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Everything posted by Lori

  1. From another board ... Sold out: Everything in Manhattan Washington Post (they're printing a special edition for afternoon drive) Denver (both Post and RMN) Indy Star Kansas City Star Arizona Republic San Francisco Chronicle (reprinting) Chicago (Trib is reprinting) Cleveland Plain-Dealer (reprinting) So, did you find a copy of your local paper today?
  2. Holy crap, I'm starting to love me some Tim Kawakami: Raiders dump Hall, maybe Walker, too: Oh my, Al must be mad at his personnel chief
  3. Meet the new Cold War, same as the old Cold War ...
  4. Entirely possible. Wouldn't be the first time upper management has ever made a QB change, would it?
  5. If they dump him, they're nuts. Oh, wait ...
  6. If you wait until 10 minutes before kickoff, it's a 100 percent certainty that you're not going to see the first few minutes of the game. That's why the Bills have been so outspoken about telling everyone to get to the gates at least half an hour beforehand -- e-mails, signs posted at the entrances to the stadium lots, etc. Is it worse this year? Yeah, I think so, although I'm not exactly sure why. The checkpoints don't seem to be set up any differently. I will say this, though -- I've never seen lines like that at any road game I've been to, which should tell you something about the setup at RWS.
  7. Despite John Murtha's worst fears -- and considering that Kerry's 2004 numbers outperformed Obama in southwestern PA, they may not have been all that irrational -- it seems that a significant majority of our countrymen chose not to vote against a Presidential candidate based on the color of his skin. Yay us. The real challenge now will be keeping him safe from the Aryan Nation types ... and I think (hope, anyway) that all here can join in wishing the Secret Service good luck and Godspeed in that assignment.
  8. Dems have a 1.2 million-voter edge in registration here. The only chance McCain had in PA was to choose Tom Ridge as his VP (which probably would have meant me ditching the newspaper job to work on the campaign); once that didn't happen ... And since my vote was meaningless anyway, I didn't use it on the ticket that included Palin, who scares the crap out of me. If she's the future of the Republican Party, that future might not include me. I did think Barletta had a shot to pick up a seat in Congress; looks like a three-point loss. Close, but no cigar. For now, I'll be content with Glenn Thompson's win for John Peterson's seat. And there are some interesting things happening down in the 75th district -- never thought I'd see Dan Surra lose his job in Democrat-heavy Elk County. In fact, the only three incumbents currently losing in the state House are all Dems, and there's a lot more red on the county-by-county map than I expected. Apparently, at least in this Commonwealth, Obama's coattails didn't provide much help. And as I look at the overall numbers, a four-point win nationwide is obviously more of a mandate than Bush got either time, but still not exactly landslide territory. Given the residual anger at the Bush administration and the bewilderment over McCain's VP choice, this election should have been a slam-dunk for whoever the Dems nominated. Honestly? I'm surprised it finished this close. Now, for all our sakes, I sincerely hope that Barack Obama justifies the faith that 54 million voters (at last report) placed in him today.
  9. Followed SEVEN MINUTES LATER by ... So I guess the 360 is complete, and we're back to the first line of thought? Just trying to keep track ...
  10. Let's see: "So it’s fair to say this group has been slow to develop." and "In time, this draft class might be a good one. But the organization expected more. Maybe they’re a year away — like the team as a whole." ... equals calling them busts, which presumes that they never will develop? Not on my planet, and certainly not eight games into their rookie season.
  11. jes has a few years to go to hit 99 -- he went to school with my brother -- but I'm not telling the real number. HB, Brian. Oh yeah, same to youse other guys, too ...
  12. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  13. That's if the player goes out of bounds and is the first player to touch the ball after coming back in. Washington was still out.
  14. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-4-227...se-further.html According to Jauron (through Graham), they might not have Whitner OR Schobel next week. If not, it doesn't look good for stopping that 0-for-Gillette Stadium streak.
  15. http://thequad.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/3...-to-the-gators/
  16. Guess I know who you've got on "ignore" ...
  17. Welker's done it before, too. I know it's already been asked and answered, but here's the official out-of-bounds rule: And because there is no specific exception for a free kick -- perhaps there should be? -- the call was correct. (I was initially pissed by it, but only because from my vantage point at the far end of the field, I thought he'd touched it before he stepped out.)
  18. Good (if depressing) read, Mr. Rich. 5-1 seems like a long time ago, doesn't it? Aaron Schobel might not be the second coming of Bruce Smith, but they're certainly better with him than without him. 30 yards rushing speaks for itself. And Trent sure does miss Josh Reed. When the Bills come out in a four-wide set that includes Robert Royal and Steve Johnson -- as they did to open their final drive -- you know all hope is lost.
  19. Damn, Harv, sorry to hear that. Hugs from us. And I'll make sure to give my own mom an extra hug before I leave here.
  20. Right. Since the Packers are on the hook for the base salary, somebody can probably pick him up at a reasonable rate, and I bet his agent's phone is already ringing. That knee would have to check out okay, though. Thirty-one, pass-rushing specialist, and arthritis -- that's another combination I'm not sure I like.
  21. He didn't start, he had offseason knee surgery, and his base salary was $6.15 million this year. Bad combination.
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