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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Apparently, Matt Hasselbeck wasn't one of the players he talked to ... C'mon, Mort.
  2. The fourth one would have to be the Jets game, which was tied at 7 going into the fourth quarter. That one's kind of bogus if you're talking about 'comebacks', though, because the Jets never led. (Not that I'm discounting the win, mind you ...)
  3. Trent Green's history against Buffalo: 2002: Chiefs 17, Bills 16 - mediocre day passing, but ran for the winning TD in the fourth quarter. 2003: Chiefs 38, Bills 5 - 20-35, 275 yards, 2 TDs in primetime buttkicking. 2005: Bills 14, Chiefs 3 - Sacked 6 times and threw 3 picks. 2007: Miami - already gone for the year by the time the Bills played them. He started each of those Chiefs games.
  4. Everybody remembers Flutie for the Jacksonville bootleg, but without Pat Williams sacking Brunell to force the Jags to punt, the offense never gets back on the field. Um, that your original post lists both wins and losses?
  5. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  6. d wag, I just have to say that your signature makes me laugh. As the Bills were driving toward Parrish's TD catch, I thought about this place, and how rabid the game thread must have been right about then ...
  7. Start him if you want -- I probably will, because Brandon Jacobs is off this week -- but don't expect much production. Julius Jones - 45 rush, 17 rec Maurice Morris - 31 rush Maurice Jones-Drew - 17 rush, 25 rec, 2-yd TD run Fred Taylor - 49 rush, 5 rec Darren McFadden - 42 rush, 6 rec Michael Bush - 55 rush, 5 rec
  8. He was. He tried to play with broken ribs, as I recall.
  9. Editors ... ? During the NCAA hoops tourney, they ran a typo on the COVER. Some of the writing still rocks, but this is not the SI I remember.
  10. Post #8 now comes before post #5? I didn't get that memo.
  11. Maybe, maybe not. When he benched Bulger for Frerotte last season, the Rams responded by losing their next four games to drop to 0-8. Just like last week -- the Bills will be all right unless they find a way to keep the other team in the game.
  12. Update on that: Kiffin called him today to apologize. Further proof that LK doesn't deserve the crap he's taking from Al. I wish him the best.
  13. Here's the reporter's take: The Raiders’ John Herrera vs. me in front of the cameras today: Well, THAT was fun Friggin' awesome post. And if you read down a little ways, the official who handed out the story Herrera said didn't exist ... was Herrera himself. Tool.
  14. The USA Today link earlier in the thread was from 2007.
  15. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  16. For those who still disbelieve the outdated link, this is on the Rams site: http://www.stlouisrams.com/article/68820/ And I agree with Ramius and scribo. Green needs to come to his senses -- if he has any left -- and realize the risks he's taking by continuing to play.
  17. You know, now that you mention it ... Happy birthday, Ann. Missed you and Bernard at the opener this year. Let's not make a habit of that, okay? Phil, too? Good thing I didn't know that Sunday ...
  18. He talked about that on his GR appearance this afternoon, saying, "Hey, go back and look at all 19 years" that he's been here, and you'd find plenty of positive pieces. (My take: people probably don't remember a lot of his writing during the playoff years, before he became the lead columnist.) Said it's fun to write stories like the one that ran today. And to be honest, there was plenty to trash the team about in the last few years. By the way, thanks for digging up that link.
  19. It's funny -- I was so focused on Lindell that I didn't even notice what was taking place on the sideline behind him. Never knew about it until reading Sully's column this morning, in fact. And then, I turned to the back page of the sports section ... http://www.buffalonews.com/galleries/gallery/444878.html (can't link to the picture, but it's image 15 of 23) Take a look. Now, imagine that photo spread across a full page of a newspaper. Hate to be premature, kids, but I think something special is beginning to happen with this team.
  20. Something with that site, maybe. I found the pic you linked to, hit "copy location," and it showed up just fine ... but your link to the exact same URL still doesn't work for me. They might have disabled hotlinking? http://images.kodakgallery.com/servlet/Ima...501211_0_BG.jpg So for anyone who wants to see the photo, right-click on the above link, select "copy link location," then paste it into the address field on your browser.
  21. Does that site need a login? Because I'm getting the same:
  22. No invitation necessary (although I certainly would have offered one); that was entirely Tim's doing. When I PMed him Saturday evening to let him know about the thread on his Crowell story, he asked where we'd be at before the game and said he'd love to stop by. Thanks for taking the time to do that, Tim, and it was a pleasure to meet you. 'S funny -- when the Bills looked like they were dead in the water and Miami was rolling in Foxborough, I wondered if you were having second thoughts about switching games. Glad they gave you a great story (and us an even better win) after all.
  23. Correct. Was there (at the least) "simultaneous possession" when Evans' knee hit the ground? Yes. In high school or college, that's Buffalo's ball. Unfortunately, the rules are different in the NFL, where the player has to control the ball all the way to the ground, not just when he's technically ruled "down." Here's the example given in the official rulebook: While in midair, a receiver firmly takes hold of a pass, but loses possession of the ball when his shoulder hits the ground with or without being contacted by an opponent. Ruling: Incomplete pass. Receiver must hold onto the ball when he alights on the ground in order to complete the reception.
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