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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Yup. I think our high school coach quick-kicks at least once in every game. I called one before the snap at a road game this season, and the clock/PA guys said "yeah, right" ... then looked at me in disbelief when it actually happened. Don't see it that often in an NFL game, though. Yesterday, as I saw Cassel drop the ball for the kick, I just shook my head and thought to myself, Great call. You think Trent Edwards has ever practiced a quick-kick since coming to Buffalo? Think the coaching staff has ever even talked about the scenario, much less gameplanned it? I'm guessing ... no.
  2. Guess they shouldn't have gotten their asses kicked by those Chargers back in October, then.
  3. I still remember putting together a several-thousand-word bio on Sherman, on the off chance that Soprano was correct. Yeah, that was fun, especially when they announced Jauron as the coach instead ...
  4. 1967. 17-16 Bills at Bears Stadium, with a two-touchdown fourth-quarter comeback led by Jack Kemp.
  5. I bailed to Danny's for much the same reason -- I wasn't standing outside for five hours in that mess -- although I've been intending to wander over there and say hi for most of the season. (Best laid plans, and all that.) And wouldn't you know, Andy wasn't there today. Ah well ...
  6. Damn. Guess that leaves me out, because I don't normally pose for pictures when I talk to a coach. (The only exceptions have been when our staff photog wanted a shot to run with a story, and I gritted my teeth both times ...)
  7. Happened about 8:20 a.m.; sat in my car in Lot 1 and saw that section peel off, then watched it take out a transformer over on California Rd. No power in the stadium for a while, and cell service was disrupted, as were most of the pregame broadcasts. (Obviously, no festivities inside the fieldhouse.) When I walked into Danny's to say hi to the GR crew at 9:45 or thereabouts, I told Howard about the rumor I'd heard regarding the possibility of delaying the game because the goalposts had blown down. He tried to get confirmation before he went on the air, but before he heard back, we saw the live shot on ESPN. So, he spent most of his first two segments (I wandered back to the lot after the second one) talking about the weather instead of the game while his producer tried to get their server back online so he could take phone calls. All in all, an ... interesting ... morning.
  8. As some of you may know, Bill O'Reilly is ending "The Radio Factor" early next year. (Yeah, yeah, there was much rejoicing on the left side of the aisle ... but this thread isn't about O'Reilly, and I'd like it to stay that way. If you feel the need, take it to PPP instead.) All right, you're saying, then why IS this here? Well, WECK 1230 and its sister station WLVL happen to carry his show -- currently on weekdays from 4-6 p.m. -- and its departure will leave a hole in their schedule. And as rumor has it, that afternoon-drive timeslot -- expanded to 4-7 p.m. -- will reportedly be filled in-house, by someone whose work should already be VERY familiar to the Two Bills Drive community. More to follow ...
  9. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/articles/game...me_day_preview/ Last call in Lot 1 until August 2009 ...
  10. Lions will reduce prices for some season tickets Of course, with that team, Lions tickets are no bargain at any price ...
  11. Damn good point. In fact, if I see Jerry tomorrow morning, I may mention that thought to him ...
  12. First time the Chargers and Broncos played, Rivers ripped 'em up for 377 yards and 3 TDs. This time, he'll be pissed about the way that game ended, it's win-or-go-home time, and Champ Bailey still isn't at full speed. First time the Bills and Pats played, Cassel threw for 234 with no TDs. This time, there's a forecast for a 30mph wind from the SW, which should set up that lovely swirling effect we all know and love ... but one Cassel has never played in. Good day to run the ball, and the Pats' running game has been outstanding lately. Easy call.
  13. Hey! D'oh. '94, I mean. Suppose I'd better go fix that.
  14. MadMike? No, no, no, and no. Did I mention ... NO. Ask Bobby April about Martz. He's a big fan, if flipping him the bird from the opposite sideline (as April allegedly did during the 2004 Bills-Rams game) counts as fandom. Yeah -- once upon a time, Martz canned April as his STs coach. How's that for decision-making prowess?
  15. Always. Come and find out whether I'm just as obnoxious in person. For future reference, directions are posted over on the tailgate board. And I'm not going to look it up, but I think the temp was near 50 when Rob Johnson beat the Colts to set up the Flutie benching (1/2/00). Wasn't too bad for the Pitt game a couple of years ago, either. In fact, I think I've sat through worse weather in October than I ever have in January up there. (This, of course, comes with the caveat that I didn't attend the below-zero playoff game in '94.) Don't know that anyone's crying about the weather, but it doesn't hurt to give people a heads-up on same so they know what to pack (besides the beer, of course) ...
  16. Really? A high school classmate lost an eye to a BB in sixth grade. Never asked him, but I'm guessing he doesn't enjoy this movie ...
  17. Clear plastic, no larger than 12x12x12 -- think a Tops or Wegman's bag. Backpacks are a no-no, and they can be bitchy about small duffel bags, even ones that meet the size requirements. But yeah, you'll want that stuff tomorrow. Even if it doesn't rain during the game, the rain suit will help block the 30mph breeze.
  18. Wind's kicking up a little out there right now, but it sounds like the dreaded "Hawk" may be searching for prey by Sunday afternoon. Their Cali QB vs. ours. Should be fun.
  19. Thankfully, that nonsensical statement isn't even close to being true.
  20. Because a week after looking it up, I'm still in shock that it was that long ago. (Of course, the fact that the Bills didn't play out there between 1978-1994 may have had something to do with the streak's longevity ...) But see? If they can break a streak that was older than I am, there's still hope for Sunday, right? Right? Please say yes.
  21. Still is. Now, can I have the last two minutes of my life back?
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