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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Don't you dare. Sorry, but I do throw out the Cleveland game. Chuck Pollock, who has covered the team for 36 years, called that the worst "weather" game he'd ever seen, topping the 50-mph wind/rain that helped Joe Namath go 2-for-25 in September 1974. The Giants game, on the other hand ... It wasn't exactly nice, but I've sat through worse up there. I will note that Manning was also having major problems throwing the ball in those conditions, but it didn't matter because the Bills couldn't stop the run. If Eli had been forced to throw in the second half, I suspect those passes might have looked similar to Trent's. But you and keepthefaith have it right: until Edwards proves he can do it, people will wonder and worry. That's natural.
  2. Agreed. Remember Rob Johnson yelling out Jacksonville's formations to Flutie during the '98 game?
  3. Thought it was going to this afternoon. High 30's, wind, and rain ... and me on the sideline at a high school soccer game. I'm still shivering.
  4. 'Cause they're tired of Glazer kicking their asses on breaking stories?
  5. Not sure that's saying much, since only one District 3 Quad-A team has ever won a PIAA championship. Haven't seen them this season, but IMHO, previous OP teams would NOT match up against the WPIAL.
  6. I've watched Pryor since his junior year at Jeannette, where he was a man among boys. He's going to be good. Damn good. Maybe even great ... but I'm not sure he's there at the college level just yet. Guess we'll find out on Saturday night. Should be a hell of a game.
  7. Come on, Curse. The guy's a tool, but that's over the line.
  8. "With just over six minutes to go, it looked like the Chargers were poised to tie the Bills up at 21." Neat trick, because the Bills only had 20.
  9. That's your final word in this thread? Seriously? Thank you for playing, and have a nice day.
  10. Give me a non-Flash version every time, please and thank you. And to be honest, I'm kind of glad they didn't feel the need to "improve" the media site ... ... yet ...
  11. Catering to the media? In what way? I'm genuinely curious as to your perceptions on this ... especially because the password-protected, media-only part of the site didn't get a makeover.
  12. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  13. Not this again. To save myself some typing ...
  14. For future reference, the NFL.com depth chart is NOT official, and I won't link them in my previews unless there's no better option. (There usually is; even Yahoo! seems to be more consistently accurate.) And as we noted last Sunday when Fred Jackson and Jason Peters disappeared, bb.com isn't infallible, either. I use the one from the weekly releases provided to the media, which also lists Mitchell and Corto at SLB, not WLB. No matter what various Web sites say, Corto isn't a backup at S. The only way I could see him playing there is if several DBs go out of the same game with injuries.
  15. Didn't play because of his foot. Probably would have have tried only if other injuries forced him into the lineup.
  16. As others (including my seatmate) have mentioned, they did see at least one signal, which means I must not have been watching him on the right play(s). My bad. And since the last outage involved Buffalo's two-minute drill, Jack makes a good call in noting that the play clock wouldn't have been an issue at that point ...
  17. Why did I type Murphy? Meant Kirk Chambers. Long day, I guess ...
  18. Then why is Jon Corto listed as Kawika Mitchell's backup at SLB on today's flipcard?
  19. Scoreboard/clocks came back on for good early in the second half. A few more thoughts: - Not sure how much they talked about it on the radio, but Brad Butler missed a significant part of the first half, and (I believe) spent the entire second half on the sideline. That left Duke Preston at C, Jason Whittle at RG, and Matt Murphy as the only other available O-lineman for the last two quarters. Does the run-blocking need to get better? Yup. That said, kudos to today's cobbled-together front five for keeping Trent upright all game long. -They went after McKelvin all game long. He definitely missed a few, but when I pointed that out in the Lot 1 postgame confab, R. Rich responded, "How long should he be expected to cover?" Valid point -- not much of a pass rush early on. Plus, he'll get better with more experience. -And overall, for a defense missing its Pro Bowl DE and starting a rookie CB, holding the league's (former) top-scoring offense to half their average isn't a bad thing. -Of coourse, Trent's 25-for-30 day was the primary topic of conversation in the lot. Tell me again: this kid's only in his second season in the league? With apologies to Timbuck3, "The future's so bright ..." -And Mitchell was a beast. Period.
  20. That's the back judge, and you're absolutely correct about him keeping the play clock. It's his penalty to call. (The line judge handles the game timing.) In fact, after Buffalo's first delay penalty, I watched Freeman through the field glasses to find out if he was using any kind of signal -- the back judge in the HS game I covered yesterday used a raised-hand motion similar to calling a dead-ball foul, roughly five seconds before he actually blew the whistle -- but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. And from a quick readthrough, neither the NFL nor NFHS rulebook says anything about it, so I guess Edwards and Rivers were pretty much on their own.
  21. No TV timeouts, no stupid ads blasting at jet-engine decibel levels. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I did miss the time clock a little at the end of the first half, but I'm used to covering games at fields with no play clocks, so that part wasn't a problem for me. (Had to suck for the QBs, though, since they probably haven't played without one since HS.) And if anyone here doesn't know how to read the sticks for down and distance, learn. As tater mentioned, the a cappella version of Shout! was mighty fun, too.
  22. Not really, at least in my opinion. The gates at the scoreboard end zone catch traffic from across Abbott Rd., as well as the lots north and south of the stadium. If you're running late (past 12:30), your best bet is to go to the ones on the tunnel end. But today, with the power outage, it wouldn't have mattered.
  23. Yup. He was in obvious pain on the ride to the locker room. The way it looked, he'll be fortunate if it isn't a gone-for-the-season deal.
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