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Everything posted by Lori

  1. This map appears to show that WSEE will indeed carry the game. Hope it's right. The flip card says we get Jeff Tripplette's crew this week. That means back judge (and former Bills safety) Steve Freeman is in town. Heh. Without that 2006 game, I would have had to go back to the year before ... and the 48-10 beatdown on the Bills' last trip to San Diego. Not sure the Flutie game would have been much worse. You know I was just bustin' on you about that, right? It's what I do. A pleasure meeting you, as well, although the game could have turned out better. Ah well ... And as always, thanks for the kind words, everyone. 22 balmy degrees and pitch black on the hillside this morning. Okay, NOW it's football season. Go Bills, and see you in Lot 1 in a couple of hours.
  2. College football player down your way actually died from MRSA a couple of years ago, no? I remember reading the story ... And division rival or no, I agree: I'm not going to B word at anyone else for doing so, but this isn't something I can joke about.
  3. After further review, never mind.
  4. You may yet get your wish, Tigre, because this is beginning to look suspiciously like the last nine meetings. The coach of the high school team I cover talked about getting his kids to stop "fearing purple," the color worn by the rival they played today. I'm beginning to wonder if the Penn State players have a similar phobia about winged helmets. But, it's early yet. We'll see.
  5. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game...me_day_preview/
  6. Nah -- I'll guess that your brother received the e-mail from someone else, who got it from someone else ... There were even newspapers running the story. And given this Kekovich's reputation, it would have been all too easy to believe. He sounds like your version of Don Cherry, and I bet he'd be great fun to hang out with at the local pub.
  7. Shocking news. The reports regarding Boomer's karaoke performance at Kelly's HOF enshrinement-weekend party are legendary ...
  8. Yes, although the Pinto doesn't make the trip. Hook up with the NYC Bills Backers (you can get there through BillsNYC's link) for more details.
  9. Not to him, apparently. Good read from SI's Chris Ballard: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...1020/index.html
  10. He's not only back, he's practicing today. This should be interesting.
  11. I have not. And after they tried to burn down Kenny's van on one of his previous trips, I'm not sure I'm interested.
  12. If my only Bills games had been in the "cheap seats," I'd probably agree with the writer. But since moving to the sidelines, can't say as I ever remember a fight in my current section. Some back-and-forth smack talk with opposing fans, sure, but nothing that remotely resembled some of the crap I saw during my only season in Section 221. I will say this, though: while I haven't been on nearly as many road trips as some of you, I have visited a few other NFL stadiums ... and I have yet to see someone drink to the point of passing out at any of them.
  13. He really didn't -- here's the original: http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/showthread.php?t=498964 -- and that's too bad. The "speech" is both funny and damned appropriate. P.S.: Go Blues!
  14. Nope. Rams cut him after Brock Berlin beat him out for the No. 3 job.
  15. Funny you should ask ... http://www.mmbolding.com/BSR/Candian_Footb...ball_League.htm
  16. I'm not a fan of McPaper, but I'll clarify my original statement to restrict it to the various city outlets. That includes both print and broadcast, because they use the same template for their TV stations. (WGRZ-2 in Buffalo is one.)
  17. Not by a long shot. BN Web site > any Gannett newspaper, including Indy and Rochester. Have I mentioned lately how much I despise the Gannett cookie-cutter template? And I love anything Mike Vaccaro writes, but the Post's site makes my eyes hurt. Dr.Dank, my mentor in the business relayed to me something his mentor told him, a long time ago: "News is what people are talking about." Here's his take on how that relates to covering sports: "After a game, I try to figure out what the people are discussing about it as they leave. If I've answered their question (or questions) and addressed their observations, I've done my job." That's worked well for him over the years, and I'm trying to follow those guidelines in my own writing. Of course, you're dead on about the rise of "infotainment": if people didn't care about the Celebrities Gone Wild stuff, there wouldn't be a market for it. And when the Brett-to-the-Jets soap opera was in full force, football fans were talking about it whether they'd read the latest updates or not. Hence, it received heavy coverage. But there are still good people in the business, doing great work. Ask R. Rich about his brother, an investigative journalist who helped get a crooked mayor booted out of office, then broke a mortgage-fraud story that ended up with the culprits going to prison. Maybe his stories don't get as many hits as the most recent Britney update, but they're out there. As for the crime-ridden "Latest Local News"? Not much room for daily enterprise stuff any more, and fewer people left to write it. So, as the industry continues its downhill slide, you'll likely see more police reports and school-board meeting recaps, not less. And like it or not, they are newsworthy. If I lived on Elmwood or Clinton (to pick a couple of street names out of the current headlines), I'd want to know about any potentially dangerous situations in my neighborhood ...
  18. Friend, I already have two jobs. I don't need another full-time one.
  19. Guessing Moss was a healthy scratch because he stinks, not because he's getting traded, but I could be wrong. And if y'all keep jacking this thread, I reserve the right to start a new, BS-free one if/when we hear some new news.
  20. If it was v-tach or another arrhythmia, I think cardioversion (yes, a defibrillator) might be the only thing that would have helped. I'm far from being an expert, though. Maybe Rubes or one of the other MDs on the board will weigh in when they see this.
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