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Everything posted by Lori

  1. "Average gain way less than 3"? Not in the stats I'm looking at. 4.0 last year, 3.5 this year (with at least two 20-yarders called back). Right down there with Joseph Addai, Fred Taylor, Steven Jackson, Jamal Lewis, Laurence Maroney, Reggie Bush, and some guy named McGahee ... fellow first-round picks, all. Even if he averages 5 ypc, a back needs 20 carries to hit 100 yards. Lynch has topped 20+ just once this year, against Oakland. My overall thoughts on No. 23? I'll leave the off-the-field stuff off the field. Kid runs hard on every play, gets hit in the backfield far too often (through no fault of his own), converts most of his short-yardage attempts (unlike his predecessor), and the team wouldn't have four wins without him.
  2. The really amusing thing is that without your input, this thread may not have reached 10 pages. Congratulations. Keep up the good work, and maybe we can make it 11.
  3. A very nice rewrite? We apologize for this thread not meeting your standards of approval. Perhaps you'd find a different topic more to your liking. In other words, if you don't want to read about it, there's a simple solution to that problem. Cordially, the management
  4. No problem. He normally does one every Friday, and he announces them on his blog that morning. So, in case we don't get around to putting up a link from TSW -- after finishing 12-8s this morning, I woke up just in time to catch this one -- you can check in over there.
  5. Too lazy to type the dateline this week, and I'm shocked that he actually remembered it. And with the Bills on bye and you guys on hand to ask the Buffalo questions, I purposely tried to involve the other AFCE teams.
  6. Hah. Now THIS is a great question, even if he can't spell Labatt:
  7. I liked the first one better, but policy is policy. Actually, as terrible as Fitzy looked against the Browns, Palmer hasn't exactly set the world on fire when he's played this season, either. That's why I made the rewrite somewhat ambiguous, in case he wanted to head in that direction. Obviously, he didn't. And calling me out here and there? Not cool, "Tony." Not cool.
  8. Wilson fined $25,000 for hit on Bills QB
  9. If you haven't read or participated in any of Tim's ESPN chats yet, they're normally a great read.
  10. Excerpt and link, please, instead of cutting and pasting the entire story. We thank you.
  11. Google Malarchuk and depression. And yes, while it could have simply been a freak accident, the other possibility can't be discounted.
  12. When someone creates original content, copyright is presumed even if there's no circle-c at the bottom. Gotta run -- I have a game to cover at 4 -- but I'll dig up the pertinent info when I get back.
  13. Two things: Quoting an excerpt is cool. Cutting and pasting the entire piece is not. And the writer is wrong anyway, because Wilson isn't asking for a new stadium. In fact, he has said that a new stadium wouldn't make any difference, because there aren't enough corporate types in the area to fill the skyboxes. On the other hand, if the current economic downturn bites Ted Rogers (and others like him) in the behind, this wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing for fans of the BUFFALO Bills.
  14. I'm assuming he knows Odom is a Bengal, but channeled Antwan Peek (now on I.R. in Cleveland, after spending his first four years in Houston) and mistyped Texans instead. It happens. Couple of years ago, I was writing about the team Josh Bidwell punted for at the time, but gave that team Josh Miller instead. And I don't have a problem believing Cole has a decent Rolodex. He's been in the business for a long time. That said, yeah, this was a throw-stuff-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks piece.
  15. I'll have to keep that in mind for next time. I actually paid $40 extra to connect through Cleveland (and avoid Newark).
  16. That's his job, he's paid to be a cynic. That's almost exactly what Jerry said a few years back on one of his GR appearances: "Tom Donahoe gets paid to run the Bills. I get paid to be his biggest critic." And since I haven't yet seen the source of Schobel's current displeasure linked here ... Yesterday's column ... ... and this morning's blog post:
  17. Only 25 percent in Jacksonville? Based on their problems selling tickets, that actually sounds low. Anyone who was at that '04 (actually 1/2/05) game can't disagree with him.
  18. ... was NOT the ten-dollar model I had in the Cleveland airport Monday afternoon. Sounded good - bacon/cheese/mushrooms/onions - but lost something in the transition from the menu to the plate. Ah well... Little place just outside Portville, Red's & Trudy's, makes a great drive-in style "loose meat" burger. We've been known to order a dozen to go, on top of the ones we're eating while we're there. Here are a few pictures of the place. (The "Chuck" in the second picture is Chuck Boller, across-the-creek neighbor, former owner/publisher of the paper I work for, and the man whose very large shoes I'm trying to fill on the local sports beat.) Hey, let's hear some more entries from Buffalo. I'm sitting here trying to remember the last burger I had there that wasn't at a tailgate, and I'm coming up with a blank. I need some suggestions ...
  19. Damn, I missed it. Ah well, I'll just wish you a happy 28th 364 days early.
  20. Fixed. If I'm going to whine about a problem, I have to give them props when they take care of it. I'll also note that their weekly releases are steadily improving. Couple other nitpicks, because that's what I do: -Not sure I like the lack of drop-down menus. When you click on a link at the bottom of the banner, you're basically guessing the information you seek will be there. On a positive counterpoint to that, it looks like all the direct links I'll need are on the site map at the bottom of every screen. -The depth chart is broken down into offense-defense-special teams, and I don't see a "print" option to give me the entire roster. That means I'll probably choose one from a different site to link at the bottom of the game previews, something I'd rather not do. -Wouldn't mind seeing an option for a "leaner," faster site with less video. Yeah, I know it won't look as cool, but whenever I'm there, I'm normally looking for something for a story I'm writing -- I want info, I want it now, and I don't need the bells and whistles. The media site is great that way, compared to some of the other teams in the league. -And I'm seeing the same problem with the Backers map (blank?) in both Firefox and IE. I also agree with the point about listing the bar addresses, not just contact info. I wonder if they changed that so as not to appear to officially endorse any particular establishments. Let us know when they reply, will you? Thanks.
  21. The front page of TBD does ...
  22. If you have Chris Brown's blog bookmarked, you'll need to change it to http://blogs.buffalobills.com/ And the media log-in page now redirects to the front page. Greeeat. Good thing this is a bye week ...
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