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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Considering how long it took Bruce to get the last couple he needed to ease by Reggie, I have to agree. A lot of things can happen between now and 100.
  2. Pat Toomay may disagree with you, but I'm not sure I do. If not the worst, then certainly right near the top.
  3. No love for the Flakes? Yeah, the slightly medicinal taste to the sugar coating was a little bit of a dealbreaker for me. (Still got a couple extra boxes, if anyone needs some ...)
  4. Once it's blown dead, it's done. Can't unring that bell. I guess that's what the competition committee will consider after the season, but they'll probably decide that opening up decisions like that to replay could cause more problems than it solves -- what becomes a judgement call, and what doesn't? Sucks for the Chargers -- now they know how the Raiders felt after the "tuck rule" game -- but the Broncos fans would be complaining just as loud if SD was awarded the ball on a play that had been blown dead.
  5. Show me where I doubted you. I asked you for a link, nothing more, because that's how we operate. And when you couldn't provide one, I went and found it for myself. Even though, to be honest, I don't give a damn about Eric King, or Justin Geisinger, or your infatuation with them. One more note: if the insults don't cease, this thread does.
  6. Yes, and posting his e-mail on Chargers message boards was BS. Somebody did that here after a Bills game he reffed a couple of years ago, and we took it down immediately. (Yeah, I know it's easily available online. Doesn't mean we have to help people be jerks.) He's owned up to blowing the call, and it's probably going to cost him any chance at doing the Super Bowl this year. What good is going to come from sending him a bunch of nasty e-mails? And, as others have pointed out here, it was still 38-31 Chargers after that play. His screwup doesn't excuse theirs. To answer the "just give it to 'em" question, I'm pretty sure it was Coleman (as previously mentioned). Unlike Hochuli's mistake, that wasn't a split-second decision -- they conferred, made a judgement call, and STILL got it wrong.
  7. Or not. And I've got another link: Terms of Service. Specifically, this part: "Courtesy is contagious - Just become someone doesn't share your opinion - doesn't make them an idiot." Or a "parroting moron," or a "tard," or anything else along those lines. That goes for both sides here. Thanks.
  8. 'Grats to you both, Rich. (Although, who schedules a wedding during football season? )
  9. Oh yeah, Wander was definitely the target of that memorable rant. He got some mileage out of it, too.
  10. Just have to look harder, dawg: http://web.archive.org/web/*/www.thefootballgenius.com
  11. Ooh, "Jills." Never heard that one before. Seen McAfee Coliseum lately? Pot, Mr. Kettle is on line 1. Hysterical, considering the source. Has Al scheduled his next move yet? Beat the third-best team in the state of Missouri, and all of a sudden the Raiders are a juggernaut? That remains to be seen.
  12. Might want to check the comments on Sully's blog ... http://buffalonews.typepad.com/sully_on_sp...n-to-syrac.html The original mention comes from the Post-Standard's beat writer, Donnie Webb: http://blog.syracuse.com/orangefootball/20..._in_oaklan.html
  13. Just like any other contract negotiation, then. Let's hope they eventually meet in the middle. (Of course, it won't affect me, since I don't have TWC. My cable company is the last remaining holdout of the Rigas empire ...)
  14. On television (ESPN college football coverage)? You're absolutely right.
  15. The policy is, if you're a longtime member who also happens to have a radio show, a few LAMPs are cool. On the other hand, if you register for the sole purpose of advertising your Web site -- as did the poster in that linked thread -- not so much.
  16. Would Seattle and Jacksonville both be 0-2 if they hadn't played Buffalo?
  17. ...or maybe I'm just grumpy because it's past my bedtime. That could be, too. Senator Blutarsky, you're insane, but in a good way.
  18. Make a list of teams which have already beaten two opponents who made the playoffs last season. That list would have one name on it. Irrational exuberance? Maybe. But perhaps not as far-fetched as one might think ...
  19. No, that's fine. We just disagree (I think), because my definition of homer goes far down the road past Carucci's place. Haven't heard the postgame show yet this year, but he was rightfully critical of them when he needed to be last season ...
  20. NFL.com can do whatever it likes, but they're not recognized as the "official" player and coach awards. If anything, that honor probably still belongs to the selections made by The Associated Press.
  21. My sentiments exactly. In fact, we should probably already be thinking about booking hotels and such for that weekend. With no Bills going in this year, I stayed home to cover the local high school all-star game that night. Afterward, when I thanked the committee chairman for setting up my credentials at the last minute, he asked if I'd be back next year. Told him, "I'd love to, but that will be the same night Bruce Smith goes into Canton." He replied, "Well, we'll see you in 2010, then."
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