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Everything posted by Lori

  1. You know what I wanted to see there? Jauron taking the recorder Sully was waving and slam-dunking it off the carpet. That would have been cool. (Not that I have a problem with Sully asking those entirely valid questions ...)
  2. Denver game was Andre Reed, in 1997, and I still haven't forgiven him for that call.
  3. You know Lowder's resume well, I'm sure, but I'm guessing not everyone here does. Anyhoo. Mildly famous Aubie alum Charles Barkley weighs in on ESPN: Lobbying for Gill, alum Barkley says Auburn should have hired black coach
  4. Ryan Leaf got a second chance, didn't he? Never say never ...
  5. Schopp's argument from last night ... but one of these is not like the other. Cleveland: down two, at the 34-yard line, making it a 51-yard FG (at the very edge of Lindell's range, no matter what was said in the postgame press conference). New Jersey: Up three, trying to run out the clock. In the Monday night game, it was imperative to try to get as many yards as possible. They didn't, and Lindell missed a kick that was longer than it needed to be. Yesterday, what was the worst that could have happened if Lynch had been stuffed on both second and third downs? A punt from the Bills' 20, inside the two-minute warning and after forcing the Jets to use at least one of their timeouts? Considering that the Jets had ZERO first downs in the fourth quarter, even though the D has given up its share of late-game drives this season, that's still an acceptable risk. If Brett Favre puts together a two-minute-drill to beat you, that's one thing ... and far preferable to literally handing them the game.
  6. Although I wasn't among them, I think that's what a substantial number of TBDers were arguing during last offseason ...
  7. No, wait, seriously ... JP may love the city of Buffalo, but the Bills administration? Not so much. He's putting this team in his rear-view mirror at 4 p.m. on Dec. 28.
  8. They knew Losman was in at quarterback, correct? And still called the play anyway? That's on them, then.
  9. Just one question. Why, "Presumably Hamdan will."? Far as I know, his contract's up after this season.
  10. While noting that Fine had a clean release off the line of scrimmage, and that the play was designed to the fullback all along (making whether or not Evans was open irrelevant), I will only argue one point of your post. J.P. Losman is 27 years old. He started his first game for this team almost FOUR FULL SEASONS AGO. How long does he get before we stop talking about "young" and "inexperience"?
  11. A highlight tape complete with the Football Follies theme music ...
  12. I like the kid, but honestly ... could there be a more fitting ending?
  13. Still "sources say," though. Give me a name, or a release. From Chris Brown's live-blog yesterday:
  14. Nope. The end (Kenyon Coleman) went inside, getting stuck behind the Preston-Jenkins battle. Dockery picked up Calvin Pace long enough to take him out of the initial play. Peters missed Elam. More important point, and the reason the playcall was so incomprehensible: the Jets rushed six, and the TE (Fine) released. If McIntyre was supposed to go out for a pass, that would leave Lynch to block 99 (Bryan Thomas) on the right side of the Bills formation ... right where Losman was rolling to. Thomas collided with McIntyre before getting to Lynch; if I had to bet, I'd say Losman was watching that instead of worrying about backside pressure. And just as Elam catches up to Losman, McIntyre DOES get open, but by that time, Thomas is past Lynch. While some QBs would have already made the decision to either eat the ball or throw it into the third row, that was too much information for J.P.'s brain to process. Game over. Season over.
  15. For those still masochistic enough to listen to the postgame, Nick Mendola just said that the actual playcall on Losman's fumble was a pass to Corey McIntyre. Yeah, Corey McIntyre. No, I'm not making that up. Neither was he. Oh, and he disagrees with Schopp about the play: "Why in the world were they passing on 2nd-and-5 with just over two minutes to play and the lead? That was easily the dumbest play call of the year. Bar none. I want you all to send me emails about dumber play calls and I will tell you why this one was worse. Horrible, horrible, horrible." Should be a fun hour ...
  16. Although I don't get to listen to the show much anymore, I still consider Simon -- a friend of TBD for several years now -- the best sportstalker in the Buffalo market. (And to be honest, he used to have some fun with GR, back when they were still the opposition ... )
  17. He did take a shot, no? Bet Preston hears from 280 Park on that one, even though it's Triplette's job to get out of the way.
  18. To each his own, but you do have a choice: 97 Rock postgame show
  19. Another week, another "I hate Mike Schopp" thread. And yet, you keep listening. Maybe I'm weird this way, but if I find something I don't like, I try not to subject myself to continued exposure to same. Just a thought ...
  20. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game...me_day_preview/
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