surprised Barnes got up. A few other halftime thoughts: Walker. sh--. If there was ONE GUY the Bills couldn't lose tonight ... Liking this offense. I pity Colorado State fans, because Fairchild is their problem now. J-Load - not only is he no Peyton (which was obvious all along), he's making Colts fans pine for Sorgi. Guessing Gray gets the second half (yup, there he is) ... which means they're seriously thinking about keeping one or the other ... and that probably means Sorgi starts the opener, and a yet-to-be-determined number of games after that. If you were thinking about betting on Indy to get to the Super Bowl this year, you may want to reconsider. One more thought. Already chimed in on the separate thread bashing the broadcast crew, but it bears repeating: this may well be the worst group of announcers in NFL history. I'm guessing I'll hear a better call at next Friday night's high school game.
  10. I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I saw who was doing the game. But THIS bad ??!?!? :cringing: However, I will give Deion credit for busting Faulk's chops. "Did you just say 'we'? What's this 'we'? Didn't we just watch them retire your jersey in St. Louis last year," or words to that effect ...
  11. From Strahan/Umenyiora/Tuck in the Super Bowl, to Tuck/Renaldo Wynn/???, before they've even played a regular-season game. Wow.
  12. True. Remember when they used London Fletcher as the up-back? Bad news for anyone trying to draw a bead on McGee. Think that may have been the year 24 made the Pro Bowl ...
  13. Looks like ... once so far today, not counting the PPP board. Here. By you. Enough with the retard crap? That's precisely what I asked for. And with that, we're done here.
  14. Second. But no, he's overrated, you know. It has to be true, because I read it right here on the Wall.
  15. 1. This thread is about the Pats*, not the Bills. There's plenty of other threads for that here. 2. Most of us aren't trying to figure anything out, we're just mocking the Pats* for losing a game -- an opportunity we don't get very often. Try it sometime. It's fun. 3. Keep up the "retard" crap at your own peril.
  16. Who did the Steelers have in the game? If they went "heavy," it makes sense. Colts don't normally use those formations -- they're far more likely to go three-wide, and the fullback rarely gets on the field.
  17. What part of the thread title, or these answers ... ... did you miss? One -- ONE -- person said, HOPEFULLY it's a sign of things to come. The rest of us just happen to think it's fun whenever the *s lose. Down off the high horse, if you would. Thanks.
  18. At your request (although you'll have to wait until you get home, I guess): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFAO7nJn2nU "Follow me to freedom" is the greatest SportsCenter commercial ever.
  19. Your overall point holds, but you know that was the game with the 50mph rain/wind, right? Buffalo won without Ferguson completing a single pass. Chuck Pollock told me those were the worst conditions of any game he'd ever covered -- up until last year's Cleveland game, anyway -- and that Namath said they were the worst he'd ever played in.
  20. There is one significant change, though -- four more teams in the league. Just like baseball (pitchers) and hockey (goalies), even if you arguably have the same talent pool, it's spread thinner. Let's go back a few more years and add a couple more examples. Before the AFL set up shop, Jack Kemp and Len Dawson couldn't find starting QB jobs in the 12-team NFL.
  21. Is true that once upon a time, Miami meant we'd see Marino, Denver:Elway, SF:Montana, etc. But yeah, there have always been stinkers, too. I've done similar research; for instance, I believe the immortal Timm Rosenbach was the QB when Arizona visited here in the early '90s.
  22. Yeah, only preseason ... but any Pats* loss is a good thing, right? P.S.: Youse guys forget something? ***********
  23. Longshot at best, I'd have to think. Assuming they carry three RBs plus Barnes, they'd have to get rid of two drafted players -- including Ralph's personal pick in 2007 -- to keep Hall around. I could definitely see him sticking on the practice squad, though. And as always, I appreciate the kind words. Wasn't sure I was going to make it this week, with all the stuff I have to get done for the tab ...
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