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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Surprisingly, they've only played Cleveland 13 times since the merger. That's by far the fewest games against a non-expansion AFC foe. As for the NFC, it's actually pretty close to the average. The Bills have played no more than 11 games (Minnesota, Philly, Washington) against any NFC team, and not counting Carolina, no fewer than seven (New Orleans).
  2. Yeah, I hoped that didn't come off as busting on you, because that certainly wasn't my intent. On the other hand, I'll be more than happen to oblige for any Pitt fan. And it doesn't surprise me in the least that JoePa isn't universally beloved in Pittsburgh ... or anywhere else outside Happy Valley, for that matter. The recent Outside the Lines feature didn't exactly paint him in a favorable light, and I can't fault their research. Difference with the budget is, most big-time schools don't still carry all the nonrevenue sports PSU does (fencing, gymnastics, wrestling), and most of them have some semblance of a hoops program to bail them out. Regardless, I'll admit there's room to argue the point.
  3. You callin' Oregon State horrible when PSU pounds them, then celebrating their win over No. 1? But yeah, Coastal Carolina, Cuse, and Temple aren't exactly Meeechigan, Wisky, and tOSU. (Well, let me rethink that Michigan part. Of course, until PSU actually beats them sometime this century, I'm not exactly in a position to lay down any smack about their current struggles ...)
  4. Before the game last Sunday, I was amused when people kept telling me how many touchdowns the Bills were going to win by. I'll use the same reply now: the Bills should win this game, if they don't keep the Rams in it with turnovers and mistakes ... but they proved last week that they aren't immune to those miscues.
  5. If those two come along with the team, I don't think L.A. would want them back.
  6. I'd disagree with you about Carriker, but not Hill. He shouldn't be starting. And both Linehan and Zygmunt need to be gone before the Rams can dig themselves out of this hole ...
  7. What a fantastic lede, and I'm not just saying that because he posts here.
  8. By one minute, and only because I stopped by nflmedia to get the official quote.
  9. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  10. Broonz fans everywhere would rejoice at this news. But while dumping the Bruins would make Jacobs eligible to buy the Bills, there's still the minor detail about Ralph saying he's not selling the team ...
  11. Vincent Gallo is Buffalo's signature celebrity? Nice to see someone corrected Simmons' "orafices" misspelling at the bottom, too.
  12. The original ESPN.com hed: Beavers Trap Trojans. Obviously, it was quickly changed. Nice anti-PSU rant, Gordio, but relying on a Pitt fan for information about the program is like asking a Yankees fan to tell you about the Red Sox. Penn State plays most of their OOC games at home because the football program props up the entire athletic department, and they need at LEAST seven home games every year to make up for all those empty seats at the basketball games. Big 10 only gives them four, so when they were still playing an eleven-game schedule, almost all of the non-con games were guaranteed to be at home. I will note that since the turn of the century, PSU has played ranked non-conference opponents USC (at a neutral site), Notre Dame, Nebraska, and Miami (all on the road). They go to Alabama in 2010, and they also have another home-and-home lined up with the Huskers. And if Pitt and Syracuse wanted to continue the home-and-home football series with PSU, I guess they shouldn't have screwed them over vis-a-vis the Big East back in 1983. Yeah, it's because Pitt started beating Penn State. Fact is, Penn State has won six of the last seven games in the series. And it would take a hell of a lot of two-for-ones to equal the number of games played in Pittsburgh, since Penn State had exactly SEVEN home games in the series between 1903 and 1969. Indeed, it never became a true home-and-home until after Paterno took over.
  13. Wrong game. This was the one in Buffalo, Edwards' first start, the week after Losman was injured.
  14. Bills - Rams I'll toss in a bonus quote from Bryan Burwell of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Burwell and fellow columnist Bernie Miklasz, who I cite at the bottom of the preview, are in fine form this week ...
  15. They've always been allowed to run a game opposite the local team's road games, but not against their home games, and it has nothing to do with the region. From the NFL media site: Since FOX has the doubleheader and the Bills game is on CBS, St. Louis only gets two games this week. Washington and Buffalo are different, because their teams are on the road. From the 506 maps, looks like the D.C. area gets GB-TB early and the Skins game late, plus the scintillating Battle of Ohio on CBS. Buffalo gets the Jets early and the national game (Skins) late. When the Skins are playing on the road at 1 and CBS has the doubleheader, I can guarantee you your local CBS affiliate is showing a game opposite them. The only reason that hasn't happened this year is because they haven't had a 1 p.m. road game yet. (EDIT: And if they're not, for the reason they're telling you, they're lying.) This week's other road teams: Denver at KC: Denver will also get GB/TB at the same time. Cleveland at Cincinnati: Ditto for Cleveland. Houston at Jacksonville: San Fran/New Orleans in Houston. etc., etc.
  16. As I already stated, there's a no-trespassing rule printed on the back of every NFL ticket I've ever seen. If you can produce the same from this game, or other proof that the consequences of this action were well-publicized ahead of time, I'll agree with you.
  17. Having RF365 agree with you is not necessarily a good thing. Just sayin'.
  18. Unless they have a written no-trespassing rule for that field (like the one printed on the back of the Bills tickets), if that's my kid, I'm on the phone to a lawyer. Maybe that's why the charges were dropped. (Either that, or someone from the school district came to his or her senses.)
  19. Leo's primary job is as their main "outdoors" writer. He'll still cover home games, write occasionally, and do the Tuesday-morning debate with Sal ... but for day-to-day beat coverage and features, Sal's pretty much it. (Of course, Scott Pitoniak's also in the mix -- if the Bills keep winning, we could see him on the road. Probably not for an early-season game against the dreadful Rams, though.)
  20. You might be interested to know that "Sour Sal" is capable of changing his mind: The rest of that blog post can be found here: Three-Point Stance
  21. Well, when you pester someone often enough ... I can understand his feelings -- a hell of a lot of work went into those two books. Plus, I'm not sure what he could add this time around. Let's face it, 1999-2007 wasn't such a great time in Bills history, so there wouldn't be many changes to his Top 40 lists. It would be nice to have something for the 50th season next year, wouldn't it? And yeah, a successful business trip to Tampa would make it all the nicer ...
  22. Last I knew, he had no interest in doing another Relentless book. Plus, it's a lot harder to find a publisher for something like that than it used to be. Quality Sports Publications, the company that printed Relentless I/II, went out of business a long time ago. And SportsPublishingLLC, which did a couple of books for Sal -- along with Levy's, Joe D's, and Tasker's books -- is one step away from bankruptcy (and hosing a bunch of the writers who still have inventory with them).
  23. BN: Gaughan, Wilson, and Sullivan are the normal road crew. D&C: Sal told me he's doing the road games solo this season. I doubt a 3-0 start is enough to change Gannett corporate's mind about that, but it would be nice. OTH: Chuck's going to this game, although he had to opt out of next week's trip to Arizona. (By the way, you can add J.P. Butler to that list for home games.) Gazette and WDR: Not sure either has ever consistently traveled with the team. The Gazette ran AP for the Jaguars game, and Schmitt wrote his postgame column off the TV broadcast. The national media should be even more interesting. Think Tim Graham was planning to go to this game, but ESPN may choose to send a couple of their big names instead. (If that happens, our loss.) Oh, one more thing: AP writers don't normally travel. Thus, if your paper picks up the AP gamer from St. Louis, you'll be reading the work of R.B. Fallstrom, not John Wawrow.
  24. Many years past. They were 28th in scoring last year, five spots behind Oakland. And that was with Isaac Bruce, not Dane Looker, starting opposite Torry Holt.
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