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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Yeah, but they're ALL better than linotypes. (Edit: Cincy would probably disagree with that, too. )
  2. Serious question: Have you listened to Parker (Bulldog) when Schopp is on vacation and he's doing the show solo?
  3. The TH used to be the same width as our paper. They're at least an inch and a half narrower now, maybe two, and I think the BuffNews might be narrower yet. And when I picked up a copy of the AZ Republic after the Cards game, I thought I was holding an elongated magazine ... Agreed about the improved readability, though. Thank goodness for computerized pagination.
  4. My ego wishes I could agree ... but if you ever run across a copy of his takeout on Sean Galliher, give it a read.
  5. There's been a *LOT* of discussion on this move inside the industry since we first started hearing the rumors at the end of November. My take: are the savings from cutting delivery back by 60% really worth the cost of pissing off the few loyal print subscribers they have left? And how do you think the seven-day advertisers like it? If the OTH ever tries this, I'm canceling the same day the announcement comes out. James brings up a good point about the ever-shrinking newspaper, which also sneakily continues to get narrower, hoping the readers won't notice and trying to claim it's "easier to hold" when they do. Oh yeah, one more thing: Who owns 95 percent of the Detroit Media Partnership? If you guessed the company pictured in my avatar, you win a prize -- one share of Gannett stock, assuming it hasn't been delisted yet.
  6. There's been a *LOT* of discussion on this move inside the industry since we first started hearing the rumors at the end of November. My take: are the savings from cutting delivery back by 60% really worth the cost of pissing off the few loyal print subscribers they have left? If the OTH ever tries this, I'm canceling the same day the announcement comes out. James brings up a good point about the ever-shrinking newspaper, which also sneakily continues to get narrower, hoping the readers won't notice and trying to claim it's "easier to hold" when they do. Oh yeah, one more thing: Who owns 95 percent of the Detroit Media Partnership? If you guessed the company pictured in my avatar, you win a prize -- one share of Gannett stock, assuming it hasn't been delisted yet.
  7. Marinelli didn't ... and judging from the mea culpa Parker cranked out shortly thereafter, neither did DetNews management.
  8. You recall correctly. From the gamebook: Temp: 30° F (-1.1° C), Humidity: 67%, Wind: ENE 6 mph Outdoor Weather: Forecast: Periods of light sleet or freezing rain. Temps in low to mid 30s., Wind Chill: 24 I looked that stat up before the Toronto game -- maybe for a comment I posted on Graham's blog? -- and that Miami game was the only one either Edwards or Losman has ever won with the temp under 40 degrees. (At least I think I cut it off at 39. I'll have to see if I can find that ...)
  9. You know me too well. Absolutely sarcasm, brought on by weeks worth of "we just have to play better" soundbites. And I share your frustration at the fact that opposing wideouts run free through Buffalo's secondary on seemingly every play, with our WR corps apparently the only one in the league that can't get any separation.
  10. Nope. Still a lot of quality writing out there; you just have to know where to find it. And Sullivan = Parker? Not. Even. Close. Sully's got a long way to go to be suspended from his column.
  11. That's why "WWHI" is PFW's version of a gossip column. Believe it or don't; some of it ends up being true, some not. Is it "journalism"? Depends on who you ask. You wouldn't write a story from a single anonymous source ... but to be honest, I don't see anything wrong with this.
  12. What? Change the scheme they've been working on since OTAs? Nobody ever successfully does that, do they? Wade Phillips switching from a 3-4 base to a 4-3 in one week's worth of practice for a game against Miami? Didn't happen. Your eyes deceived you. (Of course, we still had our Hall of Fame DE back then, too ... and a DT who might join him in a few years ...) C'mon, Dave. It's the execution, not the scheme. Or at least that's what they keep telling us ...
  13. Obviously, given Jerry's choice of occupation... Not my job to defend Sully -- who rather enjoys poking hornets' nests to see what happens -- or his columns. (I will begrudgingly note, however, that he beat out a favorite of mine, Mike Vaccaro, for first place in sports columns in this year's statewide Associated Press writing contest.) But if you think he's bad, how about Rob Parker asking Lions coach Rod Marinelli if his daughter should have married her husband, who happens to be Detroit's D-coordinator? (Hit Beerball's link for the full story ...)
  14. Not nearly as good as the time he blamed Sully for his increased Prozac dosage, but they can't all be instant classics ...
  15. My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.
  16. You'd have to ask the guy who started that thread, once he gets over his disappointment at Peters' absence long enough to get back to a computer.
  17. Knee. Limited Wednesday and Friday, DNP Thursday. And what does he care? It's all about making the Pro Bowl, right? Mission accomplished, might as well shut it down until February.
  18. Hell, I laughed during the play. Okay, it was kind of an I-can't-believe-I'm-actually-seeing-this-happen laugh, but still.
  19. All right ... What the hell? Boy's been out in that Florida sun too long.
  20. It depends. There were long stretches earlier in the year where that biggest-in-the-league line wasn't opening holes, and Lynch and Jackson had to fight their way back to the line of scrimmage more often than not. I used to B word about Mularkey letting his OCs throw all the time on 3rd-and-short ... until I checked the run stats for that down/distance and saw the miserable conversion rate. Now, I'd agree that they should be a good smash-mouth, run-the-ball-down-your-throat team, and I've done my share of bitching about Beef Moe not touching the ball often enough. If those carries are only getting two yards a crack, though, I can understand Schonert wanting to try something else (even if I might not always agree).
  21. Sorry, JR ... but it is newsworthy, and he didn't take any personal shots at Losman. If we only reported/wrote the happy stuff, people would B word about not going after the "real" stories. That's just my opinion, of course. If you want to ask Tim that question directly, you can either PM him here, or drop him a line in his chat or mailbag. I'm sure he'd give you an honest answer.
  22. Rookie OC, yes. But don't forget that the "first time starting QB" made a major contribution to last year's stats, and without the benefit of the first-team reps in training camp.
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