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Everything posted by Lori

  1. You paid $180 to watch this game? Hell, that's more than I paid for a ticket to it. (Seriously. Sunday Ticket is still $180, with only four weeks left in the season? Holy crap. Now I know why I never signed up.)
  2. Them shouldn't you be blaming Gregg Williams instead of Jauron? The Bills' confused-time-out-before-turnover gameplan didn't just start three Septembers ago, y'know ... Actually, that reminds me of the last Buffalo Destroyers (remember them?) game I ever watched. Down 20, final minute, time out, pick-six. I sat there thinking to myself, "That's the play you came up with?" Then, laughing, I changed the channel ...
  3. Tulsa, huh? How many of those players d'ya think were recruited by former Bills assistant coach Steve Kragthorpe before he moved on to ruin Louisville?
  4. Damn. That bites, Tom. Knowing you, though, you'll come through -- you refuse to do otherwise.
  5. Like the team. Hate the Smurf Turf. Makes me wonder if my TV's busted. Go Bulls.
  6. And I respect that, keg. (Obviously, I also know a few people there.) That's why I'm not banging the drum for a boycott. It's going to take me a long time to let go of this grudge, though, and that has more to do with the how than the why. The why? That's nationwide. Mike Igoe's buyout was accepted by Channel 2, and Newsday dropped this bombshell earlier today: Just ... wow.
  7. True enough. But while my employer can easily train someone off the street to perform my job -- in fact, they're getting along just fine without me for the rest of this year -- writing at Pitoniak's level is a creative talent most people our age don't possess, much less someone fresh out of J-school. Watch in the months ahead, and see if your sports section doesn't get measurably worse. Thanks for doing your part to keep the industry afloat, Rock. But I'll be perfectly honest, there's more to this story. And now that I know a little more about how/why it went down the way it did, you can rest assured the D&C won't get another dime from me unless/until I know a certain person in management is gone.
  8. Good heavens, you're right -- happy birthday, Cindy!
  9. Club seats. In other words, premium seating, which doesn't count against a sellout. Jacksonville's dirty little (non-)secret: their blackout threshold is actually more than 10,000 seats lower than stadium capacity, because almost the entire lower bowl is considered club seating. From what I saw at the ticketing link, the deal at the Rogers Centre is the same way:
  10. True dat. If Buffalo, not Miami, was the team still firmly in the playoff picture ... but they're not.
  11. Trolling for discussion topics? I'll bite ... "Come to terms" is probably an apt description. There's still a lot of anger, but I believe people are now resigned to the fact that the team will be boarding buses on Saturday and crossing the border for a so-called "home" game. Hate the idea, but there's not a whole heck of a lot we can do about it, and the topic has been beaten into the ground since it first reared its ugly head in October 2007. And with Ted Rogers' passing earlier in the week, the chief bogeyman in the scenario is out of the picture. FIRE THE COACH!! and PLAYER [xxxx] STINKS!!!, now, there are some rants people can still get amped up about. How the hell DID we get from 5-1 and the darlings of the national media to 6-6 and sinking fast, anyhow?
  12. Sounds like the company named in my new avatar. Close to 2,000 layoffs in the last week alone, including some of their best and brightest, but word is Gannett CEO Craig Dubow will still be going on his Caribbean cruise over the holidays. Would it be in bad taste to hope he gets washed overboard and -- professional courtesy aside -- eaten by sharks? Threadjack over, sorry to hear about your plight, T_R. Wish I could help.
  13. http://audio.wgr550.com/m/audio/21591257/h...-roundtable.htm Howard Simon led the hour with it, still not quite believing Thurman actually said what he did. The quote in the promo: "They're still pretty much in the same funk they were in five or six weeks ago. Until somebody else owns this football team, you're going to continue to see these types of coaches with this organization." Add: I'll ask around, and see if they can put the whole thing up in the Vault ...
  14. You're right, of course. Now I'm wondering where I got the 2-25 from. Hmmm... early stages of memory loss? To answer an earlier question, that was a couple of years before I was old enough to start going to games.
  15. Preaching to the choir about the Baron family. The kid looks all wrong in baby blue. He should be wearing brown and white, just like his dad. And believe me, it was even better in person. Drive downtown to see the Bonnies literally throw a game away against the hated Golden Stiffs, then get up the next morning, put on seventeen layers of winter gear, and head out to O.P. to watch the Bills lay an even bigger egg. Top it off with a lovely drive home through ski country during a winter weather advisory, including a stop at an accident scene. (Thankfully, everyone was okay and the FD was already on the way.) What a weekend, eh? And tomorrow morning, I leave for Buffalo to do it again ...
  16. I live in the boonies. No AT+T here. I've talked to a few writers who have the Curve, and it seems to work just fine for them. Oh, and I'm currently "surfing" in the shallow end of the pool (Motorola E815), so this would still be an upgrade.
  17. Although I've been considering a Crackberry for a while now, I've heard bad things about the Storm. And since I'd be using it primarily to write and surf, I'm with Dean -- real keys, pleez.
  18. Long time ago, yes. According to the sports department's page at The News, he's been in Buffalo since 1989. That probably means he remembers what good football looks like. The 49ers game wasn't it.
  19. The lede of that story was Roethlisberger's injury, caused by the mud on the practice field. I pointed out that the Bills wouldn't have to worry about that, since their outdoor practice field is the same surface as the stadium. In other words, I was agreeing with you.
  20. While the point has some merit, the Ralph's practice field has the same turf as the stadium. No mud.
  21. Fixed, although he does still write about the Bills on the blog. He was pulled off the Browns game because of the iffy weather forecast, but he'll be in Toronto.
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