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Everything posted by Lori

  1. True dat. See what happens when you stay hid under that rock for so long, Dean?
  2. Probably Saturday. If the BillsBeat staff doesn't get to it -- and they rock, so that's an unlikely occurrence -- I'll send the link their way when he posts it.
  3. $78 million divided by $1.6 million/year = 48.75 years. I originally typed fifty instead of twenty-five, but figured it was too far-fetched. $78 mill over five years, or fifty? And those "alienated" fans damn near set a season-ticket record. Next time, Forbes, please make your story good enough to go with your research? Thanks.
  4. Gov. Pataki. (But only after RCWjr. declined to resell the naming rights.)
  5. Fixed your link ... and wanted to note this bit of dumbassery: If they could get $78 million for five years worth of naming rights, it would've been done yesterday. But in this market (and the current business climate), they'd be lucky to get $78 million for TWENTY-five years. Or thirty-five. Or ...
  6. HB, boss. Oh yeah, and the rest of youse, too ...
  7. Blah, blah, blah. Aside from GoJags' slight geographical error, as usual, he/she/it completely neglected to mention that the "blackout threshold" at Jacksonville Municipal Stadium counts ONLY the 54,000 non-premium seats, NOT the club seats which make up more than 2/3 of the lower bowl. That's correct, folks. They number they have to hit is 54,000. Almost 19,000 fewer seats than the Ralph, and roughly 2,000 less than Buffalo's season-ticket count for 2008. If anyone wants to go back over there and "re-educate" the Jaguars fans ...
  8. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  9. Not exactly. I'm just saying I don't want to know what the kids blow up with those firecrackers ... ... unless it's really funny.
  10. ... because the Capitol Region is apparently a veritable hotbed of Colts and Vikings fans who can't wait to watch a gimpy Peyton Manning square off against Tarvaris Jackson in a non-conference battle of 0-1 teams. Good luck with those ratings, Mr. Furlong.
  11. Not that I'm advocating anything... but here you go. Just don't bring 'em back here. We're done with Seattle until our Bills beat the snot out of them for the third time in a row, four years from now.
  12. Howard was correct about the signal, of course. WGR's directional (nighttime) coverage was originally aimed at Toronto, and the east/west boundaries were apparently pulled in when it went to a 5kW signal. To the west, they have to protect against bleeding into WKRC in Cincinnati. Not sure about the east; I'm no expert, but either Brad or Andy should know. Daytime map Nighttime map
  13. Howie's one of a kind, that's for sure. And in this case, at least, it makes for fantastic reading.
  14. Here's what the Packers fans think: preseason: Jon Ryan after Monday night: Packers kicking game
  15. Care to actually disagree with any of the points I made?
  16. Yep. He kept trying to find one who would okay him to play, couldn't, and said, "screw it, I'm playing anyway." At the time, I mentioned how well that plan worked for Takeo Spikes (who lasted less than two quarters into the following game). Looks like I was pretty close.
  17. Sure, one good win and everyone comes out of the woodwork ... (Kidding. Good to see ya, Bri.) Merriman was nuts to even THINK about playing on that knee. This was the only rational decision he could have made.
  18. Funny thing was, when he finally got into a decent kick, it was the one Roscoe ran back for the TD.
  19. Yeah, I wasn't aiming that at you, AJ. Just pointing out that in general, if people call them while they're frothing at the mouth in anger (kind of like the post a couple below yours), it might not go over so well ...
  20. Jackson is the up-back. That's the same job London Fletcher used to have. April doesn't use two return men on kickoffs, because he'd rather have the extra blocker. And I was going to stay out of this until Buffaloed started calling people "fools" for disagreeing with him. Right now, when the games count, April has better choices than McKelvin. Will that change once Leodis learns to leave the ball alone inside the 10? We'll see. And from their performance on Sunday, April's judgement is the LAST thing about this team I'd question.
  21. Let's see. Punt returner ran one back for a touchdown, and Seattle didn't let the kick returner -- you know, the one who made the Pro Bowl a couple of years ago -- have a shot on two out of their three kickoffs. Add in those two poor decisions McKelvin made in the Detroit game, and you're complaining about this? Really?
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