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Everything posted by Lori

  1. No problem -- neither do most "die-hard, lifelong" Pats* fans. Here's a picture of what they looked like.
  2. Back in olden times, kids, the Patriots used to wear red jerseys and white helmets ...
  3. Not true. What if the other team also goes 4-0 against the NFC?
  4. Nope. No either/or here. Subtract the other person from the equation, as I did in my first response, and you'll find the correct usage -- "will not be bailed out by the likes of me." Do the same with the examples from your first link: * You and I should go and speak to Trevor about this matter. * Trevor has indicated that he wants to interview you and me. All right, class, end of lesson. And Mort's act is getting increasingly annoying.
  5. I'm upset that you tried so hard to use grammar correctly, and sound intelligent, only to say "Brother and me." Come on man... Brother and I. Lets get it together, that's third grade sh*t right there! Second grade in our school system, I believe. And as the previous two callers noted, no correction was necessary.
  6. C'mon. An almost-certain first ballot Hall of Famer throws six touchdown passes, and you think they're NOT going to cover it wall-to-wall? Guarantee that the vast majority of tomorrow's watercooler talk is about Favre, whether those people watched ESPN or not.
  7. Your simple math omitted one crucial variable: if they win all their AFC games too, they won't have to worry about it, because they should own the "strength of victory" tiebreaker over Tennessee. To quote The Senator, "19 and 0, baby !!!"
  8. No penalty, so I doubt it. Plus, for a rookie to get suspended for a first offense, I think he'd probably have to pull out a knife and stab somebody.
  9. That red-zone series showed that Hardy definitely still has some learning to do. As the game crept into the late stages of the third quarter with Buffalo still behind, I began to wonder if missing those four points might cost Buffalo a win. Thanks to Jabari Greer, that thought lasted all of about 10 seconds into the fourth. And while I'm not going to go overboard in comparing the current squad to the Kelly-era "Super Bills," these guys are beginning to make the kind of game-turning plays those teams thrived on. 4-0, folks, and there's still room for improvement. Let's give the Rams some credit while we're at it; contrary to some pre-game forecasts, they showed up and played hard. Would they still be 0-4 if Little hadn't missed the last two games? Maybe, maybe not. Today, we saw -- and Trent Edwards felt -- what his return meant to that defense. While watching Walker get beat for the umpteenth time, I couldn't help thinking that maybe Schonert should have given him a little more help on that side. Not like Royal was a factor in the passing game, you know? And the penalties ... oy. Peters' hold cost the Bills 30 yards, negating a first down at the Rams 12. Add his false start and Fowlers' trip (another 34-yard setback), plus the beating Edwards took early on, and line coach Sean Kugler is going to have plenty to talk about in their next film session. That said ... 4-0. And as these young players continue to grow up while we watch, we have every right to believe they'll only get better as the season goes on. Bill, I'm not sure you should book your January flight to Buffalo just yet ... but if this keeps up? Soon, my friend, soon. An addendum, courtesy of our friend Tim Graham's ESPN blog: In a recent conversation about Edwards, one of the beat writers (who made the same Montana reference we were whispering in Lot 1 after the Raiders game) told me, "I really believe — with apologies to Bill Walsh — that he'll be something special."
  10. Second-tier guards sign six-year, $36-million contracts? Bell isn't the second coming of John Hannah, but he's certainly better than the Milford Brown/Andy McCollum combo from last season.
  11. Arizona's no trap game -- in fact, given Jax's o-line woes, the Cards should easily be the best team Buffalo plays before the bye. Back on topic: Linehan faces fourth-and-long
  12. I'll be there, but I refuse to call it a home game no matter what the schedule says.
  13. I met Mr. Newman for the first time when his Can-Am car was racing at Watkins Glen. I was nine, I think ... and I've had a crush on him ever since. Newman's Own has been one of our customers ever since he started the business. In fact, that's how we got the tickets for the Glen whenever he or the car he sponsored was racing there. It's funny -- we just ran a job for them earlier this week. Watching all those boxes roll by with his picture on the side, I started thinking about him, wondering how he was doing. (We knew he was gravely ill, of course.) Sadly, that question has been answered. Farewell to a great actor and an even better man.
  14. Yeah, that would be my guess as well. If you didn't see it, they went far beyond snow jokes, folks. Looks like their server's still down. Ain't that a shame. Edit: Here's where we discussed that site prior to the Week 1 game -- http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=71105
  15. Agreed about Linehan, but the o-line problems last year were due to a devastating string of injuries. As I noted in my preview, 13 different players started at least one game, and Orlando Pace was gone for the year by halftime of the season opener. As for not doing anything to make it better? Pace and Richie Incognito (who missed 12 games) are back, and they added Jacob Bell from the Titans (although he's been bitten by the injury bug, missing the last two games). Did they succeed in making it better? Yeah, maybe not. Can't say they didn't make an attempt, though.
  16. If Linehan even considers doing something that bull-goose loony, Chip Rosenbloom needs to fire his ass. NOW.
  17. Yup. The cRavens made their first trip here last season, and all three recent expansion teams have also played at RWS. As such, the Buccaneers are the only team I've never seen in person.
  18. He's a Duff's guy. One more point in his favor. Those of you who weren't able to participate can find the transcript here: http://proxy.espn.go.com/chat/chatESPN?event_id=22396
  19. Pitt-Penn State was THE rivalry when I went to school there, and I've never been able to whip up a similar hatred for the Big 10 schools. I suspect it's the same on the other side -- and regardless of the reasons behind PSU dropping the football series, the fact remains, that was essentially Joe's decision. Paterno could have run for governor (and won handily) for most of his tenure at PSU, but I'm guessing he wouldn't have carried Allegheny County. (He also wouldn't have gotten very many votes from the beat writers who cover the program, but that's a story for another day ...)
  20. Don't do that. We will let you buy the first round, though.
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