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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Good God, no. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/499559.html
  2. On the same subject, Graham posted this later in the day ... Jauron on pulling Edwards: 'I can't say' Yes? No? Maybe? Your guess is as good as mine. One thing you can say about Jauron, he's certainly fluent in coachspeak ...
  3. Why would I "come better than that"? My team locks up a BCS berth if they take care of business on Saturday. And seeing as how my dad lives just past the intersection of McGalliard and Tillotson, within earshot of the stadium, I want to see the Cards do well. If you keep acting like Ed, though, I might begin to change my mind ...
  4. We've talked about the situation at the gates quite a bit this year. I'll repeat what I said in the earlier discussion -- at all the road games I've attended, I've NEVER seen bottlenecks like the ones at the Ralph. This also isn't the only stadium in the league where people show up at the gates half an hour before kickoff, so that excuse flies about as well as a frozen turkey. There are not enough screeners. Until the Bills and/or Erie County solve this problem, it's not going to get better. And changing up the traffic flow from previous games, making the congestion even worse? Yeah, that was a good plan. Or not.
  5. Arm, that's quality work. While overall, I'm inclined to leave Edwards in and deal with his learning curve, the dawg makes a good point about shellshock. What good is he to the team right now, if he can't/won't throw a ball over 10 yards downfield until the last two minutes of the game? I really think that's why we were seeing open receivers downfield; the Browns DBs eased up after 15-20 yards, because they knew Edwards wasn't going to make the throw. Another flameout like the one Monday night, and Jauron may HAVE to make a move, even if he'd rather not. (And as I noted a while back, barring injury, he had a history of sticking with his starters in Chicago.) While I'm here, Chuck Pollock also has something to say about young Mr. Edwards: This, from a man who told me six weeks ago, "I really believe — with apologies to Bill Walsh — that (Edwards) will be something special." If he's this far down on No. 5 ...
  6. And people have DIED in scrums like this at other sporting events. Ask Joe Panos what happened at the end of Wisconsin's upset win over Michigan a few years ago.
  7. I think AP (John Wawrow) picked up on Matt Pearl's Channel 2 piece. Here's his story: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/16/sports/n.../16buffalo.html
  8. Impressive smack, considering Ball U. just barely managed to squeak that one out.
  9. That sounds about right, but now you've got me wondering. 2-11-BUF 30 (7:54) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short left to 23-M.Lynch to BUF 34 for 4 yards (52-D.Jackson). Screen, caught at BUF 25. Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 4 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), -5 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 4 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 9 yards Solo Tackle: CLV 52 (D.Jackson) 3-7-BUF 34 (7:11) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short left to 23-M.Lynch to BUF 34 for no gain (95-K.Wimbley). Dump pass, caught at BUF 29. 3rd Down Attempt Failed: BUF Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 0 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), -5 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 0 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 5 yards Solo Tackle: CLV 95 (K.Wimbley) 2-8-BUF 43 (9:11) 5-T.Edwards pass short left to 23-M.Lynch to BUF 47 for 4 yards (22-B.McDonald; 52-D.Jackson). Dump pass, caught at BUF 38. Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 4 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), -5 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 4 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 9 yards Tackle Assist: CLV 22 (B.McDonald) Tackle Assist: CLV 52 (D.Jackson) 2-11-CLV 18 (6:32) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short left to 23-M.Lynch for 18 yards, TOUCHDOWN. Dump pass, caught at CLV 17. 1st Down Passing: BUF Passing Yards, TD: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 18 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 1 yards Pass Reception Yards, TD: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 18 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 17 yards 2-10-CLV 22 (:40) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short right to 23-M.Lynch pushed ob at CLV 12 for 10 yards (25-T.Cousin, 20-M.Adams). Flat pass, caught at CLV 20. 1st Down Passing: BUF Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 10 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 2 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 10 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 8 yards Assisted Tackle: CLV 25 (T.Cousin) Tackle Assist: CLV 20 (M.Adams) 2-6-BUF 43 (12:35) 5-T.Edwards pass short left to 23-M.Lynch pushed ob at BUF 46 for 3 yards (54-A.Davis). Screen pass, caught at BUF 39. Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 3 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), -4 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 3 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 7 yards Solo Tackle: CLV 54 (A.Davis) 1-10-BUF 42 (6:19) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short left to 23-M.Lynch to BUF 43 for 1 yard (92-S.Rogers). Screen, caught at BUF 41. Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 1 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), -1 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 1 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 2 yards Solo Tackle: CLV 92 (S.Rogers) 3-9-BUF 43 (5:27) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short left to 23-M.Lynch to CLV 45 for 12 yards (52-D.Jackson). Dump pass, caught at BUF 43. M.Lynch crossed over middle to right sideline after catch. 1st Down Passing: BUF 3rd Down Attempt Converted: BUF Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 12 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 0 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 12 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 12 yards Solo Tackle: CLV 52 (D.Jackson) 2-7-CLV 41 (10:06) 5-T.Edwards pass short middle to 23-M.Lynch pushed ob at CLV 30 for 11 yards (24-E.Wright). Dump pass, caught at CLV 40. 1st Down Passing: BUF Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 11 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), 1 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 11 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 10 yards Solo Tackle: CLV 24 (E.Wright) 3-20-CLV 40 (8:27) (Shotgun) 5-T.Edwards pass short right to 23-M.Lynch to CLV 45 for -5 yards (24-E.Wright, 95-K.Wimbley). Screen pass, caught at CLV 45. 3rd Down Attempt Failed: BUF Passing Yards: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), -5 yards Pass Length, Completion: BUF 5 (T.Edwards), -5 yards Pass Reception Yards: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), -5 yards Yardage Gained After the Catch: BUF 23 (M.Lynch), 0 yards Assisted Tackle: CLV 24 (E.Wright) Tackle Assist: CLV 95 (K.Wimbley) Tackle for a Loss: CLV 24 (E.Wright) Total length of completions: -21 yards. Lynch's total YAC: 79 Lynch's net yards: 58
  10. I think Mort agrees with you on that point; he's just phrasing it a little differently. And I'm not getting his veil of secrecy over Butler's departure; unless he's talking about specific incidents, we already knew that Butler wasn't fond of Ralph's meddling. That's not exactly breaking news. You know, that's a damn good point. Unless he didn't talk to JB until after he moved out West.
  11. Yeah, he is. And if someone points it out to Ellison and he takes offense, it could make him less likely to talk to anyone at The News. That's the idea behind separating the columnists' commentary from the beat writers' reporting -- Allen and Mark have to deal with these guys on a daily basis, and any perceived loss of objectivity could impact their ability to keep those lines of communication open. Even if it is an accurate observation. (And yeah, 56 did not look good on that Harrison touchdown.) On the other hand, the players have to be used to Sully's brickbats by now, and I think/hope most of 'em know better than to take their annoyance with him out on anyone else ...
  12. Thinking that was Trent trying to get the receivers lined up -- with some trouble doing so -- then noticing the playclock was running down. Not sure that's the same play you're thinking of, though, and I don't have a tape of this one to check it. Add: They snapped the ball on the previous play, a run, at 4:15, and took the timeout at 3:28. Had to be getting pretty close. Yet another "we don't know what the we're doing" timeout.
  13. Less painful that way. I'll second the motion: Dockery ??? And Moorman isn't having one of his best seasons. There are five punters right now who have a 40.0-or-better net average. He isn't one of them.
  14. Those are both part of the same thought process -- as a columnist, it's Sullivan's job to give us a strong opinion. Gaughan and Wilson, at least in their print pieces, are supposed to stick more to the facts. Thanks to "new" media (blogs/chats/podcasts and such), though, the line is beginning to blur, and we're starting to hear more analysis from the guys who know far more about the Bills than any of the paper's columnists do. That could have its drawbacks in their relationship with the team, but it's great for the readers. Lot of truth in a lot of those answers, but one particular question jumped out at me on the way through that, because it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately: The false start and motion penalties have (thankfully) died down since the beginning of the season, but the Bills must still lead the league in burning timeouts because they're lined up wrong, didn't get the play in on time, whatever. As Allen noted, that's on the coaches.
  15. From someone who had the wide-screen view all night long from Sec. 238 ... yeah, guys were open.
  16. Oldest open thread on the main Wall: Oct 19 2008, 10:30 AM Last response in that thread: Oct 13 2008, 08:22 AM But yeah, we moved that thread to the archive to hide it.
  17. Lateral move for Edsall, isn't it? Nah, strike that: didn't his team just beat the snot out of SU? And yeah, I'm thinking K-State and Washington will both be giving Mr. Gill a call. Whether he listens, on the other hand ...
  18. Funny, Gill is the name I've heard being talked up outside Buffalo ... but most of those people think he can do better than taking the SU job.
  19. Or, you know, it could be in the archive because nobody cared enough to reply to it for an entire month.
  20. Outing alert: BlueFire is ... (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
  21. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game...e_day_preview1/ Almost 4,000 words. Ye gods. I need a better editor ...
  22. Well, yeah. Isn't OP in Class AA, the largest NYSPHSAA division? Their classification number is 1289 this year. (Assuming that includes both boys and girls.) The PIAA only uses male enrollment for its football classes, so OP's number roughly compares with Gateway (609), McKeesport (545), and Bethel Park (692), all Quad-A WPIAL schools ranked in the top five statewide. The Gators are currently No. 1, with four kids already committed to D-1 schools (including two to Ohio State) and five others being recruited.
  23. Followed the game on the Prep Talk blog. No contest. Sounds like it would be tough for anyone to stop both Hoppy and Tundo. And btw, if you want to follow along, Keith McShea kicks ass on live-blogging games. Here's the one in question: http://buffalonews.typepad.com/preptalk/20...from-the-8.html [/shameless plug] And sorry to hear about the OP student passing away, Hammer.
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