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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Talk about a disgruntled former employee ... what a nitwit. Mr. Tatum Bell, please pick up the white courtesy phone. Albert Connell's on the line for you ...
  2. Roth? Home games only. Sal's the only one traveling for the D&C. Sullivan? Don't know if you noticed, but he's been kind of busy with this little Olympics thing lately. My previous point, as has been echoed by others, remains valid: at the same time both of those newspapers are laying people off, they certainly aren't going to fly someone halfway across the country to "stake out" an athlete's house when he's already shown he doesn't want to talk. And damn, how I wish our shop had the budget some of you seem to think their papers do ...
  3. Mmmmm ... jan's chocolate chip cookies ...
  4. The Texans are better with Matt Schaub and Sage Rosenfels at QB and Mario Williams at DE than they would have been with Cutler and ... Anthony Weaver? Jason Babin? Antwan Peek? trying to rush the passer. So, based on Houston's needs at the time, my answer remains the same.
  5. I hear you loud and clear, Jason. I think it's absolutely nuts that newspapers give their content away online -- and in most cases, before the print version hits the doorstep -- but I'm not so sure that people will pay for a Web-only subscription. As you say, they've become used to getting it for free, and it'll be damn difficult to stuff that genie back in the bottle. And yeah, Falstaff -- Craigslist dropped a bomb on the old classified-ad model, and the papers were/are slow to catch up. That isn't helping.
  6. As if anyone needed more proof that Pederson is an idiot ...
  7. Although I'd certainly advise people to bookmark it for themselves, I also added it at the top of the pinned radio/TV thread. (Think I did that last year, but lost the updates in the crash. Ah well ...)
  8. An acquaintance in Baton Rouge just checked in. No power (newsroom is on a generator), lotsa downed trees, a couple of fatalities. http://www.2theadvocate.com/news/27425959.html Joey, hope you're doing okay.
  9. Didn't the Squawks also have an advantage at HC when Mularkey took his boys out West? Hmmm ...
  10. A case study to back up scribo's point: Larry Lage, the AP sports writer in Detroit, just did a kick-ass "all-access" feature on Rich Rodriguez and Michigan. Trouble is, it runs out to 14 pages on the Web site I found it on. Who's got time to read the whole thing? Even other editors are wondering what AP was thinking by sending it out. Across the country (and undoubtedly around the world as well), every newspaper redesign comes with a consultant-approved emphasis on shorter, "quick-hitting" stories. Which well and truly sucks for those of us actually willing to make the time to read something longer and more informative.
  11. Well, he'd probably be right about the Amerks ...
  12. On the air, it was. The rumors had been around for a while, but they didn't actually flip the format until today ...
  13. The dead-tree version may be on the way out, but you still need people to write the stories that show up on your IPhone/monitor/whatever. Question is, how do you make Web-based advertising pay for the cost of hiring those writers? And if you figure out a good answer, there's a whole bunch of us out here who would thank you kindly for that information ...
  14. This has been in the air for a while now. Entercommies trying to knock Clear Channel's "Hot Talk" ... err, "SportsRadio 1280," as they're calling themselves now, out of the game? Or just an admission that Air America wasn't working for them, perhaps. Still, I have questions: Buffalo only has one full-time sportstalker, but Rochester needs two? And is Schopp going to start talking about the RedWings and Amerks on GR?
  15. Chanticleers got their money, and nobody got hurt (that I know of). I call that a win-win ...
  16. Not sure I'd go that far, but it should at least be in the TOS. Or the FAQ. Or something ... (Come to think of it, we don't have FAQ, do we? We should do something about that.)
  17. Pales in comparison to what you used to do, my friend. Nobody's shooting at me. Yet.
  18. So they're no longer everyone's preferred Homecoming cupcake? There are worse things ...
  19. I was wondering that myself. In fact, I almost changed the thread subtitle on my way in here ... Wait.
  20. So am I, whenever I see the "lazy journalist" stereotype tossed out there. Or maybe that's just the sleep deprivation taking hold ...
  21. The original poster asked a decent question ... and then followed it up with an insult (IMO).
  22. Update per ESPN: out of surgery, critical but stable condition.
  23. Good answer. Or perhaps some people missed the discussion about how one -- ONE !!! -- Buffalo-area sportswriter made the trip to Indy to watch the Colts open their new stadium against the Bills. The News is offering buyouts. (Guessing most of you didn't know that.) Gannett, the D&C's parent company, is drowning in a sea of red ink. But sure, they can afford to send someone to Arkansas, or wherever the hell he lives in the offseason, to stake out Peters' house. And in the end, although it's fordamnsure important to Bills fans, do we really want the dwindling resources of our media outlets diverted to tailing football players? There's a pretty important election coming up, and I seem to remember something about a war or two going on ... [/steps down off soapbox]
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