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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Don't let Kenny see this, or he'll have one of these for next season.
  2. Yup. It takes hard work to blow a game in such spectacular fashion, although the Bills are getting good at doing just that. (Dallas, anyone?)
  3. As someone posted on a different thread after watching yesterday's uncomfortable press conference, it almost makes you feel bad for Jauron. He has enough on-the-field issues to answer for, but since Ralph and Russ don't have regularly-scheduled availability, he's left holding the bag for this, too. Part of the job? In this case, I'm not so sure.
  4. Some light reading for a Tuesday afternoon ... http://iowastate.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=889020 http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/524512.html?imw=Y
  5. That's what my mom and I did the night my brother and his new family came home. (That, and a sizable amount of cash in the card I took to the hospital.) Both seemed to go over well ...
  6. You know, we haven't covered that part of the play nearly enough. Nice job of getting absolutely FLATTENED, Langston.
  7. All Rock and I said was that because we liked the kid, we hoped he was the answer the team has been seeking at QB. Turns out he wasn't. (By the way, if you guess noone here is in contact with players off the field, you'd be guessing wrong.) And in the times I've been around Losman, nobody was dickish enough to compare him to Rob Johnson.
  8. That's where I'm at, too. Guessing he was supposed to take Pace, while Dockery picked up the end ... but when that didn't happen, there was only one guy left that he could have blocked. And if Elam wasn't his assignment, then why did he make the (unsuccessful) effort? Honestly, though, I can't get too down on him; I doubt any tackle in the league can match a DB in quickness. For me, it still goes back to making the playcall in the first place, and crediting the Jets for lucking into running the right defense against it.
  9. Actually, for those of us who spend significant time at training camp, the answer is yes. Don't have his number in my cell phone, but he knows several of us by name. (He hates the Adam Sandler lookalike jokes, by the way. I'm convinced that's the real reason he grew the beard.) Now, liking the kid -- which I do -- and wanting to watch him play QB for my team are two different things ...
  10. Official title: Assistant Head Coach. His bio was right behind Gregg's and in front of the coordinators' in the 2003 media guide. Mularkey wanted to add the DC job when he took over, but the way I see it, LeBeau not only preferred Pittsburgh, he also wanted to go back to running his beloved 3-4. Buffalo hasn't had a 3-4 team since Wade left and Gregggg started getting rid of "fat guys."
  11. I'd like to think Corp is right, but I still remember the handshake agreement to not franchise Nate Clements. Sorry, but despite all our wishful thinking, I can't see either Ralph or Russ playing hardball with Jauron when the team was 5-1. Let's hope I'm wrong. And as my bitter friend from downstate points out ... while ESPN's initial report may have caused confusion, the Bills are doing just fine at looking bad without any outside help.
  12. In the year before Chizik took over at ISU, Dan McCarney dropped to 4-8 after finishing 7-5 and going to bowl games in the two years before that. Jim Hofher's record at UB: 2001 Buffalo 3-8-0 2002 Buffalo 1-11-0 2003 Buffalo 1-11-0 2004 Buffalo 2-9-0 2005 Buffalo 1-10-0
  13. He said he thinks it was signed ... but back in October, not on Sunday. Here's a post from early November: And that mailbag was delivered on Saturday morning.
  14. Anyone who's ever crossed paths with Gill here knows what a personable, friendly guy he is in meet-and-greet situations. If he didn't get the job because the boosters are uncomfortable rubbing elbows with him at a soiree, then Barkley is 100 percent correct. Their loss.
  15. From the Post-Gazette, circa October 2004: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/04276/389413-66.stm And here's their story from when he signed: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/04016/262080-66.stm
  16. Here's another question, Tim: In all the pro beats you've covered, have you ever seen a team keep contract info under wraps the way the Bills do? I feel like I'm watching the NHL playoffs, when the coach says "upper-body injury" to describe a guy with a busted ankle. Sully's right. Why not announce it the week it was supposed to be done? The Bills were still a respectable 5-2 at that point, with the icebergs still off in the distance. Why the secrecy? I thought we were done with Donahoe and his paranoia.
  17. Asking LeBeau to choose between Buffalo and Pittsburgh? No matter how much money RCW might have offered him, I'm not sure the Bills win that argument.
  18. Listening to the clip now. Sully's thought, right about the 11:45 mark: why wouldn't they have announced it in October? And now they're stuck, if Ralph doesn't want to bring him back. "The whole thing is puzzling to me, right up to ESPN running something that suggests he signed it Sunday, which is absolutely untrue. And then it looked like their report changed at some point, because then the final thing was some really flimsy report that started out, 'Despite going on a 1-7 slide' ... they wrote it as if they were talking about something that happened in October, like it wasn't really news. It was really strange to me."
  19. Hey, Tim, thanks for dropping in. On his regular WGR appearance this afternoon, Sully apparently blasted ESPN for making it look like the deal was signed yesterday ... so whatever the misunderstanding was, it went that far. I didn't hear it, but here's that thread: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=79297 And here's the link in the Audio Vault: http://audio.wgr550.com/m/audio/21666001/1...opp-bulldog.htm Honestly? I think you, Chuck, and everybody else who came to the conclusion that the deal was inked back in October, were right. I also think the hed and the first sentence in your link -- the same story that set people off here -- were the source of the confusion you're trying to clear up now. "Bills coach Jauron signs extension" (instead of signed) and "Despite going on a 1-7 slide" do make it sound like the contract was signed after that stretch of futile football, no?
  20. I didn't read the articles. I watched the play, over and over and over, at this link. Peters did neither of the things you suggest, because the end was inside Calvin Pace (who was picked up by Dockery), and got caught up behind the Preston/Jenkins collision. Elam was the only guy outside Pace, but he was simply too fast for Peters to catch.
  21. When people can't find anything to disagree with in his post ... Speaking of the NE game, I'm sure we can find you a ticket, whether you like it or not. Quoted for truth. Yup, that's our team. I was sitting upstairs in the press box/camera deck at the hoops game I covered tonight; when the A.D. spotted me up there, his first words (yelled from court level during a timeout) were, "Hey, how about those Bills!" After the game, he warned me about some speed traps the NY state police were setting up around Buffalo -- get caught, and your "fine" is two tickets to the Patriots game. And he's a fellow Bills fan. ...sigh... at least I didn't have to sit through this one in person ...
  22. Wow. This is the news Jason Whitlock has been hoping for ... http://www.kansascity.com/666/story/937972.html
  23. Really? I'm not exactly a fan of his work myself, but ... really? Guess we have vastly different senses of humor, then.
  24. You know, you're entitled to disagree with them (and I do in this case), but ... punching someone for dumping a phone call? C'mon. Be better than that.
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