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Everything posted by Lori

  1. To the Big 10, sure -- a head coaching job there is a step up from the MAC. Name one, other than Kelly (who took over a bowl-eligible team from Mark Dantonio, who left for Michigan State), in the Big East. WVU: Bill Stewart (WVU asst coach, CFL) USF: Jim Leavitt (K-State def coord, started USF program) Rutgers: Greg Schiano (Miami, Fl. asst coach) Cuse: Robinson (TX def coord, NFL 1990-2003) Louisville: Steve Kragthorpe (Tulsa, Bills QB coach, TX A&M off coord) UConn: Randy Edsall (GT def coord, Jax DBs, BC DBs; hired when UConn was I-AA) Pitt: Dave Wannstedt (Dolphins, Bears, Cowboys, Miami, OK State, Pitt; quit the Fins during 4-12 season) ONE of those men, Kragthorpe, held a Division 1 head coaching job when a Big East team came calling. And speaking of Louisville, wasn't that long ago when John L. Smith decided MSU was an upgrade. Come to think of it, didn't RichRod just do the same thing when he left Morgantown for Ann Arbor? If Syracuse is the only suitor, Gill would have a decision to make. But if it's matched up against most any other BCS job, Cuse loses. And I think he gets a look-see from at least one school not based in CNY. We'll see.
  2. Not as long as Daryl Gross is still the AD.
  3. Gill was a finalist for the Nebraska job, and his name is being mentioned elsewhere. He'd be stupid to take over the train wreck that is Syracuse football circa 2008. Gill is not a stupid man. (And I'm not a UB fan, although it is nice to see them doing well.) But don't ask me, ask Sports Illustrated college beat writer Andy Staples: Buffalo's Gill gaining respect after earning his recruiting wings Or the folks at nationalchamps.net, a site which belongs to FWAA and has a Heisman vote: Gill No. 5 on list of "Most Wanted Coaches" And not sure how much play this got when it happened, but Washington (where the Ty Willingham era approaches its final game) interviewed Warde Manuel -- twice -- for their AD job earlier this year. Think they asked him any questions about his football coach while he was out there? **** On another note, Penn State in the Big East? Perfect fit, but that ship done sailed. We weren't good enough for Gavitt, Crouthamel, and Boeheim when we applied to join the conference in 1982 -- six weeks before they INVITED Pitt -- so why should we grace them with our presence now?
  4. Quoted for truth. Did the Bills whine after the Pats* hung 56 on them last year?
  5. One last thought before I leave for work in a good mood: for anyone who wants to say, "It's only the Chiefs, they're 1-9," etc., etc. ... care to guess how many other teams have rung up 40 points on Kansas City this year? The undefeated Titans? Nope. This year's "it" team, the Falcons, on their home turf? Uh-uh. Brett Favre? Drew Brees? No, and no. The answer, before today, was zero. Enjoy the rest of the game. Well, except for that touchdown to Bradley, which pretty much sucked. Okay, NOW start enjoying the rest of the game.
  6. Agreed, but for a guy who was scared to throw past the line of scrimmage by the end of the Browns game, I can live with a little risk-taking if it helps him rebuild his confidence. He looks like an NFL quarterback again, and not a moment too soon.
  7. Hey, I remember that No. 83. That's more like it ...
  8. Lynch/Jackson: 15 carries, 69 yards, 4.6 yards per attempt. Edwards: 7-11, 51 yards, 4.6 yards per attempt. One of those averages is pretty good. The other, not so much ...
  9. Well. That (long LJ run) looked familiar. Edit: So did that (Gonzo TD catch).
  10. Think maybe they were DESIGNED that way, to calm him down and try to get him into a rhythm? (Okay, so it didn't seem to help the throw to Royal ...)
  11. Like that, you mean? Glad they cashed in on fourth-and-goal, but Schonert didn't make the bad throw on third down ...
  12. I suppose he can prove the Mickey D's employees were the ones who put them online? On a similar note, the PA announcer at a football game I covered this year had a good time describing the two lost phones that were turned into the press box. Crowd got a chuckle out of the first one, whose screensaver was apparently a picture of someone's pierced belly button. The owner was definitely red-faced when coming forward to claim it, and not because of the weather ...
  13. I was going to make a Lakers joke.
  14. Yup, part of the KSAC (Keystone Shortway conference). Sadly, Kelly's school, East Brady -- which beat my alma mater for the 1988 district championship -- no longer exists. It was merged into ... Karns City. How's that grab you? Hey, how about Steel-High's Jeremiah Young breaking James Mungro's state rushing record? Hard to believe he still doesn't have an offer. Maybe UB should take a look at him.
  15. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game...e_day_preview2/ Sorry, forgot to link it up here earlier ...
  16. Crap. Knew I forgot something. *My* bad, then, and it'll be fixed shortly.
  17. Checked the front page lately? I posted it before I went to work this afternoon ... (Short one, though. I was in a surly mood for some reason.)
  18. Word I get is that they were outcoached. Not like we're familiar with that, or anything ... Local Class A team, Cameron County, beat Clarion for the D9 title this afternoon, too. (I know we have at least one CCHS lurker here. Congrats!) Nice job by Section VI this weekend; I'm checking it out on McShea's blog right now. (As previously noted, his live game blogs kick ass. I'm taking notes for next season.)
  19. The NFL will make more money if the franchise moves ... and not just to Toronto, but to anywhere with the sizable corporate base the Niagara Frontier lacks. Goodell may talk a good game, but I still believe that naming rights, premium-seat sales and suite leases mean more to the league than the Joe Sixpack buying the jerseys and the cheap endzone seats. Although, considering the current state of the economy, that isn't as much of a slam-dunk as it was a year ago. Mark me down as one more person amused by the thought that Jerry Jones might take a financial beating on his new playpen in Dallas ...
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